Lt. Katie Burner: Keep checking (TAG: Sterek/Cartwright/KeH’Gan)

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Leo H

Aug 23, 2016, 4:43:23 PM8/23/16
to Outpost Eden
((OOC: All opinions in this sim are purely in character))

(( Promenade; Outpost Eden))

: As the smoke and debris cleared from the second explosion, Katie
looked around. At least Scott hadn’t been in the room where the bomb had
been, although he may still be in mortal danger.:

Burner: Suggestions?

Virax: Yes perhaps we should divide into teams 2 security and one
engineer with tricorders to check out all the Promenade. I would also
recommend that we call back Beta shift Chief Maxwell and her team.

KeH'Gan: I concur with SubLt Virax, Lieutenant Sir. The Chief's team
would be of great assistance.

Burner: See how we get on. I might need them to check the other levels.

: Katie then turned to the others.:

Burner: Ensign Sterek, do you have a way of checking for Mr Scott’s
lifesigns? It seems my tricorder wasn’t able to detect him, or the lack
of him, until right on top of him.


Burner: Good point. Let me know how you get on. We need to act fast or
next time we might not be so lucky.


: Katie then moved over to Ensign Cartwright.:

Burner: Ensign Cartwright, can you develop a damper field to block any
explosives while in situ? We have some readings from that last bomb. Can
you extrapolate that data to locate the other bombs?

Cartwright: ?

Burner: Very well, let me know what equipment you need.

Cartwright: ?

: As they moved out, Ensign KeH’Gan called out to Katie.:

KeH'Gan: Lieutenant can we get some field rations to us along with
water. I am sure we all could use a quick meal before continuing our

Burner: Pardon?

KeH’Gan: Can we take food in these suits?

Burner: I wouldn’t advise it. If we take our helmets off we would be
exposed to the pathogen.

Virax: My Friend KeH'Gan, I too would like a burger and an ale about
now, but like you I will settle for field rations and water. : He smiled
and shook KeH’Gan’s hand: You saved my life Ensign, I am very grateful
for that. I feel that you and your Starfleet comrades will let me return
to my wife Calla and our 3 children.

:KeH'Gan shook the Romulans hand and then smiled at him.

KeH'Gan:Yes Mr Virax it is our goal to successfully resolve this crisis
so we may all return to our loved ones. If you would have told me that 2
months out of the Academy I would be in a major crisis such as this I
would have called you a liar. I am still somewhat amazed that a 23 year
old Ensign would be assigned to such an important post his first tour in
Starfleet. I am so proud and honored to be here serving with these Loyal
Honorable comrades.

: Katie carried on checking her tricorder as the Romulan and the Klingon
chatted to each other.:

Virax: Yes Ensign I too have been impressed with your actions and
dedication to duty here. I wish I had more like you on my police force.
You are more exprienced than your age reflects. I know of Officers 30yrs
or older who can't accomplish what you have done in one day.

:KeH'Gan again nodded his head :

KeH’Gan: Thank You SubLt. Virax. Now If we could only GET OUT of these
biosuits we could get on with this!

: Katie rolled her eyes and turned to KeH’Gan.:

Burner: Ensign, keep that biosuit on, that’s an order. We cannot take
any risks. Follow me!

: Katie lead the way with Sterek, Cartwright, KeH’Gan and Virax in tow.
The Lieutenant looked over shoulder and checked on progress.:

Burner: Ensign Cartwright, how’s the bomb detection going?

Cartwright: ?

Burner: Thanks. Ensign Sterek, any luck with location Ensign Scott?

Sterek: ?

: Katie nodded.:

Burner: I see. Ensign KeH’Gan, have you detected any further hijackers?
I hope those two were all we have to face…

KeH’Gan / Virax: ??

To Be Continued…

Lt. Katie Burner
Security Officer; Outpost Eden

Simmed by:
Admiral-of-the-Fleet Leo Handley-Page
"Professional Daydreamer & Rural Spaceman"
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