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query about ubuntu

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Himel Nag Rana

Nov 26, 2007, 11:20:09 PM11/26/07
hi there,
can anyone please give me some information about ubuntu?

the question goes here ---
1.) I have used ubuntu running from cd, now how i will use it installed?
2.) say, i run winxp from c: drive, is it possible to run ubuntu from
any other drive or do i have to create an extra partition like red
3.) if i use parallel OS like (XP+ubuntu) or (2000+ubuntu) will it
create problem?

thanks in advance.
Himel Nag Rana.


Nov 27, 2007, 12:38:01 PM11/27/07
On Nov 26, 2007 11:20 PM, Himel Nag Rana <> wrote:
> hi there,
> can anyone please give me some information about ubuntu?
> the question goes here ---
> 1.) I have used ubuntu running from cd, now how i will use it installed?
run it from the live cd. After booting from live cd you'll see a
desktop. on the desktop you'll se an icon "install". double click it
to start the installation. The icon may be in the start menu on the

> 2.) say, i run winxp from c: drive, is it possible to run ubuntu from
> any other drive or do i have to create an extra partition like red
> hat?

All linux operates in the same way. so it will be like redhat. you
better create 2 partitions first. 1 for swap and 1 for files of
ubuntu. use those partitions when ubuntu installer asks you.
There is an option. you can create a partition large enough to hold
both swap and root(/). then tell ubuntu installer to use large
available contagious space. it will do it its own way.

> 3.) if i use parallel OS like (XP+ubuntu) or (2000+ubuntu) will it
> create problem?

No. Ubuntu is really smart unlike redhat or fedora. it will mount all
your windows drives automatically.

> thanks in advance.
> Himel Nag Rana.
> >

Its better if you have an internet connection with your ubuntu distro.
otherwise it will be a great hassle to install 3rd party softwares.
also ubuntu has no gcc. so it will be more hassle to compile any
source. and those packages are not in ubuntu cd. the only way to get
those is from net. the default ubuntu distro has only perl, nothing

Wishing the best.


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