When unexpected happens. After try many fixes multiple times, then send an e-mail to one of our mailing lists with the following information:

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tater bug

Jun 27, 2022, 10:24:36 PM6/27/22
to ossec-list


root-laptop:/var/ossec/logs# /var/ossec/bin# cat /etc/ossec-init.conf
-bash: /var/ossec/bin#: No such file or directory
root-laptop:/var/ossec/logs# cat /etc/ossec-init.conf          

DATE="Sat 11 Jun 2022 03:51:41 PM EDT"
root-laptop:/var/ossec/bin# cat /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf
root-laptop:/var/ossec/logs# cat /etc/ossec-init.conf          

DATE="Sat 11 Jun 2022 03:51:41 PM EDT"
root-laptop:/var/ossec/logs# cat /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf

    <!-- <include>policy_rules.xml</include> -->

    <!-- Frequency that syscheck is executed - default to every 22 hours -->

    <!-- Directories to check  (perform all possible verifications) -->
    <directories check_all="yes">/etc,/usr/bin,/usr/sbin</directories>
    <directories check_all="yes">/bin,/sbin,/boot</directories>

    <!-- Files/directories to ignore -->

    <!-- Windows files to ignore -->





  <!-- Files to monitor (localfiles) -->






    <command>df -P</command>

    <command>netstat -tan |grep LISTEN |egrep -v '(| ::1)' | sort</command>

    <command>last -n 5</command>

root-laptop:/var/ossec/bin# uname -a
Linux laptop 5.13.0-51-generic #58~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 14 11:29:12 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

##  Any other relevant information.

* OSSEC HIDS v3.6.0 Agent manager.     *
* The following options are available: *
   (A)dd an agent (A).
   (E)xtract key for an agent (E).
   (L)ist already added agents (L).
   (R)emove an agent (R).
Choose your action: A,E,L,R or Q: e

Available agents:
   ID: 001, Name: D-XPS-WIN10, IP:
Provide the ID of the agent to extract the key (or '\q' to quit): 001

Agent key information for '001' is:

** Press ENTER to return to the main menu.

OSSEC HIDS list_agents: List available agents.
Available options:
        -h    This help message.
        -a    List all agents.
        -c    List the connected (active) agents.
        -n    List the not connected (active) agents.
root-laptop:/var/ossec/bin# /var/ossec/bin/list_agents -c      
** No agent available.
root-laptop:/var/ossec/bin# /var/ossec/bin/list_agents -a
** No agent available.
root-laptop:/var/ossec/bin# /var/ossec/bin/list_agents -n
** No agent available.

### following 3 commands all executed within 7 seconds.  Note status of ossec-execd.
root-laptop:/var/ossec/bin# ./ossec-control status
ossec-monitord is running...
ossec-logcollector is running...
ossec-remoted is running...
ossec-syscheckd is running...
ossec-analysisd is running...
ossec-execd not running...            <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
root-laptop:/var/ossec/bin# ./ossec-control restart
Killing ossec-monitord ..
Killing ossec-logcollector ..
Killing ossec-remoted ..
Killing ossec-syscheckd ..
Killing ossec-analysisd ..
ossec-maild not running ..
ossec-execd not running ..            <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
OSSEC HIDS v3.6.0 Stopped
Starting OSSEC HIDS v3.6.0...
Started ossec-execd...                <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Started ossec-analysisd...
Started ossec-logcollector...
Started ossec-remoted...
Started ossec-syscheckd...
Started ossec-monitord...
root-laptop:/var/ossec/bin# ./ossec-control status
ossec-monitord is running...
ossec-logcollector is running...
ossec-remoted is running...
ossec-syscheckd is running...
ossec-analysisd is running...
ossec-execd not running...            <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

### server's iptables
sudo iptables -P INPUT DROP
sudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
sudo iptables -P FORWARD DROP
sudo iptables -t nat -F
sudo iptables -t mangle -F
sudo iptables -F
sudo iptables -X
sudo iptables -A INPUT  -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT  -p tcp -s 192.168.a.b  --dport   22 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT  -p tcp -s 192.168.a.b  --dport 8000 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT  -p tcp -s 192.168.a.b  --dport 8089 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT  -p tcp -s 192.168.a.b  --dport 9997 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT  -p udp -s 192.168.a.b  --dport 1514 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp -d 192.168.a.b  --dport 1514 -j ACCEPT

