Admiral Diego Herrera: Oxygen Becoming an Issue (Tag: Sissons)

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Kristen Elizabeth

Aug 19, 2016, 6:00:04 PM8/19/16
to Outpost Eden
(Main Infirmary, Outpost Eden)

Herrera:  I don't know what promises Velana asked you for, but I'm your patient and this is what I need from you.  If...when I start to get worse, keep it from her for as long as you can.  She has too much on her shoulders right now to be worried about me.  Please?

Sissons: :Karina blinked slowly: I understand your request admiral, however I am not in favour of telling an untruth.

Herrera: It's not a lie.  It's just a...delay in passing on information.

Sissons: You are asking much of me Admiral.

Herrera:  Yes.  Can you do it?

Sissons: :she felt his concern: I will agree to be smart with my words and only answer direct questions.

Herrera:  : All right.  Now I'll try to be a good patient.  I promise. 

Sissons: Are you experiencing a lot of pain in your chest Admiral?

:There was no point in lying and he had been on the receiving end of false information from patients too many times to ever do it himself.  Diego nodded.: 

Herrera:  Hurts to breathe...

Sissons: We must continue with the treatment, quickly

:All of a sudden, his lungs felt like they were too big for his chest, like they were literally only held in check by his ribcage.  Breathing didn't just hurt; it was excruciating.@


Sissons: You have just said that, Admiral, a few moments ago. Do you remember?

:He might have glared at her if he'd been able to manage it while he struggled to put air into his lungs.:

Sissons: Do you know where you are?

Herrera: Dexalin...  :He tried to gesture at the nearest hypo.:  Dex...

:He must have passed out from lack of oxygen for a moment, but when he came to, his chest no longer felt like it was going to burst.:

Herrera:  What...happened?

Sissons:  ?

Herrera:  How long?

Sissons:  ? 

:He closed his eyes.  Every moment unconscious was a moment too much.  Still, he could breathe now, so the dexalin must have worked.:

Herrera:  Thank you.  :Behind Sissons, he noticed Velana and Doctor Kors approaching.:  Remember your promise...


Admiral Diego Herrera
Outpost Eden

as simmed by

Commander Velana
CO/Acting CMO
Outpost Eden

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