Did you know that Japan and America actually agree on this one?

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Street Savvy

2021年7月22日 11:26:192021/7/22
收件人 Otaku Illustrated
Dear Otaku Illustrated Subscriber,

                                                                                                             Street Savvy.JPG

So continuing on with the topic of ordering in a Japanese restaurant, this next one is totemo oishii desu (This is very delicious.).  So as you can probably guess, this is used the same as the previous one but after you've actually tasted the food rather than just looked at it.

                                                                            Otaku Universe.JPG

So continuing on with the things that you shouldn't do in Japan, this next one is actually the same for us in America.  You should never blow your nose while at the dinner table.  This is considered very rude and extremely nasty.  But the Japanese go a bit farther than we do in that you shouldn't blow your nose at all where someone can see you doing it, and for the same reasons.

                                                                            Otaku Universe Brand.JPG

I've been on a Studio Ghibli kick as of late, and I've most definitely heard of this one quite a few times.  But I've yet to get to actually get to see it.  But with this cool new steelbook edition coming, this would be a very good time to finally check it out for myself.  If you'd like to check this out for the first time like me, or even if you'd simply like to upgrade to the steelbook edition, we can both pre - order ours below:

                                                                                                        Porco Rosso.jpg

Street Savvy the Otaku Guy
870 Wheeler St.
Gary, IN 46406 - 1952
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