### server's ossec.log
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/usr/sbin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/bin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/sbin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/boot', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mtab'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mnttab'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/hosts.deny'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mail/statistics'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/random-seed'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/adjtime'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/httpd/logs'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/utmpx'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/wtmpx'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/cups/certs'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/dumpdates'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/svc/volatile'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/LogFiles'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Debug'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/WindowsUpdate.log'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/iis6.log'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Logs'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Repository'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Prefetch'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/PCHEALTH/HELPCTR/DataColl'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/SoftwareDistribution'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Temp'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/config'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/spool'
2022/06/15 11:09:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/CatRoot'
2022/06/15 11:09:25 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/auth.log'.
2022/06/15 11:09:25 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/syslog'.
2022/06/15 11:09:25 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/dpkg.log'.
2022/06/15 11:09:25 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/apache2/error.log'.
2022/06/15 11:09:25 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/apache2/access.log'.
2022/06/15 11:09:25 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring output of command(360): df -P
2022/06/15 11:09:25 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring full output of command(360): netstat -tan |grep LISTEN |egrep -v '(| ::1)' | sort
2022/06/15 11:09:25 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring full output of command(360): last -n 5
2022/06/15 11:09:25 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Started (pid: 29357).
2022/06/15 11:10:26 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan (forwarding database).
2022/06/15 11:10:26 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck database (pre-scan).
2022/06/15 11:25:32 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Finished creating syscheck database (pre-scan completed).
2022/06/15 11:25:44 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan (forwarding database).
2022/06/15 11:26:04 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/15 11:40:36 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/15 12:57:12 ossec-execd(1226): ERROR: Error reading XML file 'ossec.conf': XMLERR: File 'ossec.conf' not found. (line 0).
2022/06/15 12:58:04 ossec-execd(1350): INFO: Active response disabled. Exiting.
2022/06/15 13:20:36 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/15 13:34:42 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/15 13:34:42 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan.
2022/06/15 13:50:25 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan.
2022/06/16 09:35:25 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/16 09:48:57 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/16 09:55:35 ossec-authd: INFO: Started (pid: 70338).
2022/06/16 09:55:35 Accepting connections. Random password chosen for agent authentication: 1675f5994518879110af09dc18d648d1
2022/06/16 09:55:35 ossec-authd: ERROR: Unable to read certificate file (not found): /var/ossec/etc/sslmanager.cert
2022/06/16 09:55:35 ossec-authd: ERROR: SSL error. Exiting.
2022/06/16 10:29:41 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:29:47 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:29:51 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:29:56 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:30:02 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:33:58 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:34:04 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:34:08 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:34:13 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:34:19 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:38:33 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:38:39 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:38:43 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:38:48 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:38:54 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:40:56 ossec-testrule: INFO: Reading local decoder file.
2022/06/16 10:40:56 ossec-testrule: INFO: Started (pid: 70804).
2022/06/16 10:40:56 ossec-execd(1350): INFO: Active response disabled. Exiting.
2022/06/16 10:43:26 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:43:32 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:43:36 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:43:41 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:43:47 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:48:37 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:48:43 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:48:47 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:48:52 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:48:58 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:54:07 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:54:13 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:54:17 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:54:22 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 10:54:28 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 11:33:35 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 11:33:41 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 11:33:45 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 11:33:50 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 11:33:56 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 11:53:57 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan.
2022/06/16 12:06:21 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:06:27 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:06:31 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:06:36 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:06:42 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:09:40 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan.
2022/06/16 12:12:44 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:12:50 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:12:54 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:12:59 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:13:05 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:34:01 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:34:07 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:34:11 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:34:16 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:34:22 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:41:00 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:41:06 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:41:10 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:41:15 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:41:21 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:48:17 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:48:23 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:48:27 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:48:32 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:48:38 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:55:52 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:55:58 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:56:02 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:56:07 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 12:56:13 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:00:10 ossec-testrule: INFO: Reading local decoder file.
2022/06/16 13:00:10 ossec-testrule: INFO: Started (pid: 71851).
2022/06/16 13:00:10 ossec-execd(1350): INFO: Active response disabled. Exiting.
2022/06/16 13:03:46 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:03:52 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:03:56 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:04:01 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:04:07 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:11:57 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:12:03 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:12:07 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:12:12 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:12:18 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:20:26 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:20:32 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:20:36 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:20:41 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:20:47 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:29:13 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:29:19 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:29:23 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:29:28 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:29:34 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:38:18 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:38:24 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:38:28 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:38:33 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:38:39 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:47:41 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:47:47 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:47:51 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:47:56 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:48:02 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:57:22 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:57:28 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:57:32 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:57:37 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 13:57:43 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:07:21 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:07:27 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:07:31 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:07:36 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:07:42 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:17:38 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:17:44 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:17:48 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:17:53 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:17:59 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:28:13 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:28:19 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:28:23 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:28:28 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:28:34 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:39:06 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:39:12 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:39:16 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:39:21 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:39:27 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:50:17 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:50:23 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:50:27 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:50:32 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 14:50:38 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:01:46 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:01:52 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:01:56 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:02:02 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:02:08 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:13:34 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:13:40 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:13:44 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:13:49 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:13:55 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:25:39 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:25:45 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:25:49 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:25:54 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:26:00 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:39:08 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:39:14 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:39:18 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:39:23 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:39:29 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:51:49 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:51:55 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:51:59 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:52:04 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 15:52:10 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:14:53 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:14:59 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:15:03 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:15:08 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:15:14 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:28:10 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:28:16 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:28:20 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:28:25 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:28:31 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:41:45 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:41:51 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:41:55 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:42:00 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:42:06 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:55:38 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:55:44 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:55:48 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:55:53 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:55:59 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 16:58:49 ossec-monitord(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/16 16:58:49 ossec-logcollector(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/16 16:58:49 ossec-remoted(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/16 16:58:49 ossec-syscheckd(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/16 16:58:49 ossec-analysisd(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/16 16:58:50 ossec-testrule: INFO: Reading local decoder file.
2022/06/16 16:58:50 ossec-testrule: INFO: Started (pid: 73704).
2022/06/16 16:58:50 ossec-execd(1350): INFO: Active response disabled. Exiting.
2022/06/16 16:58:50 ossec-remoted: INFO: Started (pid: 73729).
2022/06/16 16:58:50 IPv6: :: on port 1514
2022/06/16 16:58:50 Socket bound for IPv6: :: on port 1514
2022/06/16 16:58:50 ossec-remoted: INFO: Started (pid: 73731).
2022/06/16 16:58:50 ossec-remoted(1501): ERROR: No IP or network allowed in the access list for syslog. No reason for running it. Exiting.
2022/06/16 16:58:50 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading local decoder file.
2022/06/16 16:58:50 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'rules_config.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:50 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pam_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:50 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sshd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:50 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'telnetd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:50 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'syslog_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'arpwatch_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'symantec-av_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'symantec-ws_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pix_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'named_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'smbd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vsftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pure-ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'proftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms_ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'hordeimp_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'roundcube_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'wordpress_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'cimserver_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vpopmail_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vmpop3d_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'courier_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'web_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'web_appsec_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'apache_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'nginx_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'php_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mysql_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'postgresql_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ids_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'squid_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'firewall_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'apparmor_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'cisco-ios_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'netscreenfw_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sonicwall_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'postfix_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sendmail_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'imapd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mailscanner_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dovecot_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms-exchange_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'racoon_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vpn_concentrator_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'spamd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'msauth_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mcafee_av_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'trend-osce_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms-se_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'zeus_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'solaris_bsm_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vmware_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms_dhcp_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'asterisk_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ossec_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'attack_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'openbsd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'clam_av_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dropbear_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sysmon_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'opensmtpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'exim_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'openbsd-dhcpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dnsmasq_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'nsd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'local_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Total rules enabled: '1606'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mtab'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mnttab'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/hosts.deny'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mail/statistics'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/random-seed'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/adjtime'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/httpd/logs'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/utmpx'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/wtmpx'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/cups/certs'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/dumpdates'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/svc/volatile'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/LogFiles'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Debug'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/WindowsUpdate.log'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/iis6.log'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Logs'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Repository'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Prefetch'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/PCHEALTH/HELPCTR/DataColl'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/SoftwareDistribution'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Temp'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/config'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/spool'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/CatRoot'
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Started (pid: 73721).
2022/06/16 16:58:51 ossec-monitord: INFO: Started (pid: 73741).
2022/06/16 16:58:52 ossec-remoted(4111): INFO: Maximum number of agents allowed: '2048'.
2022/06/16 16:58:52 ossec-remoted(1410): INFO: Reading authentication keys file.
2022/06/16 16:58:52 ossec-remoted: INFO: No previous counter available for 'D-XPS-WIN10'.
2022/06/16 16:58:52 ossec-remoted: INFO: Assigning counter for agent D-XPS-WIN10: '0:0'.
2022/06/16 16:58:52 ossec-remoted: INFO: No previous sender counter.
2022/06/16 16:58:52 ossec-remoted: INFO: Assigning sender counter: 0:0
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Started (pid: 73737).
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-rootcheck: INFO: Started (pid: 73737).
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/etc', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/usr/bin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/usr/sbin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/bin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/sbin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/boot', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mtab'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mnttab'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/hosts.deny'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mail/statistics'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/random-seed'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/adjtime'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/httpd/logs'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/utmpx'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/wtmpx'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/cups/certs'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/dumpdates'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/svc/volatile'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/LogFiles'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Debug'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/WindowsUpdate.log'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/iis6.log'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Logs'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Repository'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Prefetch'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/PCHEALTH/HELPCTR/DataColl'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/SoftwareDistribution'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Temp'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/config'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/spool'
2022/06/16 16:58:55 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/CatRoot'
2022/06/16 16:58:56 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/auth.log'.
2022/06/16 16:58:56 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/syslog'.
2022/06/16 16:58:56 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/dpkg.log'.
2022/06/16 16:58:56 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/apache2/error.log'.
2022/06/16 16:58:56 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/apache2/access.log'.
2022/06/16 16:58:56 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring output of command(360): df -P
2022/06/16 16:58:56 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring full output of command(360): netstat -tan |grep LISTEN |egrep -v '(| ::1)' | sort
2022/06/16 16:58:56 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring full output of command(360): last -n 5
2022/06/16 16:58:56 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Started (pid: 73725).
2022/06/16 16:59:57 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan (forwarding database).
2022/06/16 16:59:57 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck database (pre-scan).
2022/06/16 17:09:49 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 17:09:55 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 17:09:59 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 17:10:04 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 17:10:10 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 17:15:08 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Finished creating syscheck database (pre-scan completed).
2022/06/16 17:15:20 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan (forwarding database).
2022/06/16 17:15:40 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/16 17:24:18 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 17:24:24 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 17:24:28 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 17:24:33 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 17:24:39 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 17:28:51 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/16 17:39:05 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 17:39:11 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 17:39:15 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 17:39:20 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 17:39:26 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 18:56:38 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 18:56:44 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 18:56:48 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 18:56:53 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 18:56:59 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 19:12:01 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 19:12:07 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 19:12:11 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 19:12:16 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 19:12:22 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 19:27:42 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 19:27:48 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 19:27:52 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 19:27:57 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 19:28:03 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 19:43:41 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 19:43:48 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 19:43:52 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 19:43:57 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 19:44:03 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 20:00:46 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 20:00:52 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 20:00:56 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 20:01:01 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 20:01:07 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 20:26:06 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 20:26:12 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 20:26:16 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 20:26:21 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 20:26:27 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 20:42:59 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 20:43:05 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 20:43:09 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 20:43:14 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 20:43:20 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 21:00:10 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 21:00:16 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 21:00:21 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 21:00:35 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 21:48:22 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 21:48:28 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 21:48:32 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 21:48:37 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 21:48:43 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 21:49:08 ossec-remoted(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/16 21:49:08 ossec-analysisd(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/16 21:49:08 ossec-monitord(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/16 21:49:08 ossec-syscheckd(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/16 21:49:08 ossec-logcollector(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/16 22:03:44 ossec-testrule: INFO: Reading local decoder file.
2022/06/16 22:03:46 ossec-testrule: INFO: Started (pid: 939).
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-execd(1350): INFO: Active response disabled. Exiting.
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading local decoder file.
