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Fr+ Guillermo

Aug 9, 2013, 9:33:41 AM8/9/13
to osmt...@googlegroups.com

Estimados Hermanos Priores y representantes de la OSMTH del mundo.

El Priorato Magistral de Venezuela (OSMTH-Línea Porto), todos sus miembros y simpatizantes siente un enorme placer al saber la noticia que nuestro hermano el Grand Prior of O.S.M.T.H. in Russia Vladimir BAGAYEV ha recibido de manos del Papa el titulo de Baron de la Santa Sede.
Que Dios lo siga bendiciendo
Non Nobis
Dear Brothers and representatives Priors OSMTH the world.

The Magistral Priory of Venezuela (OSMTH-Line Porto), all members and supporters feel a great pleasure at the news that our brother the Grand Prior of OSMTH in Russia Vladimir Bagayev received from the Pope the title of Baron of the Holy See.

May God continue to bless


non Nobis

In nomine Patris+, et Filii+, et Spiritus Sancti+. Amen.

Во имя Отца+ и Сына+ и Святого Духа+. Аминь.

Dear Grand Priors of O.S.M.T.H. of the world (CC FYI:  Priors and Legat Magistrales),

I am happy and proud to share good news with you !

His Holiness the Roman Pontiff (Pontifex Maximus) Francis granted to His Excellency Grand Prior of O.S.M.T.H. in Russia Vladimir BAGAYEV the title of Baron of the Holy See. I send you a copy of the Letter of Grant.

It is a great honor for our Order and our Grand Priory !!

With knight's greetings and fraternal regards,

 F.  Alexey ANDREYEV, KGCTJ                                          082.0045. Russia

Vice Grand Prior of OSMTH of RUSSIA

Prior of Moscow

 Magnum Magisterium Porto

9 August 2013 A.D. (895 A.T.)

Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini Tuo da gloriam 

Fr.++ Guillermo Marconi Larez
Prior Magistral de Venezuela
Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hiersolymitani
twitter: @osmth_ve

Arturo Burillo González

Aug 9, 2013, 11:31:13 AM8/9/13
to osmt...@googlegroups.com
Para los hermanos en Canada es una gran noticia.

Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 09:03:41 -0430
Subject: [osmth-ve:1294] Fwd: from Moscow
From: prior.o...@gmail.com
To: osmt...@googlegroups.com
Psalmorum, 115:1
1. Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam super misericordia tua et veritate tua.
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