Clarification and Support regarding Ostinato Tool Features

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Sep 10, 2024, 3:37:25 AMSep 10
to ostinato

Hi Team,

We are Looking for Some tool which can generate Ethernet Traffic in our system. Also we need to Monitor those generated packets. While Exploring tools we came across Ostinato. We are thinking that Ostinato can help us, for that we need to clarify some queries regarding tools features and capabilities.

Our Queries are:

1.Our Moto is to use Ostinato in AUTOSAR PDU Testing, where we need to Simulate Ethernet Packets and Monitor.

2.We have Ethernet Database in ".arxml" file format. Is this format compatible with the tool?.

3.Is it possible to simulate Ethernet traffic in AUTOSAR format?.

Thanks & Regards,

Akash K

Srivats P

Sep 11, 2024, 3:37:21 AMSep 11
to Akash
Hi Akash,

Thank you for your interest in Ostinato.

Here are the answers to your questions -

1.Our Moto is to use Ostinato in AUTOSAR PDU Testing, where we need to Simulate Ethernet Packets and Monitor.

Ostinato can generate Ethernet packets. AUTOSAR PDU I understand is a payload inside TCP/UDP inside ethernet packets. We will need to understand about the contents of AUTOSAR PDUs and how those will be specified to comment more.

2.We have Ethernet Database in ".arxml" file format. Is this format compatible with the tool?.

 Again, I'm not an AUTOSAR expert and I couldn't find any details about an "Ethernet Database" element in ARXML file format. We currently don't support ARXML but since its standard XML we can implement a converter or importer for it.

3.Is it possible to simulate Ethernet traffic in AUTOSAR format?.

We would need more details about the AUTOSAR PDU contents. I suggest we have a call to discuss your requirements and help you evaluate if and how Ostinato can help you.

Srivats (Founder, Ostinato)
Now generate up to 100Gbps 🚀 with the Ostinato Turbo add-on!
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