Ensign KeH'Gan "Looking for Bombs in all The Wrong Places"

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Aug 20, 2016, 2:11:32 PM8/20/16
to Outpost Eden

Commercial Promenade Outpost Eden 1700hrs

:With Ventok and his companion in custody now the security teams had to find those 20 bombs supposedly scattered all over the station. KeH'Gan along with Beta team under command of LT Burner proceded with caution as engineering teams arrived on scene.

 Burner: You must be Cartwright?

Cartwright: Yes Lieutenant.

Burner: Ok everyone, we need to check for these explosives. Use all scanners and tricorders, but for goodness sake be careful. They may be booby trapped.

: Rosalie nodded and opened her tricoder. :

KeH'Gan:Understood LT. Also good to meet you Ensign Cartright I am Ensign KeH'Gan.

Burner: I’m fine. I can sort my coughing out AFTER we defuse the bombs.

: The team began to search the corridors and panels for any unusual signals. :

Burner: Here! I’m getting…  : cough : a reading…

: Rosalie hurried over and scanned the panel herself.  There was definitely something there. :

Cartwright: Okay, we need to get inside here.  :Pointing at the panel:  But let's go slowly.

KeH'Gan: Aye Ensign

:KeH'Gan carefully opened the panel very carefully.

: They worked to carefully remove the panel. They managed to do this safely and peered inside. There was a small room, with very little light.  There, on the floor, a flashing device that was emitting the reading.  And there, bound, and sitting by the device...:

Burner: Ensign Scott??? I thought you were…

Scott: ??

KeH'Gan:TAMATI??? Are you Ok?: The lights on the device pulsed faster.:

Burner: Don’t worry, we can… : cough :  sort this.

Burner: Right?

Cartwright: Absolutely.  :Crossing here fingers behind her back.:

:KeH'Gan entered the small room moving very slow followed by Ensign Cartwright seeing Ensign Scott trussed up he looked  to Ensign Cartwright.

KeH'Gan: Ensign may I untie Mr Scott?


: They clambered inside.:

To Be Continued…

Ensign KeH'Gan,Son of KeH'Tagh
Security Officer, Outpost Eden

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