Canada Bill C-279 Makes Heterosexuals Second Class Citizens

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David Jeffrey Spetch

Oct 9, 2012, 10:48:26 AM10/9/12

Canada Bill C-279 Makes Heterosexuals Second Class Citizens


(At the end of this composition I added a segment for M.P. Rob Anders)

Having looked at the bill, I see that sex and sexual orientation were already in the bill and yet again beastiality, incest and paedophilia proves that using the term sexual orientation is inappropriate to begin with because sexual orientation describes what a person has sex with and we are aware of what a person has sex with of those who practice beastiality, incest or paedophilia by those words alone which proves my claim that the term "sexual orientation" is not appropriate / not legitimate.

I also noticed that they inserted "gender identity, gender expression" within Bill C-279

"sex" as already stated within the Bill already describes gender identity. Why is the term gender identity or gender expression even in this bill when sex, which is already in the bill, already describes what gender a person is?! Men are born with a penis genital and women are born with a vagina genital and there is no valid argument contrary to this simple fact.

These so called gender expressions refer to homosexuals with their deceits they use to discriminate against heterosexuals for heterosexual orientation. Homosexuals even go so far out of their way to deceive heterosexuals that some homosexuals are getting their genital mutilated just to deceive heterosexuals for our sexual orientation thus is quite clearly discriminating heterosexuals for our sexual orientation because the fact remains these are still homosexuals with mutilated genitals and if you, as a heterosexual, express your anger for these homosexual deceptions (gender identity, gender expression or even trans gender) you get labelled a homophobe and you are the one who gets fined or charged for homosexual deceptions inciting humiliation and serious trauma through being degraded and discriminated against for being heterosexual by some homosexual with a mutilated genital according to this Bill so called Amendment. The homosexual is just going to get away free to corrupt more heterosexual victims?!! Ya think!

Heterosexuals are heterosexuals because we have sex with the opposite sex, not because we seek to have sex with any homosexual whether they have a mutilated genital or not! We are not homosexuals, we are not bi sexuals we are heterosexuals and homosexuals obviously just don't understand that and now I question whether Canadian Parliaments or Senate gets it??? Homosexuals are deliberately deceiving heterosexuals thus deliberately discriminating heterosexuals for our sexual orientation and now they have the government encouraging homosexuals discriminating heterosexuals for heterosexual orientation by not only legalizing the genital mutilation operation and to top it off publically funding it, but also encourage it with the passing of Bill C-279 as a homosexual right and all of this while the government still caters to homosexual activists blubbering false claims of discrimination?! What isn't wrong with this picture?

It's like the Canadian Federal Parliament / Senate encourages a minority group to walk up to people of a majority group and punch them in the face and yet if you, having been the one punched in the face, retaliate / express you fury then you are the one who gets charged and you are labelled a hater while the minority of face punchers tries to make a hero out of everyone of them that lands a shot on someones face! The government is making gays out to be that minority and heterosexuals the ones who are suppose to not only take a punch in the face, but do nothing about it otherwise you are going to get charged! I got news for you, heterosexuals are not homosexual punching bags or guinea pigs for that matter! You really expect heterosexuals to be traumatized and humiliated by some sick homosexual deception then just not react? Honestly it makes me furious just to think that some of them already got away with sick inexcusable behaviour while making victims out of heterosexuals because we have the Canadian government encouraging it via this Bill C-279, as well as Ontario Bill 13 and not only making genital mutilation legal but pathetically trying to pass it off as a sex change and to top it off public ally funding this deceptive genital mutilation operation and why, homosexual activists false claims of discrimination, homosexual activists veils of ignorance and distraction trying to make anything else the issue along with homosexual lies delusions, ignorance and deceit while those in Official Canadian positions cower from false threats of discrimination as well allow themselves to lose sight of the foundation of the issue because of these homosexual activists bombardments of delusions and false threats! It's all smoke and mirrors, snap out of it people!

