Leiningen 2.9.1 on Java 1.8.0_66 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
I've created a small project with a simple instrument:
(ns overtone-tut2.core
(:require [overtone.live :refer :all]))
(definst bass [freq 110]
(-> freq
(rlpf (line:kr (* freq 10) freq 1))
(* (env-gen:ar (perc 0.1 0.4) :action FREE))))
When I start lein repl at command line, this instrument works as expected.
But if instead I start emacs, go into the directory and do m-x cider-jack-in, the bass sounds as it should, but in addition I get around 8800 lines of code that looks like the internal instrument definition printed in the cider-repl buffer:
Any idea why cider is is printing this and how to stop it. It really makes cider unusable since it does that for every instrument sound I play.