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'rules_config.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pam_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sshd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'telnetd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'syslog_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'arpwatch_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'symantec-av_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'symantec-ws_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pix_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'named_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'smbd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vsftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pure-ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'proftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms_ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'hordeimp_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'roundcube_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'wordpress_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'cimserver_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vpopmail_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vmpop3d_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'courier_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'web_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'web_appsec_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'apache_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'nginx_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'php_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mysql_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'postgresql_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ids_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'squid_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'firewall_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'apparmor_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'cisco-ios_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'netscreenfw_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sonicwall_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'postfix_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sendmail_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'imapd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mailscanner_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dovecot_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms-exchange_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'racoon_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vpn_concentrator_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'spamd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'msauth_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mcafee_av_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'trend-osce_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms-se_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'zeus_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'solaris_bsm_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vmware_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms_dhcp_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'asterisk_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ossec_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'attack_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'openbsd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'clam_av_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dropbear_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sysmon_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'opensmtpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'exim_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'openbsd-dhcpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dnsmasq_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'nsd_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'local_rules.xml'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Total rules enabled: '1606'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mtab'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mnttab'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/hosts.deny'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mail/statistics'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/random-seed'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/adjtime'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/httpd/logs'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/utmpx'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/wtmpx'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/cups/certs'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/dumpdates'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/svc/volatile'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/LogFiles'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Debug'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/WindowsUpdate.log'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/iis6.log'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Logs'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Repository'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Prefetch'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/PCHEALTH/HELPCTR/DataColl'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/SoftwareDistribution'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Temp'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/config'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/spool'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/CatRoot'
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Started (pid: 1013).
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-remoted: INFO: Started (pid: 1023).
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-remoted(1501): ERROR: No IP or network allowed in the access list for syslog. No reason for running it. Exiting.
2022/06/16 22:03:47 IPv6: :: on port 1514
2022/06/16 22:03:47 Socket bound for IPv6: :: on port 1514
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-remoted: INFO: Started (pid: 1026).
2022/06/16 22:03:47 ossec-monitord: INFO: Started (pid: 1033).
2022/06/16 22:03:48 ossec-remoted(4111): INFO: Maximum number of agents allowed: '2048'.
2022/06/16 22:03:48 ossec-remoted(1410): INFO: Reading authentication keys file.
2022/06/16 22:03:48 ossec-remoted: INFO: No previous counter available for 'D-XPS-WIN10'.
2022/06/16 22:03:48 ossec-remoted: INFO: Assigning counter for agent D-XPS-WIN10: '0:0'.
2022/06/16 22:03:48 ossec-remoted: INFO: No previous sender counter.
2022/06/16 22:03:48 ossec-remoted: INFO: Assigning sender counter: 0:0
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Started (pid: 1029).
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-rootcheck: INFO: Started (pid: 1029).
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/etc', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/usr/bin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/usr/sbin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/bin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/sbin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/boot', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mtab'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mnttab'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/hosts.deny'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mail/statistics'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/random-seed'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/adjtime'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/httpd/logs'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/utmpx'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/wtmpx'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/cups/certs'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/dumpdates'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/svc/volatile'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/LogFiles'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Debug'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/WindowsUpdate.log'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/iis6.log'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Logs'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Repository'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Prefetch'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/PCHEALTH/HELPCTR/DataColl'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/SoftwareDistribution'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Temp'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/config'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/spool'
2022/06/16 22:03:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/CatRoot'
2022/06/16 22:03:53 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/auth.log'.
2022/06/16 22:03:53 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/syslog'.
2022/06/16 22:03:53 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/dpkg.log'.
2022/06/16 22:03:53 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/apache2/error.log'.
2022/06/16 22:03:53 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/apache2/access.log'.
2022/06/16 22:03:53 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring output of command(360): df -P
2022/06/16 22:03:53 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring full output of command(360): netstat -tan |grep LISTEN |egrep -v '(| ::1)' | sort
2022/06/16 22:03:53 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring full output of command(360): last -n 5
2022/06/16 22:03:53 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Started (pid: 1019).
2022/06/16 22:04:53 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan (forwarding database).
2022/06/16 22:04:53 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck database (pre-scan).
2022/06/16 22:06:09 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 22:06:15 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 22:06:19 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 22:06:24 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 22:06:30 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 22:20:30 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Finished creating syscheck database (pre-scan completed).
2022/06/16 22:20:42 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan (forwarding database).
2022/06/16 22:21:02 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/16 22:24:14 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 22:24:20 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 22:24:24 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 22:24:29 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 22:24:35 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 22:33:50 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/16 23:00:26 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 23:00:32 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 23:00:36 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 23:00:41 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 23:00:47 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 23:19:07 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 23:19:22 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 23:23:17 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/16 23:23:23 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 07:39:33 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 07:39:39 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 07:39:43 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 07:39:48 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 07:39:54 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 08:43:53 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 08:43:59 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 08:44:03 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 08:44:08 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 08:44:14 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 09:04:22 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 09:18:49 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 09:18:54 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 09:19:00 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 09:39:26 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 09:39:32 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 09:39:36 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 09:39:41 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 09:39:47 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 10:00:31 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 10:00:37 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 10:00:41 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 10:00:46 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 10:00:52 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 10:27:42 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 10:27:48 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 10:27:52 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/17 18:38:50 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/17 18:51:20 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/17 20:21:20 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan.
2022/06/17 20:37:03 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan.
2022/06/18 14:52:03 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/18 15:07:31 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/18 18:37:31 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan.
2022/06/18 18:53:15 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan.
2022/06/19 11:08:15 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/19 11:23:25 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/19 16:53:25 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan.
2022/06/19 16:57:17 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 16:57:23 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 16:57:27 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 16:57:32 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 16:57:38 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 17:09:08 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan.
2022/06/19 17:32:10 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 17:32:16 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 17:32:20 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 17:32:25 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 17:32:31 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 19:20:28 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 19:20:34 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 19:20:38 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 19:20:43 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 19:20:49 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 19:58:28 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 19:58:34 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 19:58:38 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 19:58:43 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 19:58:49 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 20:34:15 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 20:34:21 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 20:34:25 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 20:34:30 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 20:34:36 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 21:10:20 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 21:10:26 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 21:10:30 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 21:10:35 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 21:10:41 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 21:46:43 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 21:46:49 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 21:46:53 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 21:46:58 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 21:47:04 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 22:23:24 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 22:23:30 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 22:23:34 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 22:23:39 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/19 22:23:45 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 06:48:37 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 06:48:43 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 06:48:47 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 06:48:52 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 06:48:58 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 07:24:08 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/20 07:30:16 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/20 08:15:35 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 08:15:41 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 08:15:45 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 08:15:50 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 08:15:56 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 08:53:28 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 08:53:34 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 08:53:38 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 08:53:43 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 08:53:49 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 09:33:13 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 09:33:19 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 09:33:23 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 09:33:28 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 09:33:34 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 10:18:05 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 10:18:11 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 10:18:15 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 10:18:20 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 10:18:26 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 10:56:52 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 10:56:58 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 10:57:02 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 10:57:07 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 10:57:13 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 11:35:57 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 11:36:03 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 11:36:07 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 11:36:12 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 11:36:18 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 14:34:06 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 14:34:12 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 14:34:16 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 14:34:21 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 14:34:27 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 15:10:16 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan.
2022/06/20 15:13:47 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 15:13:53 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 15:13:57 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 15:14:02 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 15:14:08 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 15:26:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan.
2022/06/20 15:53:46 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 15:53:52 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 15:53:56 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 15:54:01 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 15:54:07 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 16:34:03 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 16:34:09 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 16:34:13 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 16:34:18 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 16:34:24 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 17:14:38 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 17:14:44 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 17:14:48 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 17:14:53 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 17:14:59 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 19:03:42 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 19:03:48 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 19:03:52 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 19:03:57 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 19:04:03 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 20:31:49 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 20:31:55 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 20:31:59 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 20:32:04 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 20:32:10 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 21:13:18 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 21:13:24 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 21:13:28 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 21:13:33 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 21:13:39 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 21:55:05 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 21:55:11 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 21:55:15 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 21:55:20 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/20 21:55:26 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 03:31:00 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/21 03:37:08 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/21 09:20:37 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 09:20:43 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 09:20:47 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 09:20:52 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 09:20:58 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 13:04:25 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 13:04:31 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 13:04:35 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 13:04:40 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 13:04:46 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 13:27:08 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan.
2022/06/21 13:42:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan.
2022/06/21 13:47:24 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 13:47:31 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 13:47:35 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 13:47:40 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 13:47:46 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 14:30:42 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 14:30:48 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 14:30:52 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 14:30:57 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 14:31:03 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 15:43:34 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 15:43:40 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 15:43:44 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 15:43:49 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 15:43:55 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 16:27:27 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 16:27:33 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 16:27:37 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 16:27:42 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 16:27:48 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 17:11:38 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 17:11:44 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 17:11:48 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 17:11:53 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 17:11:59 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 20:05:23 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 20:05:29 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 20:05:33 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 20:05:38 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 20:05:44 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 20:59:47 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 20:59:53 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 20:59:57 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 21:00:02 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 21:00:08 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 22:49:43 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 22:49:49 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 22:49:53 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 22:49:58 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 22:50:04 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/21 23:37:51 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/21 23:43:59 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/22 07:14:43 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 07:14:49 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 07:14:53 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 07:14:58 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 07:15:04 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 08:00:42 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 08:00:48 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 08:00:52 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 08:00:57 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 08:01:03 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 08:46:59 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 08:47:05 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 08:47:09 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 08:47:14 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 08:47:20 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 09:38:57 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 09:39:03 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 09:39:07 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 09:39:12 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 09:39:19 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 11:06:33 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 11:06:39 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 11:06:43 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 11:06:48 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 11:06:54 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 11:44:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan.
2022/06/22 11:59:43 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan.
2022/06/22 12:13:30 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 12:13:36 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 12:13:40 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 12:13:45 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 12:13:51 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 14:57:49 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 14:57:55 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 14:57:59 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 14:58:04 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 14:58:10 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 15:45:36 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 15:45:42 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 15:45:46 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 15:45:51 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 15:45:57 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 16:33:42 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 16:33:48 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 16:33:52 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 16:33:57 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 16:34:03 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 18:13:49 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 18:13:55 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 18:13:59 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 18:14:04 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 18:14:10 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 19:02:30 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 19:02:36 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 19:02:40 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 19:02:45 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 19:02:51 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 19:44:43 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/22 19:50:49 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/22 19:51:29 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 19:51:35 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 19:51:39 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 19:51:44 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 19:51:50 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 20:40:46 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 20:40:52 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 20:40:56 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 20:41:01 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 20:41:07 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 21:30:21 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 21:30:27 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 21:30:31 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 21:30:36 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/22 21:30:42 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 07:24:21 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 07:24:27 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 07:24:31 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 07:24:36 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 07:24:42 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 07:25:05 ossec-monitord(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/23 07:25:05 ossec-logcollector(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/23 07:25:05 ossec-remoted(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/23 07:25:05 ossec-syscheckd(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/23 07:25:05 ossec-analysisd(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/23 07:39:39 ossec-testrule: INFO: Reading local decoder file.
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-testrule: INFO: Started (pid: 985).
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-execd(1350): INFO: Active response disabled. Exiting.
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading local decoder file.
