Ott.general is the general discussion newsgroup in the ott.* hierarchy. If
there is a more appropriate group in the ott.* hierarchy for your message,
you are encouraged to post to that group, rather than ott.general.
ott.general is
* the newsgroup in the ott.* hierarchy where you may post your
messages if there is not a more appropriate newsgroup
elsewhere in the ott.* hierarchy.
ott.general is not
* a newsgroup for test messages -- use ott.test;
* another newsgroup in the ott.* hierarchy to post forsale-type
messages in -- use the appropriate* newsgroup;
* another newsgroup in the ott.* hierarchy to post commercial
messages in -- use the appropriate* newsgroup;
* another newsgroup in the ott.* hierarchy to post job postings
in -- use;
* another newsgroup to crosspost messages into.
Commercial messages, forsale-type messages, job postings and crossposted
messages are subject to cancellation.
Should you have any questions about this charter, please email:
More information about the Ottawa News Administration Group, including
newsgroup charters, can be found at:
$Id: ott.general,v 2003/05/30 21:30:42 gordon Exp $