Dear Otaku Illustrated Subscriber,
So continuing with animals, this first one that I will talk about is ironically one of the examples that I mentioned last week, neko. As you either remember from last week or most likely know from the top of your head, since I know that I can give you the benefit of the doubt and safely assume that you're smart, this is the Japanese word for cat.
So I will now continue on with Japan's Lost Generation. The Japanese Miracle was where Japanese corporations would help and support each other by buying and owning shares in each other. In addition, these keiretsu (system), as the cooperating companies were called, were even being helped out by the Japanese government by allowing them get however many loans for however much money they wanted at any time they wanted from the government owned Bank of Japan to help them expand into other countries with no questions asked, giving them an unlimited supply of money. The Japanese government even prevented other country's businesses from expanding into Japan, and it was working despite not being fair or even healthy. The Japanese stock market was doing great, the Japanese companies were succeeding in country after country, and being a Japanese citizen hired by these companies guaranteed lifetime employment. This resulted in three straight decades of gigantic economic growth for Japan, as it grew by 11% in the 1960s, 6% in the 1970s, and 5% in the 1980s. This is how Japan grew into the second largest economy in the world after the United States. Real estate and companies in the stock market was growing as well, and this growth went into overdrive in the 1980s. Things were going great for Japan until the bubble burst, and I'll be going into this next week.
Having played this game the first time around back on the Super Nintendo, I can definitely tell you that this was both my very first and one of the very best RPGs I've ever experienced. I had so much fun with this game that I was still wishing there was more to do and play even after I was done with everything in the game there is to do. And this was back in the day of when game gave you a very special congratulations for completing a perfect game. Even all these years later, the funniest line in the game still cracks me up. "Who do you think you are, Bruce Lee?" So as you can probably guess, I will not be missing out on experiencing this baby a second time. If you're also going to be experiencing this baby a second time, or even if you missed your chance to enjoy it the first or you're young enough for it to have been before your time, then we can both pre - order ours below:
Street Savvy the Otaku Guy
870 Wheeler St.
Gary, IN 46406