Want to check out the upcoming book release of an anime that I enjoyed on Adult Swim?

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Street Savvy

Aug 3, 2023, 1:38:50 PM8/3/23
to Otaku Illustrated
Dear Otaku Illustrated Subscriber,

                                                                                                          Street Savvy.JPG

So continuing with onomatopoeia, this next one will be atsu atsu.  This is the one that means that the food is piping hot.

                                                                            Otaku Universe.JPG

So I will now continue with Japan's 0% homelessness rate.  This major problem that Japan has is that a third of it's workforce are either part time or temporary workers.  And unlike NEETS, this is because they can't get anything better, not because of their own choosing.  And even though they're not all homeless or even cyber homeless, they do struggle to pay their rent every month because they're only paid minimum wage.  And they have no chance of their situation getting any better.  This is why it is believed that, despite the official government numbers of homeless people being lower than in America, the real number of people living in poverty in Japan is actually higher than in the US.  Even though they're not all homeless, many of then are stuck in this inbetween area living in cyber cafes or even capsule hotels and in a cycle of being unable to get a decent job to afford an apartment or to get an apartment to afford a decent job.  They choose to remain invisible because of societal pressure and society prefers that they stay invisible as well, resulting in Japan being to claim a 0% homelessness rate because you can easily simply ignore a problem that you don't want to have if it's invisible.  But the reality is that this is the result of all the things that went wrong with the Japanese economy and this is a problem that not going away because the number of invisible homeless will only continue to increase.

                                                                            Otaku Universe Brand.JPG

This was one of my favorite anime to watch when it was on Adult Swim years ago.  So much so that I even bought the entire show.  And I don't mean the boxed set, but each and every one of the individual volumes one by one.  So as much as I loved this anime, there is no way I'm going to pass on checking out this upcoming book release.  If you've also been a fan of this anime for quite a while like I have, or even if you've somehow never heard of it but want to see what all the noise is about, then we can both pre - order ours below:

                                                                                                      Fullmetal Alchemist 20th Anniversary Book.jpg

Street Savvy the Otaku Guy
870 Wheeler St.
Gary, IN 46406
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