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'rules_config.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pam_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sshd_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'telnetd_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'syslog_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'arpwatch_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'symantec-av_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'symantec-ws_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pix_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'named_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'smbd_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vsftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pure-ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'proftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms_ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'hordeimp_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'roundcube_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'wordpress_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'cimserver_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vpopmail_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vmpop3d_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'courier_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'web_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'web_appsec_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'apache_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'nginx_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'php_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mysql_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'postgresql_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ids_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'squid_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'firewall_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'apparmor_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'cisco-ios_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'netscreenfw_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sonicwall_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'postfix_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sendmail_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'imapd_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mailscanner_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dovecot_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms-exchange_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'racoon_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vpn_concentrator_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'spamd_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'msauth_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mcafee_av_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'trend-osce_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms-se_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'zeus_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'solaris_bsm_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vmware_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms_dhcp_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'asterisk_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ossec_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'attack_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'openbsd_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-remoted: INFO: Started (pid: 1027).
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-remoted(1501): ERROR: No IP or network allowed in the access list for syslog. No reason for running it. Exiting.
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'clam_av_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dropbear_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 IPv6: :: on port 1514
2022/06/23 07:39:41 Socket bound for IPv6: :: on port 1514
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-remoted: INFO: Started (pid: 1029).
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sysmon_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'opensmtpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'exim_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'openbsd-dhcpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dnsmasq_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'nsd_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'local_rules.xml'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Total rules enabled: '1606'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mtab'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mnttab'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/hosts.deny'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mail/statistics'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/random-seed'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/adjtime'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/httpd/logs'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/utmpx'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/wtmpx'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/cups/certs'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/dumpdates'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/svc/volatile'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/LogFiles'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Debug'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/WindowsUpdate.log'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/iis6.log'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Logs'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Repository'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Prefetch'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/PCHEALTH/HELPCTR/DataColl'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/SoftwareDistribution'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Temp'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/config'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/spool'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/CatRoot'
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Started (pid: 1018).
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-monitord: INFO: Started (pid: 1036).
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-remoted(4111): INFO: Maximum number of agents allowed: '2048'.
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-remoted(1410): INFO: Reading authentication keys file.
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-remoted: INFO: No previous counter available for 'D-XPS-WIN10'.
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-remoted: INFO: Assigning counter for agent D-XPS-WIN10: '0:0'.
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-remoted: INFO: No previous sender counter.
2022/06/23 07:39:41 ossec-remoted: INFO: Assigning sender counter: 0:0
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Started (pid: 1032).
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-rootcheck: INFO: Started (pid: 1032).
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/etc', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/usr/bin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/usr/sbin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/bin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/sbin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/boot', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mtab'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mnttab'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/hosts.deny'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mail/statistics'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/random-seed'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/adjtime'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/httpd/logs'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/utmpx'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/wtmpx'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/cups/certs'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/dumpdates'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/svc/volatile'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/LogFiles'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Debug'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/WindowsUpdate.log'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/iis6.log'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Logs'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Repository'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Prefetch'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/PCHEALTH/HELPCTR/DataColl'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/SoftwareDistribution'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Temp'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/config'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/spool'
2022/06/23 07:39:45 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/CatRoot'
2022/06/23 07:39:47 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/auth.log'.
2022/06/23 07:39:47 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/syslog'.
2022/06/23 07:39:47 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/dpkg.log'.
2022/06/23 07:39:47 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/apache2/error.log'.
2022/06/23 07:39:47 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/apache2/access.log'.
2022/06/23 07:39:47 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring output of command(360): df -P
2022/06/23 07:39:47 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring full output of command(360): netstat -tan |grep LISTEN |egrep -v '(| ::1)' | sort
2022/06/23 07:39:47 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring full output of command(360): last -n 5
2022/06/23 07:39:47 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Started (pid: 1022).
2022/06/23 07:40:46 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan (forwarding database).
2022/06/23 07:40:46 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck database (pre-scan).
2022/06/23 07:56:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Finished creating syscheck database (pre-scan completed).
2022/06/23 07:56:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan (forwarding database).
2022/06/23 07:56:56 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/23 08:09:39 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/23 09:49:16 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 09:49:22 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 09:49:26 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 09:49:31 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 09:49:37 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 11:19:06 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 11:19:12 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 11:19:16 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 11:19:21 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 11:19:27 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 12:09:53 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 12:09:59 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 12:10:03 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 12:10:08 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 12:10:14 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 13:41:54 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 13:42:00 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 13:42:04 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 13:42:09 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 13:42:15 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 14:33:17 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 14:33:23 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 14:33:27 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 14:33:32 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 14:33:38 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 15:24:58 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 15:25:04 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 15:25:08 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 15:25:13 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 15:25:19 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 16:16:57 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 16:17:03 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 16:17:07 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 16:17:12 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 16:17:18 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 17:09:14 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 17:09:20 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 17:09:24 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 17:09:29 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 17:09:35 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 18:35:04 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 18:35:10 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 18:35:14 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 18:35:19 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 18:35:25 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 19:41:06 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 19:57:50 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 19:57:55 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 19:58:01 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 20:50:51 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 20:50:57 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 20:51:01 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 20:51:06 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 20:51:12 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 21:44:20 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 21:44:26 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 21:44:30 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 21:44:35 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/23 21:44:41 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/24 04:14:39 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/24 04:27:09 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/24 05:57:09 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan.
2022/06/24 06:12:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan.
2022/06/24 06:46:49 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/24 06:46:55 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/24 06:46:59 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/24 06:47:04 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/24 06:47:10 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/24 08:41:20 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/24 08:41:26 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/24 08:41:30 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/24 08:41:35 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/24 08:41:41 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/24 09:43:15 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/24 09:43:21 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/24 09:43:25 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/24 09:43:30 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/24 09:43:36 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/24 12:11:11 ossec-monitord(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/24 12:11:11 ossec-logcollector(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/24 12:11:11 ossec-remoted(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/24 12:11:11 ossec-syscheckd(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/24 12:11:11 ossec-analysisd(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/24 12:25:23 ossec-testrule: INFO: Reading local decoder file.
2022/06/24 12:25:24 ossec-testrule: INFO: Started (pid: 912).
2022/06/24 12:25:24 ossec-execd(1350): INFO: Active response disabled. Exiting.
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading local decoder file.
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'rules_config.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pam_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sshd_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'telnetd_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'syslog_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'arpwatch_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'symantec-av_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'symantec-ws_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pix_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'named_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'smbd_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vsftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pure-ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'proftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms_ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'hordeimp_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'roundcube_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'wordpress_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'cimserver_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vpopmail_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vmpop3d_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'courier_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'web_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'web_appsec_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'apache_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'nginx_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'php_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mysql_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'postgresql_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ids_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'squid_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'firewall_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'apparmor_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'cisco-ios_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'netscreenfw_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sonicwall_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'postfix_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sendmail_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'imapd_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mailscanner_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dovecot_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms-exchange_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'racoon_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vpn_concentrator_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'spamd_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'msauth_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mcafee_av_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'trend-osce_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms-se_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'zeus_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'solaris_bsm_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vmware_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms_dhcp_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'asterisk_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ossec_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'attack_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'openbsd_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'clam_av_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dropbear_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sysmon_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'opensmtpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'exim_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'openbsd-dhcpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dnsmasq_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'nsd_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'local_rules.xml'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Total rules enabled: '1606'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mtab'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mnttab'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/hosts.deny'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mail/statistics'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/random-seed'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/adjtime'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/httpd/logs'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/utmpx'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/wtmpx'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/cups/certs'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/dumpdates'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/svc/volatile'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/LogFiles'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Debug'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/WindowsUpdate.log'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/iis6.log'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Logs'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Repository'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Prefetch'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/PCHEALTH/HELPCTR/DataColl'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/SoftwareDistribution'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Temp'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/config'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/spool'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/CatRoot'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Started (pid: 959).
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-remoted: INFO: Started (pid: 974).
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-remoted(1501): ERROR: No IP or network allowed in the access list for syslog. No reason for running it. Exiting.
2022/06/24 12:25:25 getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-remoted(1206): ERROR: Unable to Bind port '1514'
2022/06/24 12:25:25 ossec-monitord: INFO: Started (pid: 984).
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Started (pid: 980).
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-rootcheck: INFO: Started (pid: 980).
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/etc', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/usr/bin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/usr/sbin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/bin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/sbin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/boot', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mtab'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mnttab'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/hosts.deny'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mail/statistics'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/random-seed'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/adjtime'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/httpd/logs'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/utmpx'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/wtmpx'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/cups/certs'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/dumpdates'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/svc/volatile'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/LogFiles'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Debug'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/WindowsUpdate.log'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/iis6.log'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Logs'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Repository'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Prefetch'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/PCHEALTH/HELPCTR/DataColl'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/SoftwareDistribution'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Temp'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/config'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/spool'
2022/06/24 12:25:29 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/CatRoot'
2022/06/24 12:25:31 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/auth.log'.
2022/06/24 12:25:31 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/syslog'.
2022/06/24 12:25:31 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/dpkg.log'.
2022/06/24 12:25:31 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/apache2/error.log'.
2022/06/24 12:25:31 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/apache2/access.log'.
2022/06/24 12:25:31 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring output of command(360): df -P
2022/06/24 12:25:31 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring full output of command(360): netstat -tan |grep LISTEN |egrep -v '(| ::1)' | sort
2022/06/24 12:25:31 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring full output of command(360): last -n 5
2022/06/24 12:25:31 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Started (pid: 969).
2022/06/24 12:26:31 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan (forwarding database).
2022/06/24 12:26:31 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck database (pre-scan).
2022/06/24 12:42:09 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Finished creating syscheck database (pre-scan completed).
2022/06/24 12:42:21 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan (forwarding database).
2022/06/24 12:42:41 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/24 13:00:46 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/25 09:05:46 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/25 09:19:57 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/25 10:44:57 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan.
2022/06/25 11:00:41 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan.
2022/06/26 05:20:41 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/26 05:33:06 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/26 09:03:06 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan.
2022/06/26 09:18:49 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan.
2022/06/26 11:21:55 ossec-monitord(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/26 11:21:55 ossec-logcollector(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/26 11:21:56 ossec-syscheckd(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/26 11:21:56 ossec-analysisd(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/26 11:36:53 ossec-testrule: INFO: Reading local decoder file.
2022/06/26 11:36:55 ossec-testrule: INFO: Started (pid: 860).
2022/06/26 11:36:55 ossec-execd(1350): INFO: Active response disabled. Exiting.
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading local decoder file.
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'rules_config.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pam_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sshd_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'telnetd_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'syslog_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'arpwatch_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'symantec-av_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'symantec-ws_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pix_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'named_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'smbd_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vsftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pure-ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'proftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms_ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'hordeimp_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'roundcube_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'wordpress_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'cimserver_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vpopmail_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vmpop3d_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'courier_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'web_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'web_appsec_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'apache_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'nginx_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'php_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mysql_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'postgresql_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ids_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'squid_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'firewall_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'apparmor_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'cisco-ios_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'netscreenfw_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sonicwall_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'postfix_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sendmail_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'imapd_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mailscanner_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dovecot_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms-exchange_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'racoon_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vpn_concentrator_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'spamd_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'msauth_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mcafee_av_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'trend-osce_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms-se_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'zeus_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-remoted: INFO: Started (pid: 920).
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'solaris_bsm_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vmware_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms_dhcp_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-remoted(1501): ERROR: No IP or network allowed in the access list for syslog. No reason for running it. Exiting.
2022/06/26 11:36:56 IPv6: :: on port 1514
2022/06/26 11:36:56 Socket bound for IPv6: :: on port 1514
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-remoted: INFO: Started (pid: 922).
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'asterisk_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ossec_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'attack_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'openbsd_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'clam_av_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dropbear_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sysmon_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'opensmtpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'exim_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'openbsd-dhcpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dnsmasq_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'nsd_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'local_rules.xml'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Total rules enabled: '1606'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mtab'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mnttab'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/hosts.deny'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mail/statistics'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/random-seed'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/adjtime'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/httpd/logs'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/utmpx'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/wtmpx'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/cups/certs'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/dumpdates'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/svc/volatile'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/LogFiles'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Debug'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/WindowsUpdate.log'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/iis6.log'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Logs'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Repository'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Prefetch'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/PCHEALTH/HELPCTR/DataColl'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/SoftwareDistribution'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Temp'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/config'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/spool'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/CatRoot'
