Presentation and reading about project

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Daniel Giovannetti

Apr 3, 2012, 12:12:02 PM4/3/12
Hi, I'm Daniel Giovannetti (alias DMeister), one of the administrator of webOS Italia community. I'm currently reading your pdf about owop: you did a good job, but it's still an alpha for now, so don't worry about the errors of estimates or otherwise, because it is a good starting point.
my first notes (nothing "estimates"):
  1. Introduction: we'll talk then. But an important notation is made​​: we have to use "webOS", not "WebOS". It's horrible...
  2. Summary: when you talk about "The telephone will be direct shipped directly from China to the buyers", you mean for an initially period? Because I think it is impossible to take this long.
  3. 3.3 - Distribuition: Our first customers in the store will be in China, then?
  4. Not now.
  5. Plan: Open webOS will be relase in September, but maybe if we become a good startup, HP may release Open webOS beta, for testing devices.
for now webOSInternals seems not yet expressed regarding the joint venture ... you have already contacted Rod Whitby? Because the most important thing right now is NOT TO FRAGMENT webOS COMMUNITY: without the cooperation of all communities that may be an almost certain failure! (in my opinion)...
Let me know...


Apr 3, 2012, 12:33:56 PM4/3/12
At first, it's fine to see people being interested in the idea. I haven't contacted Rob Whitby yet. I've to agree with you, about fragmentation is the worst thing that can happen to webOS now. 
1. Okay, I didn't really knew how to write webOS, but I will change it now I know.
2. With buyers, I didn't meant the consumers, but the carriers, more the wholesale customers. I have to admit that this wasn't clear.
3. Is almost the same as 2. But I do think that there might be a market for us in China.
4. I haven't even thought about that yet, but it would be great if that happened.

I'm now going to contact Rob Whitby and the rest of the webOS Internals community. I hope they see a future in this to.

Daniel Giovannetti

Apr 3, 2012, 12:45:21 PM4/3/12
If you need help to contact Rod, please tell me ;)
- webOS Italia Community Manager


Apr 3, 2012, 12:54:28 PM4/3/12
I just gave him a mention on twitter (on @webosinternals). If you know a better ways to contact him, and make him pay attention to this, please use them. 

Khaled Fayez

Apr 6, 2012, 12:20:03 PM4/6/12
I also just read the pdf and just a few notes on such awesomely detailed plan;
  1. I'm not convinced that selling a low end and a high end phone with such high prices should get any traction, why dont we focus on one high end phone and sell lower capacities of it that would be a more simpler and efficient business model, also we need to have an awesome 7inch tablet for less than 300$ but that's for another day.
  2. we really should investigate the quality of a chinese manufacture cz the pre was all over quality issues.
  3. Never ever ever ever make webos compatible with android apps, for short it will suck even rim can't do it. nothing compares like native apps on ios and those are the developers that we should attract by improving our pdk or even releasing it to the open source community. Porting ios apps should be our pirority and there are certain apps that really matter like 100 for example. I belive enyo is on the right track but hybrid apps are our strength. Those are the apps we should really care about and if atleast we have more than 50% of them then webos should have a huge advantage at the beginning.
  4. The whole organization structure seem good for now but for the future I dont know if its gonna work and generate profit, strongly disagree with a future of a non profit organization cz there aren't any that succeeded, even firefox has google backing it up with money so they don't get bankrupt. I think it would be perfect if our project turned into a real startup and practically owned webos without hp interfering at all, while keeping everything we do open source we would be in control of the hardware and software which should be the only real competitor to apple.  
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