Math School

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Alison Jean Cole

Dec 28, 2010, 7:01:24 PM12/28/10
Sounds great!
Please make sure these folks get their courses up on P2PU asap and point them to the course design handbook and orientation.
One math person joined the orientation and told me she didn't know where to put her course.
Also, when you begin to coordinate courses with folks, please keep P2PU copied on important emails so we can stay in the loop.


On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 1:51 PM, Joe Corneli <> wrote:
Just to weigh in here briefly -

For now, the focus is mainly going to be on running a half dozen or so
successful courses.  As Maria said earlier, any work to build a
coalition would be time-consuming -- but we agree that a successful
"incubation" round at P2PU will make a big difference and will likely
attract many interesting, interested, people.  It's probably a bit
early to even guess about what we might spend money on (just my view).

Regarding the aims of the "Math Future" school: currently a lot of it
is drawing on Maria's existing community and practices, but I for one
am hoping to get my math-related projects into the mix (I don't think
we need "two" math schools, but one that includes various different
approaches would be cool!) -- and I'd like to see other individuals
and groups getting involved as time goes by.

This morning, I was kicking around an expanded version of the name
that I rather like, "School of the Mathematical Future" -- which I
think gets at both the pedagogical and technological aspects of the
project.  Not everyone involved with mathematics or math education
would be interested in a project with this focus -- but I think there
will likely be quite a few who are interested.  Just what sort
organizing work (e.g. outreach or inreach) is most useful depends on
various factors (including various factors that are relevant across
P2PU, and some that are specific to this particular

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 6:00 PM, Maria Droujkova <> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 4:29 PM, Maria Droujkova <>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Alison Jean Cole
>> <> wrote:
>>> re Maria/Math: You should definitely get folks to put these courses up on
>>> before the orientation begins on 10 January.
> I just heard back from Peter Appelbaum, the coordinator of mathematics
> education courses at Arcadia University where I will be teaching a graduate
> course on mathematics curriculum development. They will be happy if I make
> the course open to participation through P2PU. This adds the sixth course to
> our list in the School of Mathematical Future. It makes me happy for the
> course members, who I believe will get a better experience this way.
> I want to thank Alec Couros, whose work I am using as a model for setting up
> this course.
> Cheers,
> Maria Droujkova
> Make math your own, to make your own math.

Maria Droujkova

Dec 30, 2010, 2:07:00 PM12/30/10
We will probably create descriptions of courses on the Math Future site by the 5th, and upload and register everything at P2PU by the 10th. I will be sending news to the Community list when we have any.

Happy New Year!
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