Welcome (and dinner)

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Juri Lelli

Mar 27, 2017, 4:26:03 PM3/27/17
to ospm-sum...@googlegroups.com
Welcome to Pisa!

And thanks for subscribing to the OSPM-summit 2017 mailing list.

We already shared more information about the workshop via various
external mailing list, so we just summarize them here:

- Schedule and list of participants are currently available at
and will soon be also added to the event website

- Summit will take place at ReTiS Lab, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa
a map of the town with venue location, points of interest and
transportation information is available at:

We are also trying to organize a dinner on Monday evening. Being
OSPM-summit a 0-budget event, we unfortunately won't be able to sponsor
the dinner, but we really welcome everybody to join us for some
excellent Tuscan food in a nice setting.

Dinner should take place at Ristorante Alle Bandierine in city centre:

It is possible to choose between two fixed price options:

- Pork based (30 euros, https://goo.gl/EUnsAR)
- Vegetarian (25 euros, https://goo.gl/gvgzwx)

As the venue is relatively small, we will need to book not later than
tomorrow evening (Tuesday 28 Mar). Please make your choice through the
following Doodle ASAP:


That's all for now. Stay tuned and see you soon in Pisa.


- Juri
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