Netscreen Firewall Logs

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Ozgur Orhan

Aug 15, 2012, 7:03:40 AM8/15/12


Hi All,


We have issues configuring Ossec server to receive Netscreen firewall logs. Logs are decoded as syslog not netscreen firewall.


Here are my configuration steps;

First, firewalls are configured sending audit logs via syslog.

We changed ossec.conf file as below to allow syslog;




    <allowed-ips>firewall ip</allowed-ips>



Ossec services restarted without problem.


I checked with tcpdump that firewall syslog traffic is received by Ossec Server.


Here is my sample log.


Aug 15 10:30:14 SSG350M: NetScreen device_id=Juniper111  [Root]system-warning-00518: Admin user "userid" login attempt for Web(http) management (port 20480) from failed. (2012-08-15 11:33:36)



/var/ossec/bin/ossec-logtest shows logs from netscreen device decoded properly.


**Phase 1: Completed pre-decoding.

       full event: 'Aug 15 10:30:14 SSG350M: NetScreen device_id=Juniper111  [Root]system-warning-00518: Admin user "userid" login attempt for Web(http) management (port 20480) from failed. (2012-08-15 11:33:36)'

       hostname: ''

       program_name: 'SSG350M'

       log: 'NetScreen device_id=Juniper111 [Root]system-warning-00518: Admin user "userid" login attempt for Web(http) management (port 20480) from failed. (2012-08-15 11:33:36)'


**Phase 2: Completed decoding.

       decoder: 'netscreenfw'

       action: 'warning'

       id: '00518'


**Phase 3: Completed filtering (rules).

       Rule id: '4502'

       Level: '9'

       Description: 'Netscreen warning message.'

**Alert to be generated.


No logs/alerts occured on /var/ossec/logs/firewall/firewall.log.  

I checked /var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.log and a log about syslog process. It seems log is decoded as syslog.


** Alert 1345026945.197836: - syslog,access_control,authentication_failed,

2012 Aug 15 13:35:45 logyon->

Rule: 2501 (level 5) -> 'User authentication failure.'

SSG350M: NetScreen device_id=Juniper111 [Root]system-warning-00518: ADM: Local admin authentication failed for login name userid: invalid password (2012-08-15 14:39:22)


I couldn’t find what I am missing.  Any help would be greatly appreciated..





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dan (ddp)

Aug 15, 2012, 9:20:34 AM8/15/12
It looks like the log message sent to OSSEC is different than the log
message you tested above. This log message doesn't have the timestamp
at the beginning.

**Phase 1: Completed pre-decoding.
full event: 'SSG350M: NetScreen device_id=Juniper111
[Root]system-warning-00518: ADM: Local admin authentication failed for
login name userid: invalid password (2012-08-15 14:39:22)'
hostname: 'arrakis'
program_name: '(null)'
log: 'SSG350M: NetScreen device_id=Juniper111
[Root]system-warning-00518: ADM: Local admin authentication failed for
login name userid: invalid password (2012-08-15 14:39:22)'

**Phase 2: Completed decoding.
No decoder matched.

**Phase 3: Completed filtering (rules).
Rule id: '2501'
Level: '5'
Description: 'User authentication failure.'
**Alert to be generated.

dan (ddp)

Aug 16, 2012, 8:52:42 AM8/16/12
On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 6:48 AM, oorhan <> wrote:
> hi Dan,
> Thank you for your reply.
> The original netscreen log message has timestamp. Log is taken from another
> syslog server.

According to your alert.log entry the log message does not have a timestamp.

An example of an alert.log entry complete with a timestamp:
** Alert 1336394319.2684: - syslog,sudo
2012 May 07 08:38:39 arrakis->/var/log/secure
Rule: 5402 (level 3) -> 'Successful sudo to ROOT executed'
User: ddp
2012-05-07T08:38:38.338172-04:00 arrakis sudo: ddp : TTY=ttyp1 ;
PWD=/home/ddp ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ifconfig em0 down

You can enable the logall option to make sure though.

Looking at the sample you gave me though (the one in alerts.log since
I don't trust the other one), I can see why it isn't decoded as a
netscreen entry. The decoder thinks the first parts of the log will
be "NetScreen device_id." In your sample it starts with: "SSG350M:
NetScreen device_id." So find out why the SSG350M is showing up
instead of a timestamp and you should be golden.

Otherwise if the log sample you provided is incorrect, post a sample
from the archives.log so we can try and track this down.

