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Backend API

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Natan Mager

Apr 14, 2022, 1:30:37 AM4/14/22
to osv-discuss
Hi guys,
My name is Natan and I'm a developer for Whitesource,
Up until a couple f days ago we used to query the API on this path:{}

It looks like it no longer exists and I haven't found any announcement about a change or a malfunction.
Any update would be greatly appriviated.


Oliver Chang

Apr 14, 2022, 1:43:47 AM4/14/22
to Natan Mager, osv-discuss
Hi Natan,

This was an undocumented endpoint meant only to serve our frontend. We recently refreshed our frontend at, which led to this going away. 

Could you please explain your use case a bit more here? Are the documented API and data dumps insufficient for you? 


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Natan Mager

Apr 14, 2022, 1:55:07 AM4/14/22
to Oliver Chang, osv-discuss
Hi Oliver and thanks for the quick response!
We use it as part of an internal system that gives our analysts an overview of different vulnerability repositories.
In the case of OSV, we scan for new vulnerabilities daily using this API.
We use the usual, documented ones, when more details are required and we have a key for massive acces if needed.

Natan Mager
Software Developer
4 Ariel Sharon St, HaShahar Tower, 20th Floor
Givatayim 5320047, Israel

Adi Matalon

May 1, 2022, 8:16:23 AM5/1/22
to osv-discuss
Hi Oliver,
Any news about this api{}, it used to be under your API Documentation and now it doesn't exist.
Do you have any other api to get all OSV-ids in your DB?

Oliver Chang

May 1, 2022, 9:01:39 PM5/1/22
to Adi Matalon, osv-discuss
Hi Adi,

I don't believe this was ever documented. This was a private API used to serve the frontend only, and we have no plans to introduce an official API for this. 

To get all OSV IDs, would our supported data dumps at: work for you?


Adi Matalon

May 2, 2022, 2:42:26 AM5/2/22
to Oliver Chang, osv-discuss
Thanks, I'll check it out. 
Best Regards,


Adi Matalon

Software Developer

Ariel Sharon 4, HaShahar Tower 32 Floor

Givatayim, Israel 5320047

WhiteSource empowers businesses to develop better software 
by harnessing the power of open source
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