Dear Otaku Illustrated Subscriber,
So continuing with filler words in Japanese, this next one is edo. This is used by the Japanese when they're thinking something out loud.

So I will now continue with Japan's 0% homelessness rate. The ways in which the law also makes it very hard to be homeless in Japan is by making any kind of begging illegal. They also build their infrastructure to make it extremely difficult for homeless people to stay in certain areas by keeping parks locked at night, and by designing benches and seats in ways that make it impossible for anyone to sleep on them or even sit on them for a long time. Even though it wasn't meant to reduce the homeless population, the fact that Japan has very strict laws against any kind of drug except for alcohol and extremely harsh punishments for having drugs does so as well. This results in only 1.6% of Japanese having tried drugs before adulthood compared to 46% in the United States. Japan also has a very robust health care system, resulting in people with drug problems and mental illness being in the proper facilities getting the help they need, whereas these people would just end up in the streets in America. And finally, Japan has very easy access to housing. Whereas other countries stagnated on building homes, Japan took the opposite approach resulting in homes being very plentiful and very affordable. But while all of this sounds great on the surface, this is only the official explanation. And next week, I'll go past the surface and expose the real reason Japan's homelessness rate is 0%.

While it's never been completely clear whether not not this is an anime, I still decided to check it out since I saw it in an anime magazine. So considering that I very much enjoyed it, I will definitely check out this upcoming manga based on it. If you've also enjoyed the show despite it not being clear if it's an anime or not so you definitely know you're going to check out this manga, or even if you didn't because of the uncertainty but you at least want to see what the manga is about, then we can both pre - order ours below:
Street Savvy the Otaku Guy
870 Wheeler St.
Gary, IN 46406