My SIP server does not support web sockets and I am trying to make calls using TLS with oversip which it supports. But it gives unsupported transport error.
Jan 20 21:02:55 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP WSS IPv4 server> TLS connection established from 20 21:02:55 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP WSS IPv4 server> running OverSIP::SipWebSocketEvents.on_client_tls_handshake()...
Jan 20 21:02:55 abdul oversip[2355]: INFO: <WebSocketEvents> [user] validating TLS connection from IP and port 52580
Jan 20 21:02:55 abdul oversip[2355]: NOTICE: <WebSocketEvents> [user] client provides an invalid TLS certificate with SIP identities [] (TLS error: nil, description: "no certificate provided by peer")
Jan 20 21:02:55 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP WSS IPv4 server> connection from remotely closed
Jan 20 21:02:55 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP WSS IPv4 server> connection opened from 20 21:02:55 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP WSS IPv4 server> TLS connection established from 20 21:02:55 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP WSS IPv4 server> running OverSIP::SipWebSocketEvents.on_client_tls_handshake()...
Jan 20 21:02:55 abdul oversip[2355]: INFO: <WebSocketEvents> [user] validating TLS connection from IP and port 52582
Jan 20 21:02:55 abdul oversip[2355]: NOTICE: <WebSocketEvents> [user] client provides an invalid TLS certificate with SIP identities [] (TLS error: nil, description: "no certificate provided by peer")
Jan 20 21:02:55 abdul oversip[2355]: NOTICE: <SIP WSS IPv4 server> WebSocket version header not present => 426
Jan 20 21:02:55 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <HTTP WS Request> replying 426 "Upgrade Required"
Jan 20 21:02:55 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP WSS IPv4 server> connection from locally closed
Jan 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP WSS IPv4 server> connection opened from 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP WSS IPv4 server> connection from remotely closed
Jan 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP WSS IPv4 server> connection opened from 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP WSS IPv4 server> TLS connection established from 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP WSS IPv4 server> running OverSIP::SipWebSocketEvents.on_client_tls_handshake()...
Jan 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: INFO: <WebSocketEvents> [user] validating TLS connection from IP and port 52600
Jan 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: NOTICE: <WebSocketEvents> [user] client provides an invalid TLS certificate with SIP identities [] (TLS error: nil, description: "no certificate provided by peer")
Jan 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP WSS IPv4 server> connection from remotely closed
Jan 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP WSS IPv4 server> connection opened from 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP WSS IPv4 server> TLS connection established from 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP WSS IPv4 server> running OverSIP::SipWebSocketEvents.on_client_tls_handshake()...
Jan 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: INFO: <WebSocketEvents> [user] validating TLS connection from IP and port 52602
Jan 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: NOTICE: <WebSocketEvents> [user] client provides an invalid TLS certificate with SIP identities [] (TLS error: nil, description: "no certificate provided by peer")
Jan 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP WSS IPv4 server> running OverSIP::WebSocketEvents.on_connection()...
Jan 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <HTTP WS Request> replying 101 "Switching Protocols"
Jan 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <WsFraming> received text frame: FIN=true, RSV1-3=false/false/false, payload_length=561
Jan 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <WsSipApp> received WS message: type=text, length=561
Jan 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: INFO: <SipEvents> [user] REGISTER from (UA: JsSIP 3.0.0) to sip: via WSS : 52602
Jan 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP Request 4925983> applying outgoing Outbound support
Jan 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <Proxy proxy_out 4925983> unsupported transport
Jan 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP Request 4925983> replying 478 "Unsupported Transport"
Jan 20 21:02:59 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <WsFraming> sending text frame: payload_length=297
Jan 20 21:03:00 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <WsFraming> received text frame: FIN=true, RSV1-3=false/false/false, payload_length=2135
Jan 20 21:03:00 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <WsSipApp> received WS message: type=text, length=2135
Jan 20 21:03:00 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP Request 8018976> applying outgoing Outbound support
Jan 20 21:03:00 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP Request 8018976> replying 100 "Trying"
Jan 20 21:03:00 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <WsFraming> sending text frame: payload_length=264
Jan 20 21:03:00 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <Proxy proxy_out 8018976> unsupported transport
Jan 20 21:03:00 abdul oversip[2355]: NOTICE: <SipEvents> [user] on_error: 478 'Unsupported Transport'
Jan 20 21:03:00 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <SIP Request 8018976> replying 478 "Unsupported Transport"
Jan 20 21:03:00 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <WsFraming> sending text frame: payload_length=296
Jan 20 21:03:00 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <WsFraming> received text frame: FIN=true, RSV1-3=false/false/false, payload_length=277
Jan 20 21:03:00 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <WsSipApp> received WS message: type=text, length=277
Jan 20 21:03:00 abdul oversip[2355]: DEBUG: <IST 8018976> ACK received during completed state, now confirmed