New standalone OSMand style "Selection"

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Jun 18, 2024, 12:23:12 PM (12 days ago) Jun 18
to OsmAnd
Here I offer you a brandnew OSMand style: "Selection" (Version 3.37).
It is very small (95 kByte instead of 628 kByte OSMand default style) but nearly complete (no ashtrays, benches, poodles or other small things of no importance).
It is fast.
It is free.
It is stand alone, what means, it is not derived from other styles and don't need other styles.
It is very flexible. That means: You can create with some simple clicks your own theme map (Selection). You can hide or show every object type from the map. You can combine the object types you want to see and hide all other unwanted object types. So you get a very clear map. That is also helpfull for OSM-mapper in many cases. Examples for theme maps:
- Public transport only or combined with town names and waters. (The lightrail and the subway lines of cities with their typical line colours).
- Orohydrographic maps
- Main streets with town names (e.g. for car navigation)
- Power net and power objects.
- Nature protection areas combined with woods and other landuses.
- Historic objects and areas
- Map of proposed objects combined with roads and pathes.
- Mapping hints and errors combined with roads and pathes.
- Administration borders with town names and the names of the administration areas.
... and so on. No limits.

See also the example screenshots in the .zip file.

How to use:
- Download the appended
- Unpack the .zip file.
- Rename the .xml file to Selection.render.xml (if necssary).
- Copy Selection.render.xml into the directory ../rendering of your OSMand directory
- Start OSMand
- Main menu => Configure map => Map rendering => Map style => Selection

- Under: Main menu =>  Configure map => Map rendering => Hide ... you can select the objects which you don't want to see.
- Under: Main menu =>  Configure map => Map rendering => Details ... you can select extra objects which you want to see.
- Under: Main menu =>  Configure map => Layer Selection ... you can select the layer of which you want to see the objects (e.g. underground only).
- Under: Main menu =>  Configure map => Map Background Color Selection ... you can select the background color. Black or red background can be helpfull for error search.
- You can use most of the other Configure map options.
- You should not use: Main menu =>  Configure map => Topography => Nautical depth ... because this option is buggy.
      You should use instead: Main menu =>  Configure map => Map rendering => Details => Depth contour lines ... because it works better.
Before you change back to another style, first reset your changes in the "Hide", "Details", "Select Layer" and "Select Map Background Color"
menus to unselected - otherwise in other styles some objects will not be shown.

The copyright of this style is property of its developer Holger Tamm (c)2024.
Copying and distribution without fee is allowed on condition that this comment lines with the copyright keeps unchanged and undeleted.
For distribution with commercial software, a licence from the developer ist necessary.

..... Google rejected the upload of the zip file, because it is to large (21 MB, includes 20 screenshots). Is there any other way for easy distribution ?

Harry van der Wolf

Jun 19, 2024, 5:10:42 AM (11 days ago) Jun 19
You can share it from your Google drive or from

Op di 18 jun 2024 om 18:23 schreef Egal <>:
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Jun 19, 2024, 7:23:51 AM (11 days ago) Jun 19
to OsmAnd

I now appended here the single file of the style "Selection" (Version 3.37). No screenshots now.
The distribution via is not easy enough, because I have to get a new membership there. I don't like to be a member in so many websites.


Jun 21, 2024, 1:00:55 PM (9 days ago) Jun 21

Thank you very much for your style. So far I have always adapted the default style to my needs, will check yours soon.

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غازي ابالروس

Jun 21, 2024, 1:21:15 PM (9 days ago) Jun 21
Also, thank you for your communication and efforts. How can I modify these sent files? Please accept my sincere affection 

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‫في 21‏/06‏/2024 الساعة 8:00 م، كتب/كتبت ‏Alexander ‏<>:‬


Jun 24, 2024, 8:34:36 AM (6 days ago) Jun 24
to OsmAnd
You have not to change the file, it is nearly perfect. Just open the menues "Hide", "Details", "Layer Selection" or "Map Background Color Selection" and select the objects you want to see or you don't want to see. That's all. Make a test by switching  off or on of the objects in the menu lists to find your favorite theme map. As I wrote: There is no limit.


Jun 28, 2024, 7:43:45 PM (2 days ago) Jun 28

Configured your file and liked it very much. Thanks a lot for sharing your work! :-)

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