Ensign KeH'Gan "As Long As The Lights Are Blinking" (Tags:Burner,Sterek,Scott,Cartwright)

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Aug 21, 2016, 2:58:41 PM8/21/16
to Outpost Eden

Commercial Tier Corridor,Outpost Eden 1745hrs

: The lights on the device pulsed faster. Faint, metaphorical alarm bells began to ring in Sterek's mind. The presence of a captive here was likely no coincidence; it was possible that Ensign Scott had been rigged up with something, perhaps a proximity device, that would cause the bomb to detonate if the hostage was interfered with.:

Burner: Don’t worry, we can… : cough :  sort this.

Virax: LT I must inform you that this device type I have dealt with before in recent Vhir Sulla attacks in the capitol. They are very sensitive to any sudden movement.

: Sterek watched as Keh'Gan began to enter the small room. 

KeH'Gan: Ensign may I untie Mr Scott?

Sterek: I advise caution, Ensign KeH'Gan. As SubLt Virax advises, any sudden movement could cause the bomb to detonate. The presence of Ensign Scott here is likely to be a trap, intended to trick us into approaching the device in order to increase the number of casualties.

KeH'Gan: Aye Sir Understood Ensign,

:KeH'Gan stopped his forward movement but calmly spoke to Tamati. Who could hear but could not respond due to the gag in his mouth

KeH'Gan: Tamati We will get you out of this as soon as we can defuse this device.

Virax: Yes Ensign Scott Mr KeH'Gan is correct. The good news is that as long as the lights are blinking the device will not  explode.



Sterek: My qualifications as a negotiator do not extend to explosive devices. All I can suggest is that we try to complete a more detailed scan of the device before attempting to transport either it or Ensign Scott out of range, but there may be a more optimal solution I am not aware of. Ensign Cartwright, what do your scans of the device show?

Cartwright: ???

Sterek: Mr Virax, can you provide any additional information about these devices?

Virax: Yes Ensign I can. There have been 4 devices exploded thru out the capitol over the last 3 months. The last was the worst it destroyed the Central library a week before my arrival here on Eden. 200 citizens including 80 school age children were killed and the library reduced to rubble.  Before this the other 3 devices were low yield and there was only structure damage with no casualties as all devices were detonated at night.  However 2 days before the library explosion the Central Armory outside the city was robbed of military grade explosives.  My investigation of the ruins of the Library was successful in recovering enough of the device to detect military grade explosives.  Less than 26hrs after the disaster We at Police HQ received a communique on the VidScreen that Vhir Sulla, "The True Romulan Way" were responsible for the Bomb at the Central Library and More were going to occur until the People saw the"light" and Join them in their crusade to make Romulus Great Again. Those Words were Spoken By One Ventok. The following day I went to my Chief and asked to Be assigned to Eden because we had an informant tell us that Ventok and a Vhir Sullla Death squad was going to Eden.



:Hearing Virax talk about the explosion at the Library made Ke'H'Gan facial ridges darken and his anger rise,but he knew that he must retain composure to resolve this.

KeH'Gan: Any WOrthless Scum PaHTok that would Kill Children is Unworthy.  to brutally murder for political terror. We will bring Ventok and all of them to justice.
The cowards they are will be clear to all.

:KeH'Gan had carefully chosen his words but his thoughts were far more Klingon .these worthless scum deserved death. Only then could those unfortunate Adults and Innocent children be avenged.

Virax: yes Indeed Ensign that is why I am here. The device we are looking at may contain the same components that destroyed the library. It is now up to the engineers to let us know what we are facing and then I may be able to give more information. However as long as the lights are blinking the bomb will not detonate.

:The other thoughts that Virax had were ones of what if the medical crisis was also the work of Vhir Sulla. They wanted the Outpost so it was most likely that the bomb they were looking at was not the same type that levelled the library. So Not only was Vhir Sulla armed w/military explosive Ordinance but also possibly engaged in Biological warfare.

To Be Continued

Ensign KeH'Gan,Son of KeH'Tagh and SubLT Virax Cahl
Security Officers ,Outpost Eden

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