LAG Emulation

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Bailey Yang

Jun 29, 2020, 9:40:17 PM6/29/20
to ostinato
Hello There,

Just found out about Ostinato. Quick question, does this traggic generator support LAG Emulation?

Carlos G Mendioroz

Jun 30, 2020, 7:48:00 AM6/30/20
to Bailey Yang, ostinato
Ostinato generates traffic on OS supported interfaces using pcap drivers.
It does not support stateful transactions.

So it can not support running any LAG control protocol. But you can
generate 2 streams and activate them in the "LAG" members.

Bailey Yang @ 29/06/2020 19:00 -0300 dixit:
> Hello There,
> Just found out about Ostinato. Quick question, does this traggic
> generator support LAG Emulation?
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Carlos G Mendioroz <> LW7 EQI Argentina

Sijin Koshy Jacob

May 30, 2024, 6:25:23 AM5/30/24
to ostinato

Sorry for the blunt question, Can someone explain how to do this "generate 2 streams and activate them in the "LAG" members"? 

Srivats P

May 30, 2024, 6:30:24 AM5/30/24
to Sijin Koshy Jacob, ostinato
Hi Sijin,

You don't need to create 2 streams.

Just create a LAG interface on the OS before running Ostinato/Drone. The LAG interface should show up in Ostinato. You can use it as a normal ethernet interface. Any stream sent on the LAG interface will be load balanced across its member interfaces.

Here are generic instructions to create a LAG interface on Linux -

# Check if bonding module is loaded
lsmod | grep bonding

# If not, load it
modprobe bonding

# Verify bonding module is loaded
lsmod | grep bonding

# Create bond interface
ip link add dev bond0 type bond

# Disable member interfaces
ip link set dev eth0 down
ip link set dev eth1 down

# Add member interfaces to bond
ip link set dev eth0 master bond0
ip link set dev eth1 master bond0

# Enable member links and bond interface
ip link set dev eth0 up
ip link set dev eth1 up
ip link set dev bond0 up

This is expected to work on all distros, but you may need to do something different in your distro.

Let me know if this works for you.

Srivats (Founder, Ostinato)
Now generate up to 100Gbps 🚀 with the Ostinato Turbo add-on!

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Srivats P

Jun 5, 2024, 1:35:44 PM6/5/24
to Sijin Koshy Jacob, ostinato
Hi Sijin,

Did the instructions in my previous email work for LAG testing?


Sijin Koshy Jacob

Jun 11, 2024, 11:36:23 PM6/11/24
to Srivats P, ostinato
Thanks for these details Srivats, I had to come to india for an emergency and didnot get a chance to continue working on this. I will be back around end of June and will give this a try.
Not sure is how this will impact eve-ng environment, since it have lots of dependencies on the system network interfaces and we will be bonding two virtual interfaces/connections created in eve-ng


Srivats P

Jun 12, 2024, 4:09:01 AM6/12/24
to Sijin Koshy Jacob, ostinato
Hi Sijin,

No worries. You can try once you are back.

The commands will work on Ostinato for EVE-NG VM also - I just tried.

There's one hitch though - the Ostinato for EVE-NG VM does not include the "ip" utility.

To install it you need to first connect the Ostinato node in EVE-NG to the Management (Cloud0) network so that it has internet access.

Then install the ip utility by running the following commands in a terminal on the Ostinato VM -
# download iproute2 package to home directory
cd ~

# backup the home directory so that you don't have to re-download the package after restarting the Ostinato node in EVE-NG

# install the downloaded package
tce-load -i iproute2

Now you can use the commands I gave in my previous email to create the bond interface.

After the bond interface is created, you need to close and restart Ostinato so that it reads the list of interfaces again and bond0 is available in the Ostinato port list -


Srivats (Founder, Ostinato)
Now generate up to 100Gbps 🚀 with the Ostinato Turbo add-on!

Srivats P

Jul 9, 2024, 9:17:03 AM7/9/24
to Sijin Koshy Jacob, ostinato
Hi Sijin,

Hope you had a good vacation.

Were you able to try Ostinato with the bond interface?

Srivats (Founder, Ostinato)
Now generate up to 100Gbps 🚀 with the Ostinato Turbo add-on!

On Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 1:38 PM Srivats P <> wrote:
> Hi Sijin,
> No worries. You can try once you are back.
> The commands will work on Ostinato for EVE-NG VM also - I just tried.
> There's one hitch though - the Ostinato for EVE-NG VM does not include the "ip" utility.
> To install it you need to first connect the Ostinato node in EVE-NG to the Management (Cloud0) network so that it has internet access.
> Then install the ip utility by running the following commands in a terminal on the Ostinato VM -
> # download iproute2 package to home directory
> cd ~
> wget
> # backup the home directory so that you don't have to re-download the package after restarting the Ostinato node in EVE-NG
> backup
> # install the downloaded package
> tce-load -i iproute2
> Now you can use the commands I gave in my previous email to create the bond interface.
> After the bond interface is created, you need to close and restart Ostinato so that it reads the list of interfaces again and bond0 is available in the Ostinato port list -

Srivats P

Jul 17, 2024, 9:39:27 AM7/17/24
to Sijin Koshy Jacob, ostinato
Hi Sijin,

Just checking in to see if you were able try Ostinato with the Linux bond interface as per my instructions?

Srivats (Founder, Ostinato)
Now generate up to 100Gbps 🚀 with the Ostinato Turbo add-on!

Srivats P

Aug 13, 2024, 9:04:34 AM8/13/24
to Sijin Koshy Jacob, ostinato
Hi Sijin,

I haven't heard back from you, so I'm going to assume you didn't get a chance to try Ostinato with linux bond interface or got busy with other things and this is no longer a priority - and hence stop following up on this.

If that is not the case, just hit reply and let me know.

Srivats (Founder, Ostinato)
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