The P2PU Update - 18 Feb 2011

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Philipp Schmidt

Feb 18, 2011, 11:43:25 AM2/18/11
Co-produced by Bekka & Philipp (Do you have news to report for the
next update? Send them to

Nothing but the update this week. We might re-introduce the occasional
classic YouTube video at some point. Don't say you weren't warned.

== Talking Points ==

Now everyone can talk about P2PU. And here is the script. Check out version 1.0 of the P2PU
Talking Points and leave your comments in the chat box. Thanks to all
the wordsmiths who made this catchy, yet informative. Videos of you
using it in the real world might just deserve a special edition P2PU

== London 2 - NYC 1 ==

Speaking of talking points. P2PU evangelists are continuing to spread
the word. Erin and Philipp are at the Digital Media and Learning
conference (3-5 March) and speaking about badges and accreditation.
Pippa is taking the message to the desert as she drives across the
Nullarbour Plain in southern Australia. Plans are also underway for
another P2PU UK meetup in March. And that would make it 2 London
meetups to 1 NY meetup. Just keeping score. Anyone who is in London on
12 March, click here ->

== The Community Gets Stuff Done ==

Joe migrated all the goals and tasks we came up with in Barcelona into
this pivotal tracker project. Join it, and also get stuff done.

== Research ==

Marisa Ponti shared a pre-publication draft of her paper
"Sociotechnical Relations in the Creation of an Interest-Driven Open
Course" Check it out here: and here: It's the outcome of a
three-month case study of the "Introduction to the Cyberpunk
Literature" course. It's a pre-publication draft, so please don't yet
quote or reference it. But Marisa would appreciate feedback, so why
not take a look, and then get back to her via the Research mailing

Have a great weekend!

Bekka & Philipp

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