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Started (pid: 907).
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-monitord: INFO: Started (pid: 930).
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-remoted(4111): INFO: Maximum number of agents allowed: '2048'.
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-remoted(1410): INFO: Reading authentication keys file.
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-remoted: INFO: No previous counter available for 'D-XPS-WIN10'.
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-remoted: INFO: Assigning counter for agent D-XPS-WIN10: '0:0'.
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-remoted: INFO: No previous sender counter.
2022/06/26 11:36:56 ossec-remoted: INFO: Assigning sender counter: 0:0
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Started (pid: 926).
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-rootcheck: INFO: Started (pid: 926).
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/etc', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/usr/bin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/usr/sbin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/bin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/sbin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/boot', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mtab'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mnttab'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/hosts.deny'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mail/statistics'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/random-seed'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/adjtime'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/httpd/logs'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/utmpx'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/wtmpx'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/cups/certs'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/dumpdates'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/svc/volatile'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/LogFiles'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Debug'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/WindowsUpdate.log'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/iis6.log'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Logs'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Repository'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Prefetch'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/PCHEALTH/HELPCTR/DataColl'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/SoftwareDistribution'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Temp'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/config'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/spool'
2022/06/26 11:37:00 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/CatRoot'
2022/06/26 11:37:02 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/auth.log'.
2022/06/26 11:37:02 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/syslog'.
2022/06/26 11:37:02 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/dpkg.log'.
2022/06/26 11:37:02 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/apache2/error.log'.
2022/06/26 11:37:02 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/apache2/access.log'.
2022/06/26 11:37:02 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring output of command(360): df -P
2022/06/26 11:37:02 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring full output of command(360): netstat -tan |grep LISTEN |egrep -v '(| ::1)' | sort
2022/06/26 11:37:02 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring full output of command(360): last -n 5
2022/06/26 11:37:02 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Started (pid: 916).
2022/06/26 11:38:01 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan (forwarding database).
2022/06/26 11:38:01 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck database (pre-scan).
2022/06/26 11:53:39 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Finished creating syscheck database (pre-scan completed).
2022/06/26 11:53:51 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan (forwarding database).
2022/06/26 11:54:11 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/26 11:55:47 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/26 11:55:53 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/26 11:55:57 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/26 11:56:02 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/26 11:56:08 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/26 12:06:54 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/26 12:57:40 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/26 12:57:46 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/26 12:57:50 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/26 12:57:55 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/26 12:58:01 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/26 21:28:02 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/26 21:28:08 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/26 21:28:12 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/26 21:28:17 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/26 21:28:23 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/26 22:30:49 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/26 22:30:55 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/26 22:31:00 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/26 22:31:05 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/26 22:31:11 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 08:11:54 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/27 08:24:24 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/27 08:45:53 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 08:45:59 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 08:46:03 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 08:46:08 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 08:46:14 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 09:49:16 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 09:49:22 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 09:49:26 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 09:49:31 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 09:49:37 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 09:54:24 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan.
2022/06/27 10:10:11 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan.
2022/06/27 10:52:57 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 10:53:03 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 10:53:07 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 10:53:12 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 10:53:18 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 14:23:43 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 14:23:49 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 14:23:53 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 14:23:58 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 14:24:04 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 14:25:29 ossec-monitord(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/27 14:25:29 ossec-logcollector(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/27 14:25:29 ossec-remoted(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/27 14:25:29 ossec-syscheckd(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/27 14:25:30 ossec-analysisd(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-testrule: INFO: Reading local decoder file.
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-testrule: INFO: Started (pid: 19375).
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-execd(1350): INFO: Active response disabled. Exiting.
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-remoted: INFO: Started (pid: 19400).
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-remoted(1501): ERROR: No IP or network allowed in the access list for syslog. No reason for running it. Exiting.
2022/06/27 14:25:31 IPv6: :: on port 1514
2022/06/27 14:25:31 Socket bound for IPv6: :: on port 1514
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-remoted: INFO: Started (pid: 19403).
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading local decoder file.
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'rules_config.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pam_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sshd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'telnetd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'syslog_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'arpwatch_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'symantec-av_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'symantec-ws_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pix_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'named_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'smbd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vsftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pure-ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'proftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms_ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'hordeimp_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'roundcube_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'wordpress_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'cimserver_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vpopmail_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vmpop3d_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'courier_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'web_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'web_appsec_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'apache_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'nginx_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'php_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mysql_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'postgresql_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ids_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'squid_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'firewall_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'apparmor_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'cisco-ios_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'netscreenfw_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sonicwall_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'postfix_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sendmail_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'imapd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mailscanner_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dovecot_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms-exchange_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'racoon_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vpn_concentrator_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'spamd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'msauth_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mcafee_av_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'trend-osce_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms-se_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'zeus_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'solaris_bsm_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vmware_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms_dhcp_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'asterisk_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ossec_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'attack_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'openbsd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'clam_av_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dropbear_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sysmon_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'opensmtpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'exim_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'openbsd-dhcpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dnsmasq_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'nsd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'local_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Total rules enabled: '1606'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mtab'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mnttab'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/hosts.deny'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mail/statistics'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/random-seed'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/adjtime'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/httpd/logs'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/utmpx'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/wtmpx'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/cups/certs'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/dumpdates'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/svc/volatile'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/LogFiles'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Debug'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/WindowsUpdate.log'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/iis6.log'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Logs'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Repository'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Prefetch'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/PCHEALTH/HELPCTR/DataColl'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/SoftwareDistribution'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Temp'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/config'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/spool'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/CatRoot'
2022/06/27 14:25:31 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Started (pid: 19392).
2022/06/27 14:25:32 ossec-remoted(4111): INFO: Maximum number of agents allowed: '2048'.
2022/06/27 14:25:32 ossec-remoted(1410): INFO: Reading authentication keys file.
2022/06/27 14:25:32 ossec-remoted: INFO: No previous counter available for 'D-XPS-WIN10'.
2022/06/27 14:25:32 ossec-remoted: INFO: Assigning counter for agent D-XPS-WIN10: '0:0'.
2022/06/27 14:25:32 ossec-remoted: INFO: No previous sender counter.
2022/06/27 14:25:32 ossec-remoted: INFO: Assigning sender counter: 0:0
2022/06/27 14:25:32 ossec-monitord: INFO: Started (pid: 19413).
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Started (pid: 19409).
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-rootcheck: INFO: Started (pid: 19409).
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/etc', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/usr/bin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/usr/sbin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/bin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/sbin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/boot', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mtab'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mnttab'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/hosts.deny'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mail/statistics'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/random-seed'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/adjtime'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/httpd/logs'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/utmpx'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/wtmpx'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/cups/certs'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/dumpdates'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/svc/volatile'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/LogFiles'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Debug'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/WindowsUpdate.log'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/iis6.log'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Logs'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Repository'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Prefetch'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/PCHEALTH/HELPCTR/DataColl'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/SoftwareDistribution'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Temp'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/config'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/spool'
2022/06/27 14:25:36 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/CatRoot'
2022/06/27 14:25:37 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/auth.log'.
2022/06/27 14:25:37 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/syslog'.
2022/06/27 14:25:37 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/dpkg.log'.
2022/06/27 14:25:37 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/apache2/error.log'.
2022/06/27 14:25:37 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/apache2/access.log'.
2022/06/27 14:25:37 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring output of command(360): df -P
2022/06/27 14:25:37 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring full output of command(360): netstat -tan |grep LISTEN |egrep -v '(| ::1)' | sort
2022/06/27 14:25:37 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring full output of command(360): last -n 5
2022/06/27 14:25:37 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Started (pid: 19396).
2022/06/27 14:26:38 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan (forwarding database).
2022/06/27 14:26:38 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck database (pre-scan).
2022/06/27 14:41:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Finished creating syscheck database (pre-scan completed).
2022/06/27 14:42:04 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan (forwarding database).
2022/06/27 14:42:24 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/27 14:56:40 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/27 15:28:00 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 15:28:06 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 15:28:10 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 15:28:15 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 15:28:21 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 16:40:30 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 16:40:36 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 16:40:40 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 16:40:45 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 16:40:51 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 19:22:46 ossec-monitord(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/27 19:22:46 ossec-logcollector(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/27 19:22:46 ossec-remoted(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/27 19:22:46 ossec-syscheckd(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/27 19:22:46 ossec-analysisd(1225): INFO: SIGNAL [(15)-(Terminated)] Received. Exit Cleaning...
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-testrule: INFO: Reading local decoder file.
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-testrule: INFO: Started (pid: 23424).
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-execd(1350): INFO: Active response disabled. Exiting.
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-remoted: INFO: Started (pid: 23449).
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-remoted(1501): ERROR: No IP or network allowed in the access list for syslog. No reason for running it. Exiting.
2022/06/27 19:22:47 IPv6: :: on port 1514
2022/06/27 19:22:47 Socket bound for IPv6: :: on port 1514
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-remoted: INFO: Started (pid: 23452).
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading local decoder file.
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'rules_config.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pam_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sshd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'telnetd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'syslog_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'arpwatch_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'symantec-av_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'symantec-ws_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pix_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'named_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'smbd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vsftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'pure-ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'proftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms_ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ftpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'hordeimp_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'roundcube_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'wordpress_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'cimserver_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vpopmail_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vmpop3d_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'courier_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'web_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'web_appsec_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'apache_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'nginx_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'php_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mysql_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'postgresql_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ids_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'squid_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'firewall_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'apparmor_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'cisco-ios_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'netscreenfw_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sonicwall_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'postfix_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sendmail_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'imapd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mailscanner_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dovecot_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms-exchange_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'racoon_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vpn_concentrator_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'spamd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'msauth_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'mcafee_av_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'trend-osce_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms-se_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'zeus_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'solaris_bsm_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'vmware_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ms_dhcp_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'asterisk_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'ossec_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'attack_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'openbsd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'clam_av_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dropbear_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'sysmon_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'opensmtpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'exim_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'openbsd-dhcpd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'dnsmasq_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'nsd_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Reading rules file: 'local_rules.xml'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Total rules enabled: '1606'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mtab'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mnttab'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/hosts.deny'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/mail/statistics'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/random-seed'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/adjtime'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/httpd/logs'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/utmpx'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/wtmpx'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/cups/certs'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/dumpdates'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: '/etc/svc/volatile'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/LogFiles'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Debug'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/WindowsUpdate.log'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/iis6.log'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Logs'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Repository'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Prefetch'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/PCHEALTH/HELPCTR/DataColl'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/SoftwareDistribution'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/Temp'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/config'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/spool'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Ignoring file: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/CatRoot'
2022/06/27 19:22:47 ossec-analysisd: INFO: Started (pid: 23441).
2022/06/27 19:22:48 ossec-monitord: INFO: Started (pid: 23461).
2022/06/27 19:22:48 ossec-remoted(4111): INFO: Maximum number of agents allowed: '2048'.
2022/06/27 19:22:48 ossec-remoted(1410): INFO: Reading authentication keys file.
2022/06/27 19:22:48 ossec-remoted: INFO: No previous counter available for 'D-XPS-WIN10'.
2022/06/27 19:22:48 ossec-remoted: INFO: Assigning counter for agent D-XPS-WIN10: '0:0'.
2022/06/27 19:22:48 ossec-remoted: INFO: No previous sender counter.
2022/06/27 19:22:48 ossec-remoted: INFO: Assigning sender counter: 0:0
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Started (pid: 23457).
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-rootcheck: INFO: Started (pid: 23457).
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/etc', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/usr/bin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/usr/sbin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/bin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/sbin', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: '/boot', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mtab'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mnttab'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/hosts.deny'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/mail/statistics'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/random-seed'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/adjtime'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/httpd/logs'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/utmpx'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/wtmpx'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/cups/certs'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/dumpdates'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: '/etc/svc/volatile'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/LogFiles'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Debug'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/WindowsUpdate.log'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/iis6.log'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Logs'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/wbem/Repository'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Prefetch'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/PCHEALTH/HELPCTR/DataColl'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/SoftwareDistribution'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/Temp'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/config'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/spool'
2022/06/27 19:22:52 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: ignoring: 'C:\WINDOWS/system32/CatRoot'
2022/06/27 19:22:53 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/auth.log'.
2022/06/27 19:22:53 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/syslog'.
2022/06/27 19:22:53 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/dpkg.log'.
2022/06/27 19:22:53 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/apache2/error.log'.
2022/06/27 19:22:53 ossec-logcollector(1950): INFO: Analyzing file: '/var/log/apache2/access.log'.
2022/06/27 19:22:53 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring output of command(360): df -P
2022/06/27 19:22:53 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring full output of command(360): netstat -tan |grep LISTEN |egrep -v '(| ::1)' | sort
2022/06/27 19:22:53 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Monitoring full output of command(360): last -n 5
2022/06/27 19:22:53 ossec-logcollector: INFO: Started (pid: 23445).
2022/06/27 19:23:54 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan (forwarding database).
2022/06/27 19:23:54 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck database (pre-scan).
2022/06/27 19:39:08 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Finished creating syscheck database (pre-scan completed).
2022/06/27 19:39:20 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan (forwarding database).
2022/06/27 19:39:40 rootcheck: INFO: Starting rootcheck scan.
2022/06/27 19:53:48 rootcheck: INFO: Ending rootcheck scan.
2022/06/27 20:09:18 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 20:09:24 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 20:09:28 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 20:09:33 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.
2022/06/27 20:09:39 ossec-remoted(1213): WARN: Message from '192.168.ccc.ddd' not allowed.

