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Experimenting with OSV API

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Mehdi Karimi

Jun 3, 2021, 12:57:52 PM6/3/21
to osv-discuss

I am testing with OSV. For a OSS that is available in GitHub, how can I make a request?
For example, I want to see vulnerabilities in



Oliver Chang

Jun 4, 2021, 2:34:32 AM6/4/21
to Mehdi Karimi, osv-discuss
Hi Mehdi,

There's two ways to query the API. By a commit hash, or by a package name and version number.

By commit hash:

      curl -X POST -d \
          '{"commit": "6879efc2c1596d11a6a6ad296f80063b558d5e0f"}' \

(No package name is required). 

For version queries, something like:
      curl -X POST -d \
          '{"version": "2.4.1", "package": {"name": "jinja2", "ecosystem": "PyPI"}}' \

The currently supported ecosystems for this are "PyPI", "Go", and "OSS-Fuzz". 


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Mehdi Karimi

Jun 4, 2021, 5:28:43 PM6/4/21
to osv-discuss
Thanks for your reply.
By "The currently supported ecosystems for this are "PyPI", "Go", and "OSS-Fuzz"." did you mean only packages and libraries that are tested by OSS-Fuzz are available? Additionally index from only PyPi and Go?

If I use the commit hash, is it unique across all these different packages and libs? No need to pass the name?


Oliver Chang

Jun 6, 2021, 7:57:34 PM6/6/21
to Mehdi Karimi, osv-discuss
On Sat, 5 Jun 2021 at 07:28, Mehdi Karimi <> wrote:
Thanks for your reply.
By "The currently supported ecosystems for this are "PyPI", "Go", and "OSS-Fuzz"." did you mean only packages and libraries that are tested by OSS-Fuzz are available? Additionally index from only PyPi and Go?

Currently yes, but we are working on adding more ecosystems as well.

If I use the commit hash, is it unique across all these different packages and libs? No need to pass the name?

That's right. commit hashes are unique enough across different repositories.  

Mehdi Karimi

Jun 8, 2021, 12:41:35 AM6/8/21
to osv-discuss
Would you know what packages OSS-Fuzz has fuzzed so far? Where can we find a list of those?

Oliver Chang

Jun 8, 2021, 12:44:53 AM6/8/21
to Mehdi Karimi, osv-discuss

Mehdi Karimi

Jun 8, 2021, 1:56:31 PM6/8/21
to osv-discuss
Thanks for sharing the link, Oliver.

Additionally, how many of these reporting vulnerabilities are vetted? i.e., confirmed to be a real issue, not benign nor a false positive.
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