Again thanks to heterosexuality we even exist and yet if it were up to homosexuals to sustain the population we would have died off thousands of years ago for being a race of sexually defective! Point being in this instance that people are not only born sexually defective / I quite clearly mean homosexual, people are born with mental defects and physical defects as well and yet the government is not handing out free passes for the mentally defective to go around punching holes in peoples brains to make them mentally defective. The government is not handing out free passes to physically defective people to go around hacking off peoples limbs, so why is the government handing out free passes for the sexually defective homosexuals to try and make heterosexuals out to be homosexual guinea pigs through these sick homosexual deceptions? I am a heterosexual and I want to know why our federal Parliament and Senate are even considering encouraging homosexuals to deceive heterosexuals and discriminate heterosexuals for our sexual orientation by including "gender identity, gender expression" within this Bill C-279? I suspect our governing body has gone mad and our current democratic structure is more so than ever proving to be a miserable failure as it proves once again to betray Canadians and in this case heterosexual Canadians betrayed to be subjected to become guinea pigs for these sick homosexual deceptions. Perhaps it's time that Canadian citizens replace the senate so we have a real democracy that reflects what the majority of citizens really wants instead of people in Parliament wheeling and dealing our future away into a bliss of madness!

Jason Kenney recently requested my input on an issue regarding a B.C. Judge overturning the Euthanasia ban and his concern was primarily that the judge can undermine the democratic vote on the issue by overturning it. My response was to make a protocol so that if there is another instance where a judge seeks to overturn a ban for example, that parliament get the information and put it to vote in a timely fashion. However I will add that when fact proves the democratic process as non sensible (I'm surprised the government hasn't voted on what colour the sky is, or whether an orange grows from rocks with fungus in caves or grows on trees, or if reverse is forward or forward is reverse in lieu of the nonsensical so called amendment they for now have within this bill. I mean how much tax payers dollars are going to be wasted on this delusion-ally based drivel?!) such as relevant facts were being avoided or evaded or masked behind a veil of deceptions before anything be put to vote in our democracy that any judge reserve the right to put a stop to the legislation until these facts which contradict the foundation of any legislation are revealed / brought to light before the entire Parliament / Senate / everyone. Think, how many Bills have been changed or become void because facts relevant to the foundation of the issue were not brought to light at the time of the initial democratic vote thus forming a Bill?

Homosexuals who pretend to be the opposite sex, which leads to homosexuals deceiving heterosexuals, is quite clearly homosexuals discriminating what it means to be heterosexual and the Canadian Parliament is encouraging this behaviour through passing Bill C-279. Of course this bill also tells Canadians that if you are a heterosexual and a homosexual deceives you, betrays your sexual orientation, you are just suppose to respect these deceitful homosexuals and their disgusting deceptions or you will be charged or fined etc.

The Passing of this so called amendment Bill C-279 proves that the Canadian Federal Parliament and Senate encourage homosexuals to think it is their right to deceive and discriminate heterosexuals for our sexual orientation by including such as "gender identity, gender expression" within the Bill!

Need I remind you all that there are two kinds of homosexuals. There are homosexuals who seek to have sex with other homosexuals then there are homosexuals who seek to deceive thus discriminate heterosexuals for our sexual orientation aka homosexuals who claim to try and hide their deceptions behind the phrases "gender identity, gender expression" Or even as mentioned within Ontario's Bill 13 “Trans gender” which factually means a homosexual with a mutilated genital or homosexual deceptively attempting to pass themselves off as the opposite sex to lure heterosexual victems.

Trying to get citizens to accept homosexuals who just want to have sex with other homosexuals is one thing, but expecting heterosexuals to respect homosexuals who seek to deceive us / discriminate us for our sexual orientation, use us as guinea pigs, traumatize, degrade and humiliate us with these sickly homosexual deceptions is way too far our of range for any kind of reasonable acceptance from the Canadian public or anywhere on the globe for that matter. I see great potential for a possible revolution in the near future!

They say that BILL C-279 is an Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code (gender identity and gender expression) yet what they don't tell you is that it takes away the heterosexuals right to have our heterosexual orientation respected through encouraging homosexuals as their right to discriminate heterosexuals for our sexual orientation through lowly homosexual deceptions as revealed within the Bill C-279.

