Ensign KeH'Gan "Tying Up Loose Ends or Terrorists"

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Aug 19, 2016, 4:39:02 PM8/19/16
to Outpost Eden

(( Civilian Promenade; Outpost Eden))

: Meanwhile, Virax from Beta Team called out too.:

Virax: Citizen, I am SubLt. Virax Cahl. Romulus Captial City Police. Why 
do you do this? You are outnumbered and all exits covered. If you 
surrender I will personally see that your grievance will be heard back 
home. This is a time for ss to heal ...ALL Romulans including Vhir 

Ventok: Pah. You serve a failed Romulus regime. Only we have the answers 
to our people’s woes, so hand over this outpost… and this girl lives…

Burner: : whispered : Done…

Sterek: She needs an emergency transport - or a medical team. 
Disallowing treatment may compromise the Commander's willingness to 
negotiate with you, and I believe both of us want the impending 
discussion to progress as smoothly as possible. Will you allow us to 
treat her?

Ventok: Very well… she just makes the place look untidy anyway.

KeH'Gan: Good he is going to make sure that Lt. Burner is treated. I 
think we should prepare to provide cover for the transport or med team.

Virax: Good idea Ensign. : Looking behind and speaking in a lower voice: 
I think we are going to implement Mr Sterek's plan as Lt. Burner has 
nodded her approval.

: Katie struggled to her feet. Just then, a small green light flickered 
on her tricorder. The gas was being released.:

Burner: : to Ventok: We are… : cough: going…

Ventok: Good riddance!

KeH'Gan: Mr. Virax cover both LT Burner and myself. I am moving to engage Ventok.

Ventok: Hey! What’s happening?!

: He began to feel dizzy.:

:As Virax provided cover for the Klingon KeH'Gan made his move.

Ventok: What have you done?

: He went to release his trigger.:

Burner: NO!

: The man’s hand was locked rigid.:

:KeH'Gan Grabbed Ventoks hand holding the bomb trigger keeping it off  the detonator.

To Be continued

Ensign KeH'Gan,Son of KeH'Tagh/Sub LT Virax Cahl
Security Officers Outpost Eden

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