[Outpost Eden] Ensign Cartwright: Explosive Situation (Tags: Sterek, Scott, KeH'Gan)

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Giselle Pearson

Aug 20, 2016, 3:18:10 AM8/20/16
to Outpost Eden
((Engineering; Outpost Eden))

: Rosalie eyes flashed over the readings on her console.  Worry gripped at her, the situation was worsening all over the outpost and the worst part was, she had no idea what she could do to help. :

Sterek: ^Sterek to engineering. Requesting immediate deployment of explosive defusal teams to the Civilian Promenade; we have twenty active devices currently unaccounted for.^

: Twenty active explosive devices hidden somewhere on the Promenade!  It took a moment of stunned disbelief for the news to sink in. :

Cartwright: ^ I'll send the necessary personnel immediately. ^

: Another voice joined in their conversation.:

Burner:  ^ Ensign Cartwright, it’s Lieutenant Burner here. We could do with you here too. There quite a lot of damage and I hope you can help us secure the systems. There is a dangerous pathogen potentially in the air, and a working ventilation system will help with that and the smoke from the bombs. Advise you were a hazardous materials suit too.^

Cartwright: ^ Yes, Lieutenant.  I understand and I'll be there as soon as possible. ^

Burner: ^Great, see you soon. Burner out!^

: Calling across the room to several people, Rosalie organised the necessary team as quickly as she could.  This wasn't exactly what she'd been hoping for when she'd wished she could help. : 

: It took her a little over a minute to pull on the hazard suit then, with the defusal teams in tow and snatching up an engineering kit from under a nearby console, Rosalie hurried out of main engineering and off towards the Civilian Promenade. :

((Shopping Parade ; Outpost Eden))

 Burner: You must be Cartwright?

Cartwright: Yes Lieutenant.

Burner: Ok everyone, we need to check for these explosives. Use all scanners and tricorders, but for goodness sake be careful. They may be booby trapped.

: Rosalie nodded and opened her tricoder. :

Sterek / KeH’Gan / Anyone: ???

Burner: I’m fine. I can sort my coughing out AFTER we defuse the bombs.

: The team began to search the corridors and panels for any unusual signals. :

Burner: Here! I’m getting…  : cough : a reading…

: Rosalie hurried over and scanned the panel herself.  There was definitely something there. :

Cartwright: Okay, we need to get inside here.  :Pointing at the panel:  But let's go slowly.

Sterek / KeH’Gan / Anyone: ???

: They worked to carefully remove the panel. They managed to do this safely and peered inside. There was a small room, with very little light.  There, on the floor, a flashing device that was emitting the reading.  And there, bound, and sitting by the device...:

Burner: Ensign Scott??? I thought you were…

Scott: ??

Sterek / KeH’Gan / Anyone: ???

: The lights on the device pulsed faster.:

Burner: Don’t worry, we can… : cough :  sort this.

: Katie looked over her shoulder to the others.:

Burner: Right?

Cartwright: Absolutely.  :Crossing here fingers behind her back.:

Sterek / KeH’Gan / Anyone: ???

: They clambered inside.:

To Be Continued…

Ensign Rosalie Cartwright
Engineering Officer; Outpost Eden
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