While I'm not all to happy with keeping a long lived branch around, I suspect it is still the best solution for maintaining a release with maintenance updates while keeping developement of new features seperate*.
What I would like to try and do this time is to keep the amount of time we need till the next release to roughly a quarter of a year (and not, mea culpa over half a year as with 0.9.6).
The tentative list of stuff I would like to include is
https://github.com/MarcusWolschon/osmeditor4android/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A0.9.7 while it looks like a awlful lot of stuff a number of the items are essentially dependent on eachother and part of the same feature.
* do we actually need to keep old branches around? most of them are historic und could simply go away.