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Aug 19, 2009, 3:21:55 AM8/19/09
to our...@googlegroups.com
The fees have been recalculated.

The items highlighted in teal color  are the items that are being reimbursed by 50%

The items in white are what will be either donated to the parachute people or used by the camp. These items are 100% Reimbursable. 

Calder- we can go over your receipts.  Basically anything to do with the parachute/fulcrum, the camp is responsible for.  Any items which have found a new home with you are being 50% reimbursed.

Now, I'm willing to give it until tomorrow afternoon, for potential revisions. At the end of business day tomorrow, there will be no more revisions. PERIOD!

Now, It's Wednesday people and I haven't heard from any of the people who owe money.  

I should not have to chase you down for money, we all know the deal and you have until Sunday, to pony up. I EXPECT to hear from you with a definitive time and day when you will be paying your camp fees.

I really don't think I will have to cross this bridge, but  let me reiterate, we have all made a commitment to contribute, energetically, physically and monetarily. I expect everyone to honer that commitment and pay their camp dues, by the deadline. 


Aug 19, 2009, 6:10:40 AM8/19/09
to OurCamp
I will return the TP and ziplock bags, as well as the cooler, seeing
that they are unnecessary...

I dont wish to keep anything after the Burn.



Aug 19, 2009, 10:37:48 AM8/19/09
to our...@googlegroups.com

Ok, if you don't wish to keep anything, then unless someone wants the items, you should return the following

Work gloves - everyone is to bring their own pair anyway.
Utility knife  - I have however if you purchased blades, keep them.
Funnels - I have
Ladel - I have
Kitchen Shears
Aim n flame? what's this? If they are lighters, I already purchased them, if they aren't, explain
11/2 Gaffling - what's this for?
14" Wrench....What type of wrench? Is this a pipe wrench, adjustable? What's the wrench for?

Clearly the trash bags, paper towels, will be used up, so that's in the full reimbursement category.

The Rebar can't be returned , so it goes to the parachute people, unless someone else want it.

If anyone is looking to keep the items to be retuned, speak up.

Calder, give me a call later, so we can go over the above  listed items in detail. I will adjust the spreadsheet accordingly.



Aug 19, 2009, 4:53:19 PM8/19/09
to our...@googlegroups.com
We cannot return the gloves cuz we already took the packaging off them (to reduce moop on the playa).  But they were inexpensive, and everyone can just keep a pair after the Burn.  Never a bad thing to have extra work gloves.

The 1 1/2 Gaffling is duck tape - definitely important to have on hand, and I believe should remain a full reimbursement.
Yes, the Aim & flames were lighters.  I think it's a good idea to have extras on hand...

I'll pitch in 50% of the cost for the following items, which I'll keep after the burn.  You can adjust my camp dues accordingly:
- 14" plumber wrench
- Metal file

Raven - please just let me know how much 50% of those items is so I know for my records.  Thanks!

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