> "
> Aug 15 10:30:14 SSG350M: NetScreen device_id=Juniper111
> [Root]system-warning-00518: Admin user "userid" login attempt for Web(http)
> management (port 20480) from failed. (2012-08-15 11:33:36)
> "
> Log message on your test was a part of alert.log.
> here is my Logtest results..but we are still unable to decode it. Any idea?
> Aug 15 10:30:14 SSG350M: NetScreen device_id=Juniper111
> [Root]system-warning-00518: Admin user "userid" login attempt for Web(http)
> management (port 20480) from failed. (2012-08-15 11:33:36)
> **Phase 1: Completed pre-decoding.
> full event: 'Aug 15 10:30:14 SSG350M: NetScreen
> device_id=Juniper111 [Root]system-warning-00518: Admin user "userid" login
> attempt for Web(http) management (port 20480) from failed.
> (2012-08-15 11:33:36)'
> hostname: ''
> program_name: 'SSG350M'
> log: 'NetScreen device_id=Juniper111 [Root]system-warning-00518:
> Admin user "userid" login attempt for Web(http) management (port 20480) from
> failed. (2012-08-15 11:33:36)'
> **Phase 2: Completed decoding.
> decoder: 'netscreenfw'
> action: 'warning'
> id: '00518'

Looks like it's being decoded to me. I must be misunderstanding something.

> **Phase 3: Completed filtering (rules).
> Rule id: '4502'
> Level: '9'
> Description: 'Netscreen warning message.'
> **Alert to be generated.
> 15 Ağustos 2012 Çarşamba 16:20:34 UTC+3 tarihinde dan (ddpbsd) yazdı:

Daniel Kertby

Apr 2, 2014, 7:53:17 AM4/2/14
Hi all,

Im experience the same issue when trying to setup ossec monitoring for a Juniper Netscreen SSG-320M.
Failed web user login is hitting the 1002 rule, info from archives.log provided below:

014 Apr 02 23:59:59 #ossec-hostname# -> #FW_IP# #FW_hostname#: NetScreen device_id=#FW_hostname#  [Root]system-warning-00518: Admin user "#username#" login attempt for Web(https) management (port 47873) from #client_IP#:54031 failed. (2014-04-02 23:59:59)

Any help appreciated!


dan (ddp)

Apr 2, 2014, 7:57:53 AM4/2/14

On Apr 2, 2014 7:54 AM, "Daniel Kertby" <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Im experience the same issue when trying to setup ossec monitoring for a Juniper Netscreen SSG-320M.
> Failed web user login is hitting the 1002 rule, info from archives.log provided below:
> 014 Apr 02 23:59:59 #ossec-hostname# -> #FW_IP# #FW_hostname#: NetScreen device_id=#FW_hostname#  [Root]system-warning-00518: Admin user "#username#" login attempt for Web(https) management (port 47873) from #client_IP#:54031 failed. (2014-04-02 23:59:59)

Maybe it's the hashes?
Have you tried using ossec-logtest to see how ossec is parsing the log message?

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Daniel Kertby

Apr 2, 2014, 8:50:49 AM4/2/14
Sorry for the confusion, the # hashes where putted there by me to masquerade hostnames/ip's.

I tried the ossec-logtest now and pasted infro from "NetScreen device_id=", skipped the first part of the info the archives.log file, a bit unsure what should be included.

    2014/04/02 01:01:01 ossec-testrule: INFO: Started (pid: 29953).
    ossec-testrule: Type one log per line.
    NetScreen device_id=<netscreen-device>  [Root]system-warning-00518: Admin user "theuser" login attempt for Web(https) management (port 47873) from <client_ip>:54031 failed. (2014-04-02 00:01:01)
    **Phase 1: Completed pre-decoding.
           full event: 'NetScreen device_id=<netscreen-device>  [Root]system-warning-00518: Admin user "<theuser>" login attempt for Web(https) management (port 47873) from <client-ip>:54031 failed. (2014-04-02 00:01:01)'
           hostname: '<ossec_server>'
           program_name: '(null)'
           log: 'NetScreen device_id=<netscreen-device>  [Root]system-warning-00518: Admin user "<theuser>" login attempt for Web(https) management (port 47873) from <client-ip>:54031 failed. (2014-04-02 00:01:01)'
    **Phase 2: Completed decoding.
           No decoder matched.
    **Phase 3: Completed filtering (rules).
           Rule id: '1002'
           Level: '2'
           Description: 'Unknown problem somewhere in the system.'
    **Alert to be generated.


dan (ddp)

Apr 2, 2014, 9:01:29 AM4/2/14
So it isn't getting decoded properly. The first step in tracking down
the issue is to find out why it isn't being decoded.
It looks like the version of OSSEC in the ancient post you replied to
decoded it. What version of OSSEC are you using?

Daniel Kertby

Apr 2, 2014, 3:14:52 PM4/2/14
Hi again,
sorry for a delayed reply.
I had accidentally installed 2.6 but upgraded to 2.7.1.
Still got the same issue though...

Im home but appreciate feedback how to continue troubleshoot the issue...


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