### agent's ossec.log
2022/06/16 09:46:13 ossec-agent: INFO: Service does not exist (OssecSvc) nothing to remove.

2022/06/16 09:46:13 ossec-agent: INFO: Successfully added to the service database.

2022/06/16 09:46:14 ossec-agent: INFO: System is Vista or newer (Microsoft Windows 8 Business Edition Professional  (Build 9200) - OSSEC HIDS v3.7.0).

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-agent: Using notify time: 600 and max time to reconnect: 1800

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-agent(1907): INFO: Non-standard event log set: 'Windows PowerShell'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-execd(1350): INFO: Active response disabled. Exiting.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-agent(1410): INFO: Reading authentication keys file.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-agent: Starting syscheckd thread.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-rootcheck: INFO: Started (pid: 28508).

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\batfile'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\cmdfile'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\comfile'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\exefile'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\piffile'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\AllFilesystemObjects'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\Directory'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\Folder'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\Protocols'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\KnownDLLs'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurePipeServers\winreg'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\URL'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring registry entry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components'.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/win.ini', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/system.ini', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\autoexec.bat', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\config.sys', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\boot.ini', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/at.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/attrib.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/cacls.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/cmd.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/drivers/etc', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/eventcreate.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/ftp.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/lsass.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/net.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/net1.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/netsh.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/reg.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/regedt32.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/regsvr32.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/runas.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/sc.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/schtasks.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/sethc.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/subst.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/wbem/WMIC.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/SysNative/winrm.vbs', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/CONFIG.NT', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/AUTOEXEC.NT', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/at.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/attrib.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/cacls.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/debug.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/drwatson.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/drwtsn32.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/edlin.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/eventcreate.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/eventtriggers.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/ftp.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/net.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/net1.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/netsh.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/rcp.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/reg.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/regedit.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/regedt32.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/regsvr32.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/rexec.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/rsh.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/runas.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/sc.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/subst.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/telnet.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/tftp.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/tlntsvr.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/drivers/etc', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/wbem/WMIC.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\WINDOWS/System32/winrm.vbs', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Monitoring directory: 'C:\ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Startup', with options perm | size | owner | group | md5sum | sha1sum | realtime.

2022/06/16 10:01:18 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Started (pid: 28508).

2022/06/16 10:01:28 ossec-agent: WARN: Process locked. Waiting for permission...

