Osmose bugs difficult to remove.

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Roger James

May 16, 2016, 3:52:23 AM5/16/16
to osmeditor4android

Can someone give me a heads up on the bugs/notes functionality.

How long does Vespucci display closed. bugs for? Is this configurable?

Osmose itself  now no longer keeps a copy of closed bugs.

Is there any way to clear these closed bugs from Vespucci? I have tried using the clear function followed by a download bugs for view and this results in no bugs being shown. However if I leave Vespucci and go back in again all the closed bugs are back again and a pop-up is displayed inviting me to close the bug I have just closed.

Do we still need a closed osmose bug state in Vespucci? Can we do as osmose itself does and just let a new bug appear if the fix was insufficient.



Simon Poole

May 16, 2016, 4:12:34 AM5/16/16
to osmedito...@googlegroups.com

Hi Roger

You didn't specify which version you are using, but I suspect that you are running in to https://github.com/MarcusWolschon/osmeditor4android/commit/ece8d8389957ce14c2f82e5fb9c3327839169361 which was fixed a couple of weeks back, and is included in the build that should be available from google play rsn.

The other part of the equation is that Vespucci doesn't automatically remove closed bugs from internal storage and you have to either overwrite them or explicitly reset. We could consider doing so once the the status has actually been changed on the osmose server/on upload.


PS: in general it is better to open issues on our github issue tracker: https://github.com/MarcusWolschon/osmeditor4android/issues

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Roger James

May 16, 2016, 5:20:13 AM5/16/16
to osmedito...@googlegroups.com
Hi Simon,

I was running the latest from Google Play. But I updated to 0.9.8-beta-2and the behaviour seemed to be still present. I can see from the logs that your fix was later.

I didn't raise it as a bug as I was not sure if it was due to my misunderstanding/finger trouble!

My vote would be for Vespucci to mimic the osmose behaviour (for osmose tasks/notes only) and get rid of the green fixed status icon.


Simon Poole

May 16, 2016, 6:33:19 AM5/16/16
to osmedito...@googlegroups.com
Am 16.05.2016 um 11:20 schrieb Roger James:
Hi Simon,

I was running the latest from Google Play. But I updated to 0.9.8-beta-2and the behaviour seemed to be still present. I can see from the logs that your fix was later.

I didn't raise it as a bug as I was not sure if it was due to my misunderstanding/finger trouble!

My vote would be for Vespucci to mimic the osmose behaviour (for osmose tasks/notes only) and get rid of the green fixed status icon.
We wouldn't get rid of it completely in any case, as long as you haven't uploaded you can change the status, so would need to keep the markers.


Roger James

May 16, 2016, 7:32:18 AM5/16/16
to osmedito...@googlegroups.com

Hi Simon,

Sorry, I was a little imprecise. I meant remove the bug once the closed status had been successfully uploaded.


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