Notes from P2PU Community Call - Thursday 2 June 2011

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Rebecca Kahn

Jun 2, 2011, 12:18:12 PM6/2/11
to, P2PU Technical Development, p2pu-researches
Hi everyone

Here are the notes from this week's community call. And since clicking on a link can be a real pain, this week we're copying all the note-y goodness into the mail. If you want to see the pad though (and the chat that went alongside it) then feel free to head over to




2 June 2011

  • Trickle Campaign, Tag notifications, Updates: how should we implement smoothly?
  • World Bank and other potential sources of funding
  • file uploads (if we need to talk about it...?)
  • Update on ticket discussion from last week - is the system working? 
  • Terminology feedback (multiple terms instead of study group) -- Please visit (both text that are permanently displayed or those that are displayed when users submit a form or do something)
  • New task navigation layout
  • Communications push June - pushed to meeting with Bekka and Philipp tomorrow - community list will be updated on progress
  • Metrics
  • Twitter

  • Alison
  • Jessica
  • Erin
  • selfstudier
  • jessy
  • Zuzel

Stand-ups (type in when you arrive)
  • Alison: working on help desk tutorials, user support, wiki gardening, orientation planning, and more tutorials next big tasks

  • Jessica
  • Coding (task UI, new email on group creation, and a few other things) and getting ready for 0.7
  • And another study group member committed for the first time this week! Woo hoo!

  • Erin
  • Badge pilot phase 2 prep - messaging and new badges/assessments
  • Help desk script on badges for Ali
  • Interviewing for assessment specialist and research positions
  • Meetings galore
  • Prepping for a move back east! (oo do tell! :) --jessy) moving to southern 3 weeks! eeek! :)

  • Bekka
  •  Admin stuff (contracting, workshop materials, paperwork)
  • Email
  • General community tasks 

  • Jessy
  • looking into search
  • APIs
  • running formal reasoning in computer science

  • Zuzel
  • Talked with Jessica yesterday on the dev meeting about how we can use those meetings
  • Preparing for todays feature freeze

  • Philipp
  • Trying to hire (for school of webcraft, and assessment)
  • ORG stuff - bank account, financial systems
  • Legal stuff - draft documents from the lawyers
  • Business ideas


Trickle Campaign
  • Tag interest 
  • Ali will gather up a plan of attack and we will give feedback :)
  • Tickets - review them
  • Roadmap/document when users get reengaged and how (missing X?)
  • what emails to whom and why

  • Make sure we're hitting our overall goals
  • It would be great to get larger goals from all working groups in to the roadmap
  • and updating
  • Can be useful for community so that they can see what they can do right now
  • Dev roadmap was good for saying "can make courses/study groups" and "get ready for migration" to tell us what we're prioritizing that milestone. I like that. But maybe when we focus on Task UI versus X?
  • Possible to look at Roadmap at 2 levels - 
  • 1 is a high-level document with a few main areas of overview of activity:
  • Second document: This is stuff that is happening-type document which is where people see the day-to-day stuff that is going on. Possible to have this actually take place in the weekly call, either every week or once a month? A slightly more messy, useable document for everyone to use
  • Perhaps use the first call of every month to review roadmap
  • Not use this for tech - there are good systems in place there. 
  • TASK: Bekka to mail the list, remind them about the Roadmap, ask them to help with a month-long trial.

Funding - World Bank and other funding sources
  • Revenue Generation
  • Idea: P2PU as a Platform that generates revenue
  • Can we offer a solution that is low-cost and within their capacity-building interests?
  • Silver package: Can do this, that, and etc. So that community can run the courses.
  • Examples: Journalism courses last year(?)
  • Product (off the shelf) but also specialized consulting services?
  • Potential customers / clients:
  • Universities (as in the journalism courses) - needs special features for tracking students
  • Organizations like Amnesty, Greenpeace, WITI?, Women 2.0?, Ubuntu?, Red Cross?, etc. - no need to tie into institutional systems as much
  • Challenges:
  • Previous example needed a lot of hand-holding, involvmenet on our end
  • Make sure that the platform continues to exist
  • TASK: Jessy to start making a short sketch/notes around this idea and discuss further with Philipp and others who are interested.
  • Grants / Donations
  • Do we have material (promo and marketing material) that can be distributed in support of funding drives?
  • Question: Can anyone write a grant or should we go through someone at P2PU first?
  • If it's a grant for P2PU it would need to be mentioned on the community list but it would be awesome if people are keen and see opportunities, to get the ball rolling within the community. 
  • Adding Donation link to Getting Involved page in 0.7
  • In terms of people looking for grants and finding money for P2PU, how could it work?
  • Can individuals find money for specific projects? 
  • This needs to be looked at on a case-by-case basis: if there is not a lot of overhead invloved/reporting committments/admin etc, then Philipp is happy to discuss

Ticket Discussion from last week update:
  • Zuzel seems happy with what has happened so far - no problems came up as a result of the marketing push
  • There are several areas where the input comes in, but perhaps it's a case of communicating the implicit processes to the community better. 
  • Jessica and Zuzel go through all the tickets when they do milestone creation and grab tickets that need looking at. Perhaps we can communicate this process better so that people don't feel that their tickets have been sidelined. 
  • We want input from the community on the ticket process  - ideal scenario would be to scale everything for a marathon, but this probably isn't possible. 
  • Suggestions:
  • Keep the Lernanta roadmap updated in the wiki - we can direct people there when they have questions around this process
  • Zuzel and others to work on a short, high-level document [just a few guidelines] around the process of task triage so that we can respond to people as and when they have questions around the process. (todo: prepare a proponsal for feedback)

  • Terminology feedback (multiple  terms instead of study group being tested on -- Zuzel looking for feedback on email about this, look to see if terminology is correct, and ask that everyone play around on  and look for things that need fixing. 

Rebecca Kahn
Skype: rebekahn

Jessy Kate Schingler

Jun 2, 2011, 2:44:39 PM6/2/11
to,, P2PU Technical Development
actually pasting the notes into email ALSO has the added benefit of making them super easy to read on a mobile phone (versus loading and reading in etherpad - yuk). thanks!

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