2022/06/16 10:01:39 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 10:01:41 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 10:01:41 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 10:02:02 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 10:02:22 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 10:02:22 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 10:02:43 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 10:03:21 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 10:03:21 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 10:03:42 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 10:04:38 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 10:04:38 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 10:04:59 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 10:06:13 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 10:06:13 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 10:06:34 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 10:08:06 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 10:08:06 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 10:08:27 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 10:10:17 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 10:10:17 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 10:10:38 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 10:12:46 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 10:12:46 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 10:13:07 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 10:15:33 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 10:15:33 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 10:15:54 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 10:18:38 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 10:18:38 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 10:19:00 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 10:22:02 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 10:22:02 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 10:22:23 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 10:25:43 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 10:25:43 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 10:26:04 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 10:29:42 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 10:29:42 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 10:30:03 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 10:33:59 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 10:33:59 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 10:34:20 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 10:38:34 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 10:38:34 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 10:38:55 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 10:43:27 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 10:43:27 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 10:43:48 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 10:48:38 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 10:48:38 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 10:48:59 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 10:54:07 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 10:54:07 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 10:54:28 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 11:33:35 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 11:33:35 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 11:33:56 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 12:06:21 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 12:06:21 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 12:06:42 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 12:12:44 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 12:12:44 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 12:13:06 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 12:34:02 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 12:34:02 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 12:34:23 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 12:41:01 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 12:41:01 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 12:41:22 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 12:48:18 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 12:48:18 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 12:48:39 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 12:55:53 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 12:55:53 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 12:56:14 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 13:03:46 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 13:03:46 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 13:04:07 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 13:11:57 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 13:11:57 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 13:12:18 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 13:20:26 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 13:20:26 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 13:20:47 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 13:29:13 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 13:29:13 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 13:29:34 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 13:38:18 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 13:38:18 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 13:38:40 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 13:47:42 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 13:47:42 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 13:48:03 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 13:57:23 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 13:57:23 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 13:57:44 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 14:07:22 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 14:07:22 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 14:07:43 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 14:17:39 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 14:17:39 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 14:18:00 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 14:28:14 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 14:28:14 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 14:28:35 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 14:39:07 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 14:39:07 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 14:39:28 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 14:50:18 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 14:50:18 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 14:50:39 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 15:01:47 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 15:01:47 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 15:02:08 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 15:13:34 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 15:13:34 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 15:13:55 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 15:25:39 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 15:25:39 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 15:26:00 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 15:39:09 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 15:39:09 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 15:39:30 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 15:51:50 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 15:51:50 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 15:52:11 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 16:14:54 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 16:14:54 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 16:15:15 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 16:28:11 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 16:28:11 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 16:28:32 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 16:41:46 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 16:41:46 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 16:42:07 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 16:55:39 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 16:55:39 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 16:56:00 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 17:09:50 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 17:09:50 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 17:10:11 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 17:24:19 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 17:24:19 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 17:24:40 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 17:39:06 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 17:39:06 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 17:39:27 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 18:56:39 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 18:56:39 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 18:57:00 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 19:12:02 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 19:12:02 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 19:12:23 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 19:27:43 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 19:27:43 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 19:28:04 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 19:43:42 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 19:43:42 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 19:44:03 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 20:00:47 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 20:00:47 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 20:01:08 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 20:26:06 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 20:26:06 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 20:26:28 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 20:43:00 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 20:43:00 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 20:43:21 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 21:00:11 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 21:00:11 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 21:31:14 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/16 21:31:15 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 21:48:23 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 21:48:23 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 21:48:44 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 22:06:10 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 22:06:10 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 22:06:31 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 22:24:15 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 22:24:15 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 22:24:36 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 23:00:26 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 23:00:26 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 23:00:48 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 23:19:08 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 23:19:08 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 23:23:24 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/16 23:42:02 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/16 23:42:02 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/16 23:42:02 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/16 23:42:09 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/16 23:42:14 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/16 23:42:20 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/16 23:42:27 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/16 23:42:28 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 00:01:24 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 00:01:24 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 00:01:24 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/17 00:01:31 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/17 00:01:36 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/17 00:01:42 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/17 00:01:49 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/17 00:01:50 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 00:21:04 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 00:21:04 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 00:21:04 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/17 00:21:11 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/17 00:21:16 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/17 00:21:22 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/17 00:21:29 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/17 00:21:30 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 00:41:02 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 00:41:02 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 00:41:14 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 00:41:14 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 00:41:36 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 00:41:36 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 00:42:08 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 00:42:08 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 00:42:50 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 00:42:50 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 00:43:42 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 00:43:42 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 00:44:44 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 00:44:44 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 00:45:56 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 00:45:56 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 00:47:18 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 00:47:18 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 00:48:50 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 00:48:50 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 00:50:32 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 00:50:32 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 00:52:24 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 00:52:24 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 00:54:26 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 00:54:26 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 00:56:38 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 00:56:38 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 00:59:00 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 00:59:00 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 01:01:32 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 01:01:32 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 01:04:14 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 01:04:14 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 01:07:06 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 01:07:06 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 01:10:08 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 01:10:08 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 01:13:20 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 01:13:20 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 01:16:42 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 01:16:42 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 01:20:14 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 01:20:14 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 01:23:56 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 01:23:56 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 01:27:48 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 01:27:48 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 01:31:50 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 01:31:50 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 01:36:02 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 01:36:02 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 01:40:24 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 01:40:24 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 01:44:56 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 01:44:56 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 01:49:38 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 01:49:38 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 01:54:30 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 01:54:30 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 01:59:32 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 01:59:32 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 02:04:45 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 02:04:45 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 02:10:07 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 02:10:07 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 02:15:39 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 02:15:39 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 02:21:21 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 02:21:21 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 02:27:13 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 02:27:13 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 02:33:15 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 02:33:15 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 02:39:27 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 02:39:27 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 02:45:49 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 02:45:49 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 02:52:21 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 02:52:21 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 02:59:03 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 02:59:03 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 03:05:55 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 03:05:55 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 03:12:57 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 03:12:57 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 03:20:09 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 03:20:09 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 03:27:31 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 03:27:31 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 03:35:03 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 03:35:03 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 03:42:45 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 03:42:45 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 03:50:37 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 03:50:37 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 03:58:39 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 03:58:39 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 04:06:51 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 04:06:51 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 04:15:13 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 04:15:13 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 04:23:45 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 04:23:45 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 04:32:27 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 04:32:27 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 04:41:19 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 04:41:19 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 04:50:21 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 04:50:21 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 04:59:33 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 04:59:33 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 05:08:55 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 05:08:55 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 05:18:27 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 05:18:27 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 05:28:09 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 05:28:09 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 05:38:01 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 05:38:01 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 05:48:03 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 05:48:03 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 05:58:15 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 05:58:15 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 06:08:37 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 06:08:37 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 06:19:09 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 06:19:09 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 06:29:51 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 06:29:51 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 06:40:43 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 06:40:43 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 06:51:45 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 06:51:45 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 07:02:57 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 07:02:57 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 07:14:19 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 07:14:19 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 07:25:51 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 07:25:51 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 07:39:33 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 07:39:33 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 07:39:54 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 08:43:53 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 08:43:53 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 08:44:14 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 09:04:22 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 09:04:22 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 09:09:19 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/17 09:19:00 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 09:39:26 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 09:39:26 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 09:39:47 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 10:00:31 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 10:00:31 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 10:00:52 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 10:27:42 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 10:27:42 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 10:28:03 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 11:23:14 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 11:23:14 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 11:23:35 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 11:45:13 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 11:45:13 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 11:45:34 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 12:07:30 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 12:07:30 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 12:07:51 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 12:30:05 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 12:30:05 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 12:30:26 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 15:20:15 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 15:20:15 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 15:20:36 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 15:43:26 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 15:43:26 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 15:43:47 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 16:06:55 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 16:06:55 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 16:07:16 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 16:30:42 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 16:30:42 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 16:31:03 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 17:33:40 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 17:33:40 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 17:34:01 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 17:58:03 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 17:58:03 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 17:58:24 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 19:32:27 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 19:32:27 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 19:32:48 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 20:06:59 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 20:06:59 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 20:07:20 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 20:32:16 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 20:32:16 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 20:32:37 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 20:57:51 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 20:57:51 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 20:58:12 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 21:23:44 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 21:23:44 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 21:24:05 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 21:49:55 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 21:49:55 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 21:50:16 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/17 22:16:24 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/17 22:16:24 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/17 22:16:45 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 06:01:50 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 06:01:50 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/18 06:02:11 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 06:28:55 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 06:28:55 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/18 06:29:16 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 06:56:18 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 06:56:18 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/18 06:57:07 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/18 07:03:03 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 07:30:23 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 07:30:23 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/18 07:30:44 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 08:50:30 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 08:50:30 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/18 08:50:51 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 09:39:03 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 09:39:03 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/18 09:39:24 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 10:09:54 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 10:09:54 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/18 10:09:54 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/18 10:10:01 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/18 10:10:06 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/18 10:10:12 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/18 10:10:19 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/18 10:10:20 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 10:38:52 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 10:38:52 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/18 10:38:52 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/18 10:38:59 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/18 10:39:04 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/18 10:39:10 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/18 10:39:17 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/18 10:39:18 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:08:08 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:08:08 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:08:20 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:08:20 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:08:42 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:08:42 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:09:14 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:09:14 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:09:56 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:09:56 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:10:48 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:10:48 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:11:50 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:11:50 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:13:02 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:13:02 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:14:24 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:14:24 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:15:56 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:15:56 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:17:38 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:17:38 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:19:30 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:19:30 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:21:32 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:21:32 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:23:44 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:23:44 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:26:06 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:26:06 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:28:38 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:28:38 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:31:20 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:31:20 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:34:12 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:34:12 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:37:14 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:37:14 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:40:26 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:40:26 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:43:48 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:43:48 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:47:20 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:47:20 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:51:02 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:51:02 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:54:54 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:54:54 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 11:58:56 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 11:58:56 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 12:03:08 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 12:03:08 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 12:07:30 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 12:07:30 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 12:12:02 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 12:12:02 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 12:16:44 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 12:16:44 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 12:21:36 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 12:21:36 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 12:26:38 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 12:26:38 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 12:31:50 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 12:31:50 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 12:37:12 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 12:37:12 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 12:42:44 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 12:42:44 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 12:48:26 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 12:48:26 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 12:54:18 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 12:54:18 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 13:00:20 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 13:00:20 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 13:06:32 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 13:06:32 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 13:12:54 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 13:12:54 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 13:19:26 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 13:19:26 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 13:26:08 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 13:26:08 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 13:33:00 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 13:33:00 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 13:40:02 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 13:40:02 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 13:47:14 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 13:47:14 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 13:54:36 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 13:54:36 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 14:02:08 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 14:02:08 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 14:09:51 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 14:09:51 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 14:17:43 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 14:17:43 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 14:25:45 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 14:25:45 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 14:33:57 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 14:33:57 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 14:42:19 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 14:42:19 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 14:50:51 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 14:50:51 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 14:59:33 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 14:59:33 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 15:08:25 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 15:08:25 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 15:17:27 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 15:17:27 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 15:26:39 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 15:26:39 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 15:36:01 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 15:36:01 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 15:45:33 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 15:45:33 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 15:55:15 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 15:55:15 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/18 15:55:36 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 16:24:43 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 16:24:43 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/18 16:25:04 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 16:54:30 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 16:54:30 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/18 16:54:51 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 17:24:35 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 17:24:35 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/18 17:24:56 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 17:56:19 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 17:56:19 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/18 17:56:40 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 19:09:26 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 19:09:26 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/18 19:09:47 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 20:02:09 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 20:02:09 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/18 20:02:30 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 20:33:26 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 20:33:26 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/18 20:33:48 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/18 22:18:59 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/18 22:18:59 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/18 22:19:20 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 06:50:34 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 06:50:34 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/19 06:50:55 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 08:23:56 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 08:23:56 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/19 08:24:17 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 09:22:14 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 09:22:14 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/19 09:22:36 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 09:55:02 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 09:55:02 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/19 09:55:23 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 10:50:30 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 10:50:30 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/19 10:50:51 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 11:24:01 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 11:24:01 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/19 11:24:01 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/19 11:24:08 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/19 11:24:13 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/19 11:24:19 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/19 11:24:26 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/19 11:24:27 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 11:57:47 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 11:57:47 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 11:57:59 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 11:57:59 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 11:58:21 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 11:58:21 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 11:58:53 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 11:58:53 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 11:59:35 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 11:59:35 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:00:27 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:00:27 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:01:29 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:01:29 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:02:41 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:02:41 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:04:03 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:04:03 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:05:35 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:05:35 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:07:17 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:07:17 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:09:09 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:09:09 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:11:11 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:11:11 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:13:23 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:13:23 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:15:45 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:15:45 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:18:17 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:18:17 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:20:59 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:20:59 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:23:51 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:23:51 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:26:53 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:26:53 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:30:05 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:30:05 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:33:27 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:33:27 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:36:59 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:36:59 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:40:41 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:40:41 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:44:33 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:44:33 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:48:35 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:48:35 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:52:47 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:52:47 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 12:57:09 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 12:57:09 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 13:01:41 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 13:01:41 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 13:06:23 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 13:06:23 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 13:11:15 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 13:11:15 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 13:16:17 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 13:16:17 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 13:21:29 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 13:21:29 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 13:26:51 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 13:26:51 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 13:32:23 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 13:32:23 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 13:38:05 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 13:38:05 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 13:43:57 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 13:43:57 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 13:49:59 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 13:49:59 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 13:56:11 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 13:56:11 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 14:02:33 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 14:02:33 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 14:09:05 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 14:09:05 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 14:15:47 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 14:15:47 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 14:22:39 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 14:22:39 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 14:29:41 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 14:29:41 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 14:36:53 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 14:36:53 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 14:44:15 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 14:44:15 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 14:51:47 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 14:51:47 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/19 14:52:08 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 15:25:46 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 15:25:46 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/19 15:26:08 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 16:00:04 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 16:00:04 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/19 16:00:25 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 16:57:17 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 16:57:18 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/19 16:57:39 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 17:32:11 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 17:32:11 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/19 17:32:32 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 19:20:29 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 19:20:29 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/19 19:20:50 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 19:58:29 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 19:58:29 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/19 19:58:50 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 20:34:16 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 20:34:16 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/19 20:34:37 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 21:10:21 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 21:10:21 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/19 21:10:42 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 21:46:44 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 21:46:44 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/19 21:47:05 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/19 22:23:25 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/19 22:23:25 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/19 22:23:46 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/20 06:48:38 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/20 06:48:38 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/20 06:48:59 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/20 07:37:56 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/20 07:37:56 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/20 07:37:56 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/20 07:38:03 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/20 07:38:08 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/20 07:38:14 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/20 07:38:21 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/20 07:38:22 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/20 08:15:36 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/20 08:15:36 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/20 08:15:57 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/20 08:53:29 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/20 08:53:29 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/20 08:53:50 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/20 09:33:14 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/20 09:33:15 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/20 09:33:36 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/20 10:18:06 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/20 10:18:06 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/20 10:18:27 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/20 10:56:53 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/20 10:56:53 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/20 10:57:14 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/20 11:35:58 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/20 11:35:58 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/20 11:36:19 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/20 14:34:07 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/20 14:34:07 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/20 14:34:28 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/20 15:13:48 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/20 15:13:48 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/20 15:14:09 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/20 15:53:47 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/20 15:53:47 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/20 15:54:09 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/20 16:34:05 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/20 16:34:05 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/20 16:34:26 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/20 17:14:40 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/20 17:14:40 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/20 17:15:01 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/20 19:03:43 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/20 19:03:43 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/20 19:04:04 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/20 20:31:50 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/20 20:31:50 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/20 20:32:11 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/20 21:13:19 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/20 21:13:19 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/20 21:13:40 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/20 21:55:06 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/20 21:55:06 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/20 21:55:27 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/21 07:05:37 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/21 07:05:37 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/21 07:05:47 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/21 07:05:53 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/21 07:06:00 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/21 07:06:01 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/21 09:20:39 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/21 09:20:39 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/21 09:21:00 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/21 13:04:27 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/21 13:04:27 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/21 13:04:48 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/21 13:47:26 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/21 13:47:26 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/21 13:47:47 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/21 14:30:44 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/21 14:30:44 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/21 14:31:05 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/21 15:43:36 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/21 15:43:36 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/21 15:43:57 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/21 16:27:29 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/21 16:27:29 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/21 16:27:50 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/21 17:11:40 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/21 17:11:40 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/21 17:12:01 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/21 18:00:18 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/21 18:00:18 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/21 18:00:18 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/21 18:00:25 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/21 18:00:30 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/21 18:00:36 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/21 18:00:43 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/21 18:00:44 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/21 20:05:23 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/21 20:05:23 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/21 20:05:44 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/21 20:59:47 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/21 20:59:47 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/21 21:00:08 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/21 22:49:43 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/21 22:49:43 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/21 22:50:04 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/22 07:14:43 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/22 07:14:43 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/22 07:15:04 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/22 08:00:42 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/22 08:00:42 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/22 08:01:04 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/22 08:47:00 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/22 08:47:00 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/22 08:47:21 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/22 09:38:58 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/22 09:38:58 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/22 09:39:19 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/22 11:06:33 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/22 11:06:33 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/22 11:06:54 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/22 12:13:30 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/22 12:13:30 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/22 12:13:51 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/22 14:57:50 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/22 14:57:50 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/22 14:58:11 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/22 15:45:37 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/22 15:45:37 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/22 15:45:58 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/22 16:33:42 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/22 16:33:42 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/22 16:34:03 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/22 18:13:49 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/22 18:13:49 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/22 18:14:10 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/22 19:02:30 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/22 19:02:30 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/22 19:02:51 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/22 19:51:29 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/22 19:51:29 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/22 19:51:50 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/22 20:40:46 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/22 20:40:46 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/22 20:41:07 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/22 21:30:21 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/22 21:30:21 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/22 21:30:43 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/23 07:24:21 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/23 07:24:21 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/23 07:24:42 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/23 09:49:16 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/23 09:49:16 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/23 09:49:37 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/23 11:19:06 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/23 11:19:06 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/23 11:19:27 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/23 12:09:53 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/23 12:09:53 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/23 12:10:14 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/23 13:41:54 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/23 13:41:54 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/23 13:42:15 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/23 14:33:17 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/23 14:33:17 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/23 14:33:38 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/23 15:24:58 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/23 15:24:58 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/23 15:25:19 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/23 16:16:57 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/23 16:16:57 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/23 16:17:18 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/23 17:09:14 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/23 17:09:14 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/23 17:09:35 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/23 18:35:04 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/23 18:35:04 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/23 18:35:25 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/23 19:41:06 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/23 19:41:06 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/23 19:58:01 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/23 20:50:51 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/23 20:50:51 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/23 20:51:12 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/23 21:44:20 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/23 21:44:20 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/23 21:44:41 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 06:46:49 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 06:46:49 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/24 06:47:10 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 08:41:21 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 08:41:21 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/24 08:41:42 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 09:43:15 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 09:43:15 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/24 09:43:36 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 10:43:55 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 10:43:55 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/24 10:44:16 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 11:49:04 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 11:49:04 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/24 11:49:25 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 13:36:26 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 13:36:26 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/24 13:36:47 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 14:38:16 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 14:38:16 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/24 14:38:16 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/24 14:38:23 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/24 14:38:28 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/24 14:38:34 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/24 14:38:41 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/24 14:38:42 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 15:34:14 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 15:34:14 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 15:34:26 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 15:34:26 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 15:34:48 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 15:34:48 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 15:35:20 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 15:35:20 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 15:36:02 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 15:36:02 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 15:36:54 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 15:36:54 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 15:37:56 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 15:37:56 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 15:39:08 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 15:39:08 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 15:40:30 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 15:40:30 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 15:42:02 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 15:42:02 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 15:43:44 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 15:43:44 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 15:45:36 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 15:45:36 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 15:47:38 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 15:47:38 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 15:49:50 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 15:49:50 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 15:52:12 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 15:52:12 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 15:54:44 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 15:54:44 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 15:57:26 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 15:57:26 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 16:00:18 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 16:00:18 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 16:03:20 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 16:03:20 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 16:06:32 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 16:06:32 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 16:09:54 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 16:09:54 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 16:13:26 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 16:13:26 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 16:17:08 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 16:17:08 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 16:21:00 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 16:21:00 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 16:25:02 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 16:25:02 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 16:29:14 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 16:29:14 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 16:33:36 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 16:33:36 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 16:38:08 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 16:38:08 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 16:42:50 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 16:42:50 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 16:47:42 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 16:47:42 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 16:52:44 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 16:52:44 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 16:57:56 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 16:57:56 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 17:03:18 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 17:03:18 ossec-agentd(1216): ERROR: Unable to connect to '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 17:08:50 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 17:08:50 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/24 17:09:11 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 18:11:47 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 18:11:47 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/24 18:12:08 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 19:59:29 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 19:59:29 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/24 19:59:50 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 21:30:46 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 21:30:46 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/24 21:31:07 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/24 22:27:51 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/24 22:27:51 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/24 22:28:12 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/25 08:58:25 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/25 08:58:25 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/25 08:58:46 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/25 09:56:06 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/25 09:56:06 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/25 09:56:27 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/25 10:54:05 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/25 10:54:05 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/25 10:54:26 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/25 11:52:22 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/25 11:52:22 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/25 11:52:43 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/25 12:50:57 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/25 12:50:57 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/25 12:51:18 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/25 13:49:50 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/25 13:49:50 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/25 13:50:11 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/25 14:49:01 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/25 14:49:01 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/25 14:49:22 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/25 19:01:03 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/25 19:01:03 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/25 19:01:25 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/25 20:00:51 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/25 20:00:51 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/25 20:01:12 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/25 21:00:56 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/25 21:00:56 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/25 21:01:17 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/25 22:01:19 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/25 22:01:19 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/25 22:01:40 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/26 07:22:25 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/26 07:22:25 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/26 07:22:46 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/26 09:10:03 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/26 09:10:03 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/26 09:10:24 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/26 10:54:11 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/26 10:54:11 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/26 10:54:32 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/26 11:55:46 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/26 11:55:46 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/26 11:56:08 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/26 12:57:40 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/26 12:57:40 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/26 12:58:01 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/26 14:08:48 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/26 14:08:48 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/26 14:08:48 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/26 14:08:55 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/26 14:09:00 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/26 14:09:06 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/26 14:09:13 ossec-agentd(1218): ERROR: Unable to send message to 'server'.

