akamai university

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Philipp Schmidt

Mar 8, 2009, 4:44:18 PM3/8/09
to p2pu-d...@googlegroups.com
Interesting teaching model at online university. They are non-profit,
but to cover costs charge about 18k US$ for a bachelor degree.

They teach through one-on-one mentorship, and students can go at their own pace:

At Akamai:

1. You will have no residency requirements, and no travel demands, so
you may complete your degree within your own community
2. You may study at your own pace and in a personalized manner,
integrating new learning with your professional pursuits
3. Your program will be guided by world class faculty who will mentor
you, one-on-one, through the heights and depths of the subject matter
4. You will have access to the world's largest full text online
library that ranks among the very best in higher education
5. You will be guided in building professional development projects,
publishable quality papers and a wider network of academic and
professional colleagues for the benefit of your professional


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