Ensign KeH'Gan "Solving problems" (Tags"Burner.Sterek and Scott)

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Aug 20, 2016, 4:36:32 PM8/20/16
to Outpost Eden

Commercial Tier Outpost Eden 1645hrs

  Burner: Well done Ensign Sterek.

Sterek: ??

Burner: Thanks Mr KeH’Gan, Mr Virax.

KeH’Gan : Thankyou LT You are quite Welcome

Virax: You are very Welcome LT. I am quite impressed with how efficient Starfleet security personnel are in a crisis. I am pleased I accepted this posting I hope to continue to be a valuable asset.


Burner: Ok everyone, we need to check for these explosives. Use all 
scanners and tricorders, but for goodness sake be careful. They may be 
booby trapped.

KeH’Gan :Aye Sir proceding with extreme caution.

:KeH'Gan was still worried with LT Burner's persistant cough fearing she may have been infected with the pathogen.

Burner: I’m fine. I can sort my coughing out AFTER we defuse the bombs.

: The team began to search the corridors and panels for any unusual 
signals.  Eventually a strong signal was coming from a small locked 

Burner: Here! I’m getting…  : cough : a reading…

KeH'Gan: Yes LT I am getting the same reading on my tricorder.

: They worked to carefully remove the panel. They managed to do this 
safely and then they peered inside. There was a small room, with very 
little light. Katie saw a flashing device on the floor, that was 
emitting the reading. She gasped when she saw someone sitting, bound, 
next to it.
: The lights on the device pulsed faster.:

Burner: Don’t worry, we can… : cough :  sort this.

: Katie looked over her shoulder to the others.:

:Virax returned to join the team and moving to get a look as Ensign KeH'Gan  stepped aside.. What he saw was of great concern.

Virax:LT I must inform you that this device type I have dealt with before in recent Vhir Sulla attacks in the capitol. They are very sensitive to any sudden movement.

Burner: Right?

To Be Continued

Ensign KeH'Gan,Son of KeH'Tagh/SubLT Virax Cahl
Security Officers Outpost Eden

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