FW: 160 Inuvik dogs in Limbo - The Voice for the Voiceless and.... 5k reward for missing dog. Please circulate

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Ottawa Animal Defense League

Apr 4, 2011, 8:57:46 AM4/4/11
to Ottawa Animal Defense League
 Dear animal friendly community
The internet can be a powerful tool in relocating missing animals and finding homes for those in need

Please scroll down for missing dog and reward information and forward these urgent call for help.

I am sending this to everyone, hoping that we find help for this 160 Inuvik dogs.  Please, can anyone help?   Please circulate and post to your sites.  Thanks! 


My apologies for any duplicates. 


Carol Waterman

Canadian Volunteers for the Protection of Animals (CVPA)

Montreal, QC 


From: Bonnie Dawson
Sent: April-03-11 12:34 PM
Subject: 160 Inuvik dogs in Limbo


Please see letter below.   Linda Eccles sent it out early April 1st.  I am circulating.

Big or Small, every living creature has a place on this planet, deserving of human respect, compassion and guardianship. The true measure of human society is in how we honor this role placed upon all of mankind.


Beaufort-Delta Regional SPCA

The Voice for the Voiceless

April 1/2011

Beaufort Delta Regional SPCA

Box 2202, Inuvik NT


Attention: Brandon Humane Society

Hello from Inuvik NT

My name is Linda Eccles.  I am the Executive Director for the BDR SPCA in Inuvik NT. We also try to help communities in the Beaufort Delta Area.

I’m writing to you today to see if you may be able to help in some way with a rescue of some dogs stuck in transit at foster homes and in pens etc in Yellowknife. I work close with Yellowknife SPCA who does take our animals when they can.

They in return send the dogs on to Foster care with a group called Pawsitive Match based in Edmonton. All appeared to be going well when all of a sudden things came to a grinding Halt. I have been told 160 I believe are stuck in foster care and have not been adopted.

Yellowknife SPCA has dogs in foster who are stuck as well and they need to get help for these dogs so they can accept a few from us.

They are unable to move any as Pawsitive Match appears to not be able to find homes as quick as we had thought. A bit of a mess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yellowknife is in a greater position to make a rescue happen if you are able to help,  they use First Air to send dogs out and they do use the radio and paper as a great tool for promotion.

We were thinking in terms of a Rescue from the North to your shelter as an in kind crusade if you have some room. Any help is better than none and we would make sure all details are responded to in a professional manner.

We may be able to get the Airline to provide some expense knocked of the flights, but if you are in any way able to support flights in-kind that would be very helpful, as Yellowknife is just in the middle of raising money for a shelter for the animals of the North.

Just a few ideas to help the numbers stick!!!!!

We look forward to hearing from you in any manner of assistance, or any other shelters who may be able to help.

glec...@northwestel.net     867-678-2911


Linda Eccles


Executive Director

Animal Cruelty Officer

ECE Humane Educator


Bonnie Dawson

Secretary, Beaufort -Delta Regional SPCA bc_d...@hotmail.com

Founder: Action for the Protection of Northern Animals (APNA)




News Alberta

$5,000 reward for missing Alta. dog

By PAMELA ROTH, Edmonton Sun  Last Updated: February 7, 2011 5:16pm

Description: Description: Benjamin, an Alaskan malemute, is missing. (SUPPLIED)


Benjamin, an Alaskan malemute, is missing.



Jocelyn Lloyd's two Alaskan malemute dogs are like her children.

So when one of them went missing 15 days ago in the Falher area, she didn't hesitate to post a $5,000 reward.

But with still no trace of the two-year-old giant dog, known as Benjamin, Lloyd remains heartbroken. All she can do is wait for any news on the whereabouts of her beloved pooch.

"I am still praying every day. We search every day," said Lloyd, 42. "It only takes one person to notice Ben and call."

According to Lloyd, Benjamin is the rarest of the malemutes, sporting a yellow and white coat and bright, yellow eyes.

She and her husband waited months before they were able to get Benjamin from a breeder in the Northwest Territories and take him home to their grain farm where he runs free with another dog, but always stays close to the home.

The last time Benjamin was seen was Jan. 20 when a neighbour spotted him with another dog by a creek near the Lloyd property south of Falher. A man driving a pickup truck was reportedly coaxing the dogs to come toward him.

Benjamin's sudden disappearance sent Lloyd into search mode up, driving up and down the back roads, optimistic he would quickly be found. But as the days pass by, Lloyd can't help but fear the worst — that her rare neutered dog has been stolen.

"We know that something terrible has happened to him or he'd be with me right now," said Lloyd, who's set up a Facebook page for people to share stories about their stolen dogs.

"My fear is that he could have been sold to someone who does not understand that he's stolen property. I just never imagined that someone would take someone's pet."

Benjamin was last seen near Range Road 770 and 214, south of Falher, which is 70 km south of Peace River in northern Alberta. He was wearing a Harley Davidson collar with his name written on it. Tattoos are in both ears.

Anyone with information on his disappearance is asked to call 780-837-1049.








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