Mitt Romney for President - - Best Official Video???

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Oct 15, 2012, 10:15:56 PM10/15/12

Mitt Romney for President - - Best Official Video Commercial

See the Brand New... Nailed it this time for good “Best Official Ryan Romney Video Commercial” that will decisively deliver the Presidency for Mitt Romney... hands down... bar none... story over... at

Mitt Romney will most likely be our next illegitimate President like George Bush was for 8 long years - - including 2 optional wars Bush lied us into - - tens of thousands of American soldiers' lives destroyed by permanent crippling injuries and death - - hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan civilians either dead, displaced, or marginalized in desperate poverty - - $$$ Trillions $$$ of dollars of Bush War Debt – AND – Bush American economy mismanagement Debt - - MILLIONS of lost jobs because of Bush - - and MILLIONS of foreclosed homes because of Bush. Meanwhile back at the ranch as calamity besieged us from all directions George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Karl Rove sat around the White House TV family room delighting in watching classified CIA secret videos of Muslims being illegally tortured in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo, Cuba which was a SUPER FUN TRIP down Memory Lane for George Bush when he went around torturing helpless animals as a child and teenager. And don't forget - - all the rest of Bush's, Cheney's, and evil-behind-the-scenes-mastermind Military Foreign Oil Complex Multi-Millionaire Profiteer KARL ROVE'S attempts to turn this country into the United States of America Banana Republic.

Mitt Romney will buy low information voters' votes with a $$$ Billion $$$ dollars most of which is from only God knows where like the Chinese Government at Mitt's Hong Kong $$$ Multi-Million $$$ dollar fundraiser. Mitt will repeat an avalanche of lies thousands of times over and over ad nausea. Mitt is a full supporter and the biggest cheerleader for Voter Suppression in 7 battle ground states.

BIGGEST PROBLEM IS - - Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have NOT ONE NEW Creative Positive Idea for American Prosperity. Romney and Ryan are tired old annoying broken records who happily rant like morons about how they want to repeat the George Bush years ECONOMY, MORE WAR (this time in Iran), take America way far away backwards to more unjust and socially divisive times, and jackhammer America $$$ Trillions $$$ more into debt so REPUBLICANS can drive this country DEAD BROKE and finally SCREAM... “See, Government doesn't work... now we have to turn America into an AYN RAND REPUBLICAN DICTATORSHIP that only serves the 1% with only crumbs left over for the 99% in the NEW AGE THROW BACK to Charles Dickens' times of miserable gross inequality.”

See the Brand New... “Best Official Ryan Romney Video Commercial” that will decisively deliver the Presidency for Mitt Romney... hands down... bar none... story over... at

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

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