Want to know why cyber cafes are a double edge sword?

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Street Savvy

Jul 28, 2023, 12:41:00 AM7/28/23
to Otaku Illustrated
Dear Otaku Illustrated Subscriber,

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So continuing with onomatopoeia this next one will be gu gu.  This is the one that means your stomach is grumbling.

                                                                            Otaku Universe.JPG

So I will now continue with Japan's 0% homelessness rate.  This is the reason that the official government numbers are considered inaccurate and that the real number of homeless is at least three times more, and that's not even including the cyber-homeless.  The numbers would be wildly different if they were to be included because it was discovered that there were over 15,000 people living in cyber cafes in Tokyo alone in 2020, five times the number that the official government numbers says for the entirety  of Japan.  Now these cyber cafes are a bit of a double-edge sword.  On the plus side, they provide the Japanese with a safety net that can prevent them from ending up entirely homeless, a luxury that we don't have in America.  But on the other hand, that they're being used as homeless shelters at all is reflective of a major problem that Japan has, and I'll be going into this next week.

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Considering that I've always love this guy's games ever since I first started playing console games as a kid with the Super Nintendo, there is no way that I'm going to miss this upcoming release.  Especially since this will be an adventure game, which has always been my bread and butter.  If you've also loved this guy's games for a long time, or even if you're just an adventure game lover, then we can both pre - order ours below:

                                                                                                       Super Mario Bros. Wonder.jpg

Street Savvy the Otaku Guy
870 Wheeler St.
Gary, IN 46406
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