Why is gender expression or gender identity even an issue? A man is born with a penis and a woman is born with a vagina which is plain and simple. When it comes to this whole what washroom to use thing, if you were born with a penis you use a men's washroom, if you were born with a vagina you use a woman's washroom because after all “man” factually describes a person born with a penis genital and “woman” factually describes a person born with a vagina genital no matter how the person feels or their lack of acceptance for what they themselves are. That is why one washroom says men and the other says women. It is not rocket science but leave it up to homosexual to avoid fact and desperately scramble to try and make anything else the issue every single time they bring up another of their deceitfully twisted issues and I guess our parliamentarians are too weak minded to handle something so simple as keeping what facts prove about the foundation of an issue in check when it comes to homosexual activist deceptions / attempts to make anything else the issue and our tax dollars get washed down the drain over complete nonsense! What a waste!

Heterosexuals have no right to have our sexual orientation respected according to this Bill and yet we are apparently according to this Bill going to just respect those who seek to deceive and discriminate us for our sexual orientation?!! Is the government building a new super jail to be filled up with heterosexual victims as well? Sadly enough In June of this year in Ontario our Provincial Parliament added to deprive heterosexuals of our right not to be discriminated against for our heterosexuality when they pushed the amendment to our Human Rights Code to add "gender identity" and "gender expression," and I'll not stop fighting this mockery of Canadian democracy at it's all time new low until I have successfully completed my goals to restore some sanity to Ontario as well Canada and of course the entire globe for the well being of the future of the life on this planet.

Why is the government setting up heterosexuals to fill jails / pay fines etc. for homosexuals deceiving / discriminating us for our sexual orientation? Ya think?!!

I'm sensing a revolution coming on. I find that Canadians are generally passive until they become seriously angry and this may just be the spark that does it! It certainly has me bouncing off the walls with disgust and disappointment in our governing system.

From what I see if things are just left alone then it won't be long before homosexual activists start telling heterosexuals that natural child birth discriminates homosexual natural ability to have children so it must be made illegal for what they will delusion-ally refer to as equality because in the minds of these homosexual activists from what I see they seem to think that if the world isn't revolving around their delusional flakieness then they start to threaten more false claims of discrimination and it's sad to see we have so many weak minds in Parliament who have been letting these delusion-ally messed up homosexual activists get away with a whole slew of veils of deceptive rhetoric! This has really gotten way out of hand and those who are supposedly looking out for Canada in official Canadian roles have let this happen and what excuse accounts for this other than laziness and cowardice?!

Oh and I once mentioned that I refrained from mentioning the MPP's name who brought to my attention Ontario Bill 13, and I shared that the reason was because I know how cruel homosexual activists can be with wasting peoples time with false claims, false accusations, warped sense of reasoning to put it on the head of one person. I exclude myself from that statement because I am the one person who knows I can take on all of these homosexual activists with the greatest of ease because I stick with the foundation of the issue at hand, share facts that back my claims and have become very skilled at deflecting pathetic attempts of these homosexual activists when they always desperately scramble to back their claims by trying to make anything else the issue! It is easy, a walk in the park and I am surprised that things have gotten this out of hand within Canadian Parliaments through homosexual activists delusions of making a claim then trying to back it up by making anything else the issue which is irrelevant to the foundation of the issue to begin with. Then somehow Parliament seems to forget what the issue is about then everything crumbles from there, people get mentally lazy and cower. An example of this is quite clearly the recent and temporarily for now mockery homosexual activists have made of marriage and I think that many of you are aware that I can nail any one of you inside and out upon that simple issue.

Ya know it would be nice come a day I feel I can actually cheer on our governments etc. instead of having to jump down every ones throat with facts that prove the claims I make on these very Canadian and global issues all the time which reveal corruption within our governing system! I mean Canadians are lead to believe that elected officials etc. have the best interest of Canada in mind however when one opens their eyes it's looking more like well being of Canada comes a far second to homosexual activist delusions and false claims of discrimination in the minds of our Parliamentarians etc.! It's shameful.

(a little segment for M.P. Rob Anders. A legitimate premise: if for example, a man with a mutilated penis deceitfully pretending to be a woman can use a womans washroom, then men who do not have mutilated genitals are being discriminated against for not being allowed to use the womans washroom and vice verse with women using a men's washroom as opposed to a woman with a mutilated vagina deceitfully pretending to be a man using the men's washroom. Homosexual activists claims of discrimination are falsely and delusion-ally based)


David Jeffrey Spetch

Ps. Be good, be strong!

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