Camp Fees

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Aug 18, 2009, 3:33:39 PM8/18/09
Hey All-
There has been a dialog back and forth regarding the amount that is due.
What will be happening is the following:
Generator Usage Fee - Still up in the air - Mike lowered the amount to reflect only 3 hours of usage per day.
It has been put on the table that the camp shouldn't pay for this fee and that whoever wishes to use the generator power can pay Mike directly.
Feedback regarding how this should be handled is needed from everyone in order to put this to bed. I say we vote.
The dollar amount for the items purchased for the camp are now being reduced by 50%.  This amount will represent a 50% usage fee. Whoever ends up keeping said items will be paying the other 50%.  The purchaser has first right of refusal which means that if the purchaser doesn't want the item then someone else can purchase it for half the cost. Now suppose no one wants a particular item, then I think the purchaser should have a right to return the item. These items are as follows:
Brigid - Wire compost bin - $35
Calder - Cooler - $50 - ( I have an extra cooler, so you might as well return it)
Calder - Home Depot tools, supplies - $?? (over $100) -  Rebar,  work gloves (everyone is supposed to bring their own work gloves), rope, galvanized pipe (shade structure fulcrum), wrench,  utility blades, files,
Gas canister (5 gallon), scissors, funnels 
Fredo - zipties and TP (Calder already bought both of these at Home Depot) - $15
Juanma - container for pots - $20 - An empty bin can be used for this so this can be returned - unless someone wants it.
Pablo - Solar lights + lanterns - $330 I'd like to check out the lantern I might buy one off you
Raven - Folding table - $40 (I'll keep this)
Raven - Perimeter lights - $48 (I'll keep these)
Raven - Pots - $48 (I'll keep these)
Ok if there are any items that were missed, then let me know.  Everyone who has purchased stuff, please let me know whether or not you will be keeping or returning your items.
I will revise the spreadsheet tonight after work.

Aug 18, 2009, 3:45:44 PM8/18/09
Thanks, Raven.

One clarification: regarding electricity, please keep in mind that it takes gas to power both the generator and to charge the battery (for using the power inverter).  I lowered the group electricity fee from $252 to $95.  I really don't think $10 per person is a lot considering the convenience of having a central power source for music, charging personal items, etc.  If we forgo the electricity charge then that means NO music and NO access to the RV's power.  I shouldn't have to absorb the cost for other people using the power.  That being said, I will be meticulous about recording how much power is actually used by the group, and I will happily send everyone refund checks/cash after the burn when it's all said and done.


Juan Pablo Puerta

Aug 18, 2009, 3:47:52 PM8/18/09
to OurCamp
I am with Mike, I am up for paying 10$ for a week of Electricity and
Music, specially since we have already talked about this on the


Juanma Evaristo

Aug 18, 2009, 3:48:36 PM8/18/09
I agree with Mike, $10 is a low amount for all the advantages to have electricity without problems

Juanma Evaristo


Aug 18, 2009, 4:47:32 PM8/18/09
I'm fine with paying 10 bucks for power, as well.
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