Centering/following on the map

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Ace Chandler

Apr 27, 2022, 6:41:43 AM4/27/22
to OsmAnd
What's the correct way to allow the map to follow where you are (ideally with the pointer in the center of the map, but I'm not super concerned about that). Idea is that if you are cycling/driving or whatever that the map just shows your vicinity and keeps updating it without you having to press the 'location' button on the bottom.

I think it's to do with something around the compass arrow... for example, you have to have it one of the three direction modes for it to work, but I still couldn't get this to do what I needed, the arrow just wonders off the screen and you have to manually recenter it. 

I've also read that there is a setting on the app, but I think this is old now as I I could no longer find this. 

What's the right way to turn this on?

Thanks, ace


Apr 27, 2022, 11:09:34 AM4/27/22
to OsmAnd
once you have selected the profile you like for navigation (i.e. car, bike, etc.), try checking:

    [OsmAnd Menu] -> Configure profile -> General settings -> Display position always in center

With this, you can choose whether the map will follow the display center (option enabled) or bottom (disabled)

In order to make the map auto-follow your current position, just look at the button in the bottom-right of the display (a small circle with crosshairs): if it's blue-background and white crosshairs, then the map will stay centered on the view you manually set.
Just tap it, and: it will become white-background with blue crosshairs and the map will automatically follow your current position (provided you enabled Location Services and your device is properly receiving GNSS signal).

Best regards,

Apr 28, 2022, 1:08:58 AM4/28/22
to OsmAnd
to the question ....
 'What's the correct way to allow the map to follow where you are ..."

i will say, that the osmand app has some options to cover all the users desires. there is no wrong or right option, there is only what I like for my needs.

osmand has 2 options for the user location on the map (vertical) .
- on the center of the map (50/50)
- at 3/4 of the map (75/25)

osmand has also the rotation of the map
- north always up
- rotation with compass
- rotation with movement

Apr 28, 2022, 2:25:36 AM4/28/22
to OsmAnd
into my device the option
Menu - all profiles - General settings - Display position always in center = OFF

but i have no issue when i am in motion with osmand. The location icon on the button is "white" and always the map is moving with me, no matter if i am pedestrian or with a car

Apr 28, 2022, 2:38:57 AM4/28/22
to OsmAnd

Roberto Petitpas

Apr 28, 2022, 11:57:41 AM4/28/22
Thanks for the user location tip.
But... I could not find the 50/50 and 72/25 option in the menu forest.
Exactly where is it supposed to be in an Android with OsmAnd 4.1.11 running?
Thanks and have great routes to go!

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Apr 28, 2022, 3:35:50 PM4/28/22
to OsmAnd
on rotation with compass we have 50/50 into vertical alignment
on rotation with movement we have 75/25 into vertical alignment

this what i know from my use. if there is also option inside the app menus, i haven't try to found for it

Ace Chandler

May 1, 2022, 9:57:36 AM5/1/22
to OsmAnd
This worked for me - thank you. The key insight is that the setting is in the profile... 
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