Spring Jam

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Jenny List

Feb 12, 2016, 6:23:11 AM2/12/16
to Oxford Raspberry Jam
It's time to start thinking about a spring Oxford Raspberry Jam.

Oxford Hackspace is happy to host it, we just need to settle on a date and bring along the stuff we've done with it.

Any suggestions?

Alex Gibson

Feb 12, 2016, 6:31:40 AM2/12/16
to oxford-ras...@googlegroups.com

Great!  I can guarantee to bring some things worth seeing, have been busy using R-pi (a lot) in a 3D printer, using one in a 3D scanner, maybe something else cool too!


We could do a Doodle poll to get best dates?  I’d ideally go for 7th, 11th,14th, 16th or 18th March.




Alex Gibson


+44 7813 810 765    @alexgibson3d    37 Royal Avenue, Reading RG31 4UR


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See us on http://raspberryjam.org.uk/oxford/ --- Sponsored by Design Spark: http://www.designspark.com
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Jenny List

Feb 12, 2016, 6:58:32 AM2/12/16
to Oxford Raspberry Jam, al...@alexgibson.net

We could do a Doodle poll to get best dates?  I’d ideally go for 7th, 11th,14th, 16th or 18th March.

Let me run those dates past the hackspace people to see what days they have. 


Pete Wood

Feb 13, 2016, 5:14:11 AM2/13/16
to Oxford Raspberry Jam
Sounds great!  I've got some things too.

Please keep me posted

Jenny List

Apr 1, 2016, 9:30:17 AM4/1/16
to Oxford Raspberry Jam
Sorry everyone, things have rather got away from me in the last few weeks, a lot has been happening.

I had a chat last night about hackspace availability. April is pretty booked up, so it's looking like early May. An increasingly inaccurately named Spring Jam then. 

So, If I put it in for the first week in May, we can have a Jam. Thursday the 5th is hackspace open night, if we do it then we'll have loads of extra people but it could be too crowded. 

Wednesday the 4th sound good?


Darren Townsend

Apr 28, 2016, 5:05:30 AM4/28/16
to Oxford Raspberry Jam

Is this Jam still happening? I can't find any news or publicity about it.

Regards, Darren.

Jenny List

Apr 28, 2016, 5:45:25 PM4/28/16
to Oxford Raspberry Jam
Indeed it is! Next Wednesday.

There's a thread about it on the Pi forum.

Darren Townsend

Apr 30, 2016, 6:35:20 PM4/30/16
to Oxford Raspberry Jam
Thanks, Jenny.

I am aware of the forum post but, as mine is the last post on there and I didn't get an answer, I thought I'd just check. To be honest, I'm surprised at the lack of publicity for it! It's not shown on the MagPi Jam map for this month, and there's nothing on the Oxford Hackspace site or Facebook page, and nothing on Twitter as far as I can see.

I do intend to come along though. Hopefully you'll have a few more as well!

Regards, Darren.

Alex Gibson

Apr 30, 2016, 6:41:34 PM4/30/16
to oxford-ras...@googlegroups.com
Hi Darren,

I just moderated your post so it's only just now appearing on the group list...

Hope you enjoy the Jam!

Sorry I can't make it myself and meet you as I was also not aware and am booked in Reading :( but we will have more!


-----Original Message-----
From: 'Darren Townsend' via Oxford Raspberry Jam [mailto:oxford-ras...@googlegroups.com]
Sent: 29 April 2016 14:06
To: Oxford Raspberry Jam

Paul MJ Stone

May 1, 2016, 4:06:50 PM5/1/16
to oxford-ras...@googlegroups.com

Apologies chaps - I must have missed the notification of the post.

Alex Gibson

May 1, 2016, 4:16:45 PM5/1/16
to oxford-ras...@googlegroups.com

No prob – I watch out for them too J

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Jenny List

May 2, 2016, 3:51:39 AM5/2/16
to Oxford Raspberry Jam
Morning all,
   Apologies for not answering your forum post, I've got a contract on which has swallowed all my time of late.

I have to admit, I've not found it easy to get on the official Jam map. Every time it gets submitted, but there's always some kind of problem at the other end.

The www site & facebook page are not under my control, they relate to a previous Jam incarnation. Does anyone know who has them, & can they be reclaimed?

Which kinda brings me neatly to something I was going to talk about on Wednesday.

This Jam flourished briefly following the Pi launch, then withered. The current incarnation was an attempt to breathe some life into it, prompted by oxford Hackspace's move to its current venue, and thus an available space appearing. But it's not in any way one of the bigger Jams, and it needs help.

