J & J gravel ride Monday's 6:45 P from Savee's

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Ron Fortune

Nov 21, 2016, 1:10:01 PM11/21/16
to Wichita...@googlegroups.com, OzEast...@googlegroups.com
Subject: J & J gravel ride leaves from Savee's at 6:45 P Mondays
This will be a standing easy, no drop gravel ride from Savee's every Monday night weather permitting.  We will probably pass if the starting temp is below 40.  We ride about 20 miles plus or minus with about a 13 MPH plus or minus average. We try to roll out close to 6:45P.  Savee's address is 10051 North Hydraulic. It the 3 rd house south or 101 st north on Hydraulic on the West side of the street.  We usually park behind the house.
Unless there is a change this will be the last email as this is a standing ride.     
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