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Select iD Indoor levels in Vespucci/Kindle

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L.W. Mason

Apr 18, 2018, 8:28:19 AM4/18/18
to osmeditor4android
I came to this group after not being able to figure this our myself.
I have mapped some buildings using id Indoor, into OSM for my job.
When I pull them up in Vespucci, I can see my work, but all
of the levels show. The names/POIs are on top of each other.
I have read through the FAQ and googled but still cannot figure 
this out. I am trying to be able to see just one level at a time. 
When I use the arrows, nothing happens.Sometimes the app
shuts down. I am using Vespucci on a Kindle Fire 8 and I think
its the latest version because it recent did a major update on its own.
I really appreciate any help you might impart on this issue.

Thank you!
Lem Mason
Louisville, KY

Simon Poole

Apr 18, 2018, 11:12:27 AM4/18/18
to osmeditor4android
Hi Lem

The really best place for questions is github, but lets try here:
- could you in Vespucci go the the Preferences and then Advanced preferences, the version number is displayed on the top line, could you report that here.
- then go to and center the screen on the area you are trying to edit and copy the url from there to here too.

Are you actually in Indoor mode? You should be able to get there by a long press on the lock item and selecting "Indoor" from the menu (this is in current versions).


L.W. Mason

Apr 18, 2018, 7:05:37 PM4/18/18
Hello Simon,
Thank you very much for taking time to answer my inquiry.
I am beyond embarrassed at the outcome. It was the very simple long-press that took me
where I needed to be. I think that is the only icon I didnt try.  I long-pressing a few icons and
mistook the arrows on the bottom of the screen to be the "level" arrows, Very humiliating.
I am going to bookmark the GitHub page for future reference too . . . Very helpful.
The items I was referencing are contained within the links below. We map for impaired
individuals who use an app and GPS to navigate our city buildings. I am new to this process
but really enjoy it and want to expand mu knowledge of it any way I can.

Vespucci version: 10.1.2
Again, thank you so much for taking time to answer my question. Very appreciated.

Have a great evening,

Lem Mason,
Louisville, KY


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 ❦ ☺ ☯ ☮ ♬

Simon Poole

Apr 19, 2018, 6:03:31 AM4/19/18
to osmeditor4android
No problem.

You mentioned that you had some crashes, did you support the crash dumps?

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Simon Poole

Apr 21, 2018, 3:16:28 AM4/21/18
to osmeditor4android

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