Other than having flipped the switch to turn on the life support machine, and being an OxHack member with access to the space, I hold no precious stake in its organisation. I was going to ask, does anyone else feel that they have the vision and resources to run with it and make it into something awesome, if they do it's an open page for them to work on. I was going to ask for people's suggestions on Wednesday, but maybe it's a better opportunity to do it now and get you all thinking.

I have something to show you on Wednesday, but in an enigmatic twist, it's not a Raspberry Pi.


Alex Gibson

May 2, 2016, 4:35:55 AM5/2/16
to oxford-ras...@googlegroups.com

Hi Jenny


All sounds great, sadly I can’t be there Wednesday night as I have a prior evening booking in Reading L


Great that you are making this happen.  I am always willing to help organise too, was up for presenting a project at this one but heard too late about the date.  Seems Paul is still interested too but can’t do Wednesdays as a regular thing.  So there is latent organisation interest as well as cool stuff to show and tell, we just need to get in sync.


SO maybe at Wednesday’s meeting, as well as lifting the wraps on your thing, you could solicit a bit of what people want to see, and when works for them to meet just about Pi?


Can you rope someone in find a volunteer to take photographs and maybe a second person to take some basic keyword notes to assist the writeup after?  We almost did that last time, I got a bunch of photos, but we were so involved in the discussions and demonstrations that the notes were sketchy and the write-up and follow-up didn’t happen.  This will get easier as we grow it a bit, for now can someone from Oxhack come along just to help with that?





Alex Gibson


+44 7813 810 765    @alexgibson3d    37 Royal Avenue, Reading RG31 4UR


admg consulting


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·         Operations & Process improvement

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From: oxford-ras...@googlegroups.com [mailto:oxford-ras...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jenny List

Sent: 02 May 2016 08:52
To: Oxford Raspberry Jam


Darren Townsend

May 2, 2016, 2:11:28 PM5/2/16
to Oxford Raspberry Jam
It would be great to see the Oxford Jam grow and, while I'm not volunteering to outright organise it, I would be happy to help. I will definitely be coming along on Wednesday (will join OxHack while I'm there as well, if possible). I don't have anything to show but would be happy to join in the discussion about the future of the Jam. We can't let those Cambridge types have all the fun!

Regarding the Facebook and Twitter accounts, I can't actually find 'proper' accounts, but there are a few FB posts that mentions the original Jams, mostly from DesignSpark (who are based in Oxford). I also saw a couple of pictures with Alex Eames (he of RasPi.TV) in them, and I know he lives in Bicester, so maybe we could get in touch with these guys again. There's surely nothing stopping anyone from setting up a new FB / Twitter account for the Oxford Jam?

Anyway, lots to think about. See you Wednesday.


Paul MJ Stone

May 2, 2016, 2:29:09 PM5/2/16
to oxford-ras...@googlegroups.com

AFAIK we didn't have a pukka FB or twitter account originally - Alex E and Pete W used to tweet a bit (sometimes automatically from a pi) with a few #tags.

We had the website as part of the Jam setup on wordpress but this has fallen into disuse and is not there now as other forms (FB etc) take over and the resources available online now are so vast. 

We have this google group..... !

Fancy setting it up ? 


Alex Eames

May 2, 2016, 3:37:12 PM5/2/16
to oxford-ras...@googlegroups.com
You called? ;p I'm still on this list and see all the messages. Kept quiet so far as wasn't sure if I could do Wednesday.

I'd like to come along on Weds, but if I do I'll be a bit late as my son has a guitar lesson on Weds evenings.

I'm also interested to see OxHack and possibly join too. I've been putting it off for too long.

I don't have any spare capacity to offer in terms of organisation (and it's something I'd let you down on anyway - really not my forte) but I would like to come along to Jams and show stuff from time to time and just meet fellow jammers. And could certainly take some photos and maybe drum up some publicity for the event. (I'd be much more useful in that capacity :) )

Possibly see y'all on Weds.


'Darren Townsend' via Oxford Raspberry Jam <oxford-ras...@googlegroups.com> wrote ..

Darren Townsend

May 3, 2016, 12:01:12 PM5/3/16
to Oxford Raspberry Jam
Yes, happy to set up & admin Facebook & Twitter. Perhaps we'll see what people think on Wednesday, and then I can get started.


Darren Townsend

May 3, 2016, 12:03:51 PM5/3/16
to Oxford Raspberry Jam
Your fame precedes you, Alex! I'm sure people would be happy to see anything that you can take along.

Hope to meet you Wednesday.


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