2022/06/26 14:09:14 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/26 21:28:02 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/26 21:28:02 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/26 21:28:23 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/26 22:30:49 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/26 22:30:49 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/26 22:31:10 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/27 08:45:53 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/27 08:45:53 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/27 08:46:14 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/27 09:49:16 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/27 09:49:16 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/27 09:49:37 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/27 10:52:57 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/27 10:52:57 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/27 10:53:18 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/27 14:23:43 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/27 14:23:43 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/27 14:24:04 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/27 15:13:49 ossec-agent: INFO: Unable to set service information.

2022/06/27 15:16:04 ossec-agent: INFO: Unable to set service information.

2022/06/27 15:16:20 ossec-agent: INFO: Unable to set service information.

2022/06/27 15:17:26 manage_agents: ERROR: Cannot unlink rids/sender: Permission denied

2022/06/27 15:28:00 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/27 15:28:00 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/27 15:28:21 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/27 16:40:30 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/27 16:40:30 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/27 16:40:51 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

2022/06/27 19:13:20 ossec-agent: INFO: Unable to set service information.

2022/06/27 20:09:18 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server 192.168.yyy.zzz, port 1514.

2022/06/27 20:09:18 INFO: Connected to 192.168.yyy.zzz at address 192.168.yyy.zzz:1514, port 1514

2022/06/27 20:09:39 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not started). Tried: '192.168.yyy.zzz'.

###  following shows I can troubleshoot, but OSSEC+ got me stumpted:

Trying to install and use OSSEC. OSSEC is an Intrusion Detection System (IDS), important to Security’s Protection in Depth. OSSEC has two parts: server and agent. Installed both parts. Both parts need communicate with each other. But my server and agent did not communicate with each other. Why: install/config of parts? Firewall between them? Unknown? Unknown unknown? Ghosts? Conspiracies? Let’s investigate. Note to file: today’s date 2202-06-21.

First google was for ‘tshark’. Tshark offers to capture and display network communications. Just what is needed.

Second google was for ‘tshark install ubuntu 20.04’. Reviewed several of google’s matches. All said ask your ubuntu for ‘apt install tshark’. That erred out with “'~wireshark-dev' user or team does not exist.” Well, had previously ‘apted’ multiple times, over time, and never before seen this error. Double checked spelling. No problems there.

Third google was for “'~wireshark-dev' user or team does not exist.” Reviewed many of google’s matches. Many said ask your ubuntu for ‘sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:wireshark-dev/stable’. But that erred out with ‘Cannot add PPA: wireshark-dev/stable’. Double checked spelling and reading. No problems there. After too much puzzlement, decided maybe what was missing was a user called ‘wireshark-dev’ and/or a group also called wireshark-dev. No previous apt had needed me to addgroup or adduser. But, there’s always a first time. But, what group/user options might be required? Google unable to help. Decided to adduser wireshark-dev, nice and simple, nothing fancy. Interestingly, adduser also added group. Nice.

With user/group added, then add-apt-repository worked.

With repository added, then tshark installed.

### - End of Post

With tshark installed, was able to see communication between server and agent. However, did not see any UDP traffic, which was implied in the agent’s logs. So maybe I’ve still got at least one more firewall misconfiguration. (Isn’t life grand?) Note to file: today’s date is 2022-06-26.



Trying to install and use OSSEC. OSSEC is an Intrusion Detection System (IDS), important to Security’s Protection in Depth. OSSEC has two parts: server and agent. Installed both parts. Both parts need communicate with each other. But my server and agent did not communicate with each other. Why: install/config of parts? Firewall between them? Unknown? Unknown unknown? Ghosts? Conspiracies? Let’s investigate. Note to file: today’s date 2202-06-21.

First google was for ‘tshark’. Tshark offers to capture and display network communications. Just what is needed.

Second google was for ‘tshark install ubuntu 20.04’. Reviewed several of google’s matches. All said ask your ubuntu for ‘apt install tshark’. That erred out with “'~wireshark-dev' user or team does not exist.” Well, had previously ‘apted’ multiple times, over time, and never before seen this error. Double checked spelling. No problems there.

Third google was for “'~wireshark-dev' user or team does not exist.” Reviewed many of google’s matches. Many said ask your ubuntu for ‘sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:wireshark-dev/stable’. But that erred out with ‘Cannot add PPA: wireshark-dev/stable’. Double checked spelling and reading. No problems there. After too much puzzlement, decided maybe what was missing was a user called ‘wireshark-dev’ and/or a group also called wireshark-dev. No previous apt had needed me to addgroup or adduser. But, there’s always a first time. But, what group/user options might be required? Google unable to help. Decided to adduser wireshark-dev, nice and simple, nothing fancy. Interestingly, adduser also added group. Nice.

With user/group added, then add-apt-repository worked.

With repository added, then tshark installed.

With tshark installed, was able to see communication between server and agent. However, did not see any UDP traffic, which was implied in the agent’s logs. So maybe I’ve still got at least one more firewall misconfiguration. (Isn’t life grand?) Note to file: today’s date is 2022-06-26.

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