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Aug 18, 2009, 6:25:17 PM8/18/09
Ok, this is what is going down People..................
a) Aris is out so we are 9.
b) Generator usage fee will be $95.
c) All Items purchased will be reduced to 50% of the purchase price.
Calder and Fredo-
You have redundancies with regard to the toilet paper and ziplocks. Only 1 person can claim these items, we don't need both of you bringing them.
We need to know what you will be keeping, what is up for grabs and what you will be returning. To make things simple I can just cut your stuff by 50%. Let's talk.
Who's claiming the parachute and Fulcrum Supplies after the event?
SHADE STRUCTURE- Rebar, Tape, work gloves, rope, galvanized pipe (shade structure fulcrum), wrench, zip ties, utility blades, files, and more 
                                 Gas canister (5 gallon), scissors, toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags, ziplock bags, funnels 
Brig -
If no one wants the wire container will you be returning it? If not, then there will be the 50% usage fee,. You can sell it when you get back. Si or No?
We don't really need the container. The pots can go in the bins they arrived in and there will be plenty of empty bins on hand.
I'm keeping my items and reducing the cost by 50%.
Anything that I missed?

Aug 18, 2009, 6:43:04 PM8/18/09
Looks good to me.  Thanks, Raven.

I think the shade structure fulcrum supplies should go to the folks that loaned us the parachute.  I'm sure they would appreciate it, plus it would be a nice "thank you".  Unless someone is dying to have 16 feet of galvanized pipe plus hardware??


Fredo Lua

Aug 18, 2009, 6:52:13 PM8/18/09
Calder's been smoking too much again. It's on the inventory list as for me to get and on my receipt. 

On Aug 18, 2009, at 3:25 PM, Raven wrote:

Fredo Lua

Juan Pablo Puerta

Aug 18, 2009, 8:09:07 PM8/18/09
to OurCamp
I will claim the xmas lights and the LED lantern. The other stuff are
either released for whoever want it (gas lantern) or used and wasted
(propane bottles). Since I am happily salaried, I will study acquiring
more goods if nobody claims them.

Just a note from a Computer Scientist (ahem) : Maybe somebody will
hate me forever, but I feel obliged to say this: We are NOT reducing
the camp cost by 50%, we are just making it unevenly distributed.

Free Radicals camp cost is and will be the cost of our individual
contributions together, but instead of diving the cost evenly by the
number of people (9) it was offered the possibility of claiming items
to keep for post-playa usage. This is not an opt-out situation, it's
opt-in. So feel free to claim anything you want / may need / want to
keep for whichever reasons you want , don't feel forced to keep
something because you were assigned to that particular task or because
you freely decided to anticipate money to the group of assume any
acquisition assigned to the camp mates who for whichever reason
couldn't make it this year. Just claim you don't want it and if nobody
else need it, we will study if that item can be returned or its cost
will be assumed by the whole group.

I think this was needed to be said in case anybody had any doubts. :)

Peace and Playa. The Man burns in 17 days.



Aug 18, 2009, 8:37:12 PM8/18/09
Well said.

Juanma Evaristo

Aug 18, 2009, 8:52:58 PM8/18/09
actually I don't understand the 50% reducing

2009/8/18 Juan Pablo Puerta <>

Juanma Evaristo


Aug 18, 2009, 9:13:24 PM8/18/09
Well the best way I can explain it is
Had the camp not wanted some of the items, they wouldn't have been purchased.  However, the purchaser ends up keeping the items. So the 50% is basically a usage fee.
The camp ends up having it's need/desires met and the purchaser gets an item that he can possibly use later.

Juanma Evaristo

Aug 18, 2009, 9:42:34 PM8/18/09
I understand better now, thanks :) . But it is going to cause that there are people that are going to spent more money than others, right?

2009/8/18 Raven <>


Aug 18, 2009, 10:58:38 PM8/18/09
Yes, some people will have spent more money than others. I look at it like this: I am committed to having a fun experience at Burning Man. I'm choosing to share my experience with a group of fellow Burners. Since I am choosing to have a shared experience with other people, I am agreeing to be a team player. As a group, we have decided that we would like to have certain items that will not only make our camp a pleasant place to be, but a comfortable place. 
As a result of this, we as a group, needed to acquire the necessary, agreed upon items in order to fulfill the "camp" needs, which in turn fulfills our own.
Now, No one has held a gun to my head and said "Raven, you better do this, or else."
I freely volunteered my time and energy into fulfilling our group goals. This is an agreement I made with myself and the Free Radicals.

So even though some of us/you/I have spent more than others, we are also getting in return the items that we purchased at half the price. So if it's an issue, then one shouldn't agree to task. I feel if we/you/I agreed to take responsibility for a task or tasks, then we are agreeing to do what is necessary to live up to that responsibility.

In most, if not every case the total  cost to have our camp set up, is evenly divided between the camp members. 

In my case I'm morally opposed to the stickers so, I opted out. I feel that there is a lot of paper that gets wasted at burning man with all the stickers and flyers and what not, and quite frankly, I don't want to contribute to the unnecessary killing of more trees. So that is the only reason why my dues are $18 less than everyone else and guess what, I don't get to have a sticker!  ;0)

So you see this is an at will relationship we are sharing. I've exercised my free will by making a choice to be apart of this camp, therefore, if I end up with a few items I didn't have before, then that's the way it goes. One can always donate it to another cause.

Aug 18, 2009, 11:22:21 PM8/18/09
Well said :)

Today I spoke with my friend Sam, who's camping with twice as many folks as us, and he told me they are totally disorganized... they started planning way late, no one can agree on anything, and it's a major clash of egos.  So after hearing that I thought, our camp rocks!  We have our shit together!  And we do... thanks to folks like Raven for taking the time and effort facilitate fun, fair and responsible Burning!

Go Free RADicals.....!


Fredo Lua

Aug 19, 2009, 12:28:23 AM8/19/09
We do rock!! And I love you guys for being rock stars with nebula dust! 

Btw: Juanma got another playa bike which means I now have an extra on for one of you. It's medium sized and needs a bit of work which I will gladly do just let me know asap if you need it. 

I'm also getting some bubbles and water guns :) 

Fredo Lua

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