I have configured oversip for porta1 sip server.
nameservers :
syslog_facility : daemon
syslog_level : debug
sip_udp : yes
sip_tcp : yes
sip_tls : yes
enable_ipv4 : yes
listen_ipv4 :
advertised_ipv4 : null
enable_ipv6 : no
listen_ipv6 : null
advertised_ipv6 : null
listen_port : 6234
listen_port_tls : 6235
use_tls_tunnel : no
listen_port_tls_tunnel : null
callback_on_client_tls_handshake: yes
tcp_keepalive_interval : 30000
record_route_hostname_tls_ipv4 : null
record_route_hostname_tls_ipv6 : null
sip_ws : yes
sip_wss : yes
enable_ipv4 : yes
listen_ipv4 :
advertised_ipv4 : null
enable_ipv6 : no
listen_ipv6 : null
advertised_ipv6 : null
listen_port : 3000
listen_port_tls : 10443
use_tls_tunnel : no
listen_port_tls_tunnel : null
callback_on_client_tls_handshake: yes
max_ws_message_size : 65536
max_ws_frame_size : 65536
ws_keepalive_interval : 300
public_cert : /etc/oversip/tls/demo-tls.oversip.net.crt
private_cert : /etc/oversip/tls/demo-tls.oversip.net.key
ca_dir : /etc/oversip/tls/ca/
full_cert : /tmp/oversip_full_cert_20161214-2398-1et16n6
INFO: <TLS> TLS enabled
INFO: <TLS> inspecting CA file 'cacert.pem'...
INFO: <TLS> 'cacert.pem': 153 public certificates found
INFO: <TLS> 'cacert.pem': ignoring 9 expired certificates
INFO: <TLS> 144 public certificates available for TLS validation
NOTICE: <launcher (master)> using Ruby 2.0.0p384 (2014-01-12 revision 0) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
NOTICE: <launcher (master)> using EventMachine-LE 1.1.7
NOTICE: <launcher (master)> starting event reactor...
INFO: <WebSocket launcher> WebSocket WS server listening on IPv4 provides 'sip' WS subprotocol
INFO: <WebSocket launcher> WebSocket WSS server listening on IPv4 provides 'sip' WS subprotocol
DEBUG: <launcher (master)> calling OverSIP::SystemEvents.on_initialize() method...
DEBUG: <launcher (master)> executing OverSIP::SystemCallbacks.on_started_callbacks...
DEBUG: <launcher (master)> calling OverSIP::SystemEvents.on_started() method...
NOTICE: <launcher (master)> OverSIP 2.0.4 running in background
and I am using sip,js (a node.js plugin written using JSSIP) my ua.configuration is
But I am unable to make calls and also to recieve calls.
Please guide.