OSM and map tiles

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Oct 19, 2018, 1:08:42 AM10/19/18
to Osmand
i had a older topic, about this subject, however, after i since found the older topic,  the same procedure does not work. 

i want to load Aviation Map tiles into OSM for when im traveling by air and also for referencing aircraft positions from the ground looking skyward.  

can someone point me in the direction of how to load tiles from a online source such as Skyvector.com to obtain Aviation Sectional maps of the CONUS ( Continental US ),  Airways Low and Airways High maps. 


Oct 19, 2018, 1:09:44 AM10/19/18
to Osmand

Andrew Mycoskie

Oct 19, 2018, 1:23:46 AM10/19/18
to Osmand
also,  more details:

device is a Note 9,  OS is Android 8.1.0 

A Thompson

Oct 19, 2018, 8:52:24 PM10/19/18
to Osmand
It may be possible if you try hard enough. Just for fun I've successfully added various online maps as overlays/underlays in OsmAnd. But reading the small print of the providers, I've yet to find a map source that isn't already built in to OsmAnd that permits this in their terms of service.

SkyVector look the same: see https://skyvector.com/forum/tile-server (I haven't bothered looking at their actual terms of service).

It's frustrating but understandable!

Andrew M

Oct 19, 2018, 8:55:34 PM10/19/18
to osm...@googlegroups.com
my core issue is,  i cannot get the meta files to load with Android 8.1.0.     ive looked high and low for loading the meta data i already have and i cannot find any references.   it worked flawlessly with android 6 and 7 on previous devices.

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
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Alexandre Schmidt

Oct 20, 2018, 7:32:02 PM10/20/18
to Osmand
Hi, there!

I'm not in Android 8, so this message might not help you, but just to make sure: are you using the .metainfo files? I saw another user uploaded his files here: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/osmand/7tq2ZN3BmlQ/9s6MCOIeBAAJ

Are you still using them? Maybe the url syntax has changed?

I recently created a .metainfo file for personal use, so maybe I can help you with this.


Alexandre Schmidt

Oct 20, 2018, 7:34:33 PM10/20/18
to Osmand
BTW I tried to download those files and I'm given a 404 File Not Found, so I can't check the syntax. :(

Andrew Mycoskie

Oct 20, 2018, 7:34:57 PM10/20/18
to osm...@googlegroups.com
thats my older topic,  yes i tried loading them,  but they dont even register in OSM anymore.   

ill have to check the url and see if they changed.   but it should still show the layer info when i click to install the tiles,  correct?    

id love to get the AIRNav maps back into OSM.  

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Alexandre Schmidt

Oct 20, 2018, 7:41:10 PM10/20/18
to Osmand
Can you post a link where you can see AIRNav maps you want as your map source and/or the .metainfo file you've been previously using? Then I can inspect the map to find out more about the url syntax and possibly build an updated version of the .metainfo file.


Oct 20, 2018, 7:54:31 PM10/20/18
to Osmand
I downloaded the high file yesterday, renamed it and it still works. So, server is still at the same url for that one anyway.

Alexandre Schmidt

Oct 20, 2018, 8:11:00 PM10/20/18
to Osmand
Not sure I know what you're talking about...

Well, if Andrew is talking about these maps: http://vfrmap.com/?type=vfrc&lat=31.236&lon=-98.718&zoom=10

Then, checking their url syntax, it seems to be like this: http://vfrmap.com/20180719/tiles/vfrc/10/606/226.jpg

Here, 10 is the zoom level, 606 and 226 are the coords. But it seems like their coordinates system doesn't match OSMAnd's. Check what I've got (attached). Seems like y-axis has an offset. If that's the case, maybe .metainfo should use beanshell, instead of the regular {0}, {1}, {2} syntax.


Alexandre Schmidt

Oct 20, 2018, 8:13:45 PM10/20/18
to Osmand
My .metainfo for now:



Oct 20, 2018, 8:43:32 PM10/20/18
to Osmand
metal, im using the same files you sent to me from a while back in my other original topic, that i linked above. 

none of them worked.  IDK what i did wrong,  i followed the steps the same way as your original instructions.  


Oct 20, 2018, 8:44:26 PM10/20/18
to Osmand
Alexnader, its the exact same links as the topic you quoted that is my original post from a few years back. 


Oct 20, 2018, 8:49:29 PM10/20/18
to Osmand
i have no programming or scripting skills,   that VFRMap is PERFECT,  if you toggle it to Sectional, IFR Low and High and create the metas,  ill download them.   

either im doing something wrong........ or its different now. 

i drop the meta files where?   

im a total noob when it comes to creating scripts and stuff.   im just a hardware junkie and networking technician. 

id be greatly humble if you could list the steps on getting this back into OSM


Oct 21, 2018, 8:19:02 AM10/21/18
to Osmand
I followed the initial instructions in that old Post.

Create a new folder in the tiles folder named to correspond to the map such as "VFR High'.

Copy the .metafile there.

Rename the *.metafile to only be the file type .metafile with no filename. Once you do that, you can look longer see the file with most file browsers. It disappears from the file list, but it's still there for osmand to find and use. Many file managers, such as Windows file manager will not let you rename a file in this way. I use the ES File Explorer app available in the play store.

EDITORIAL COMMENT: It's my opinion that requiring a "hidden" file with type only and no filename is a silly programmers trick by OsmAnd, for some purpose I fail to understand. Osmand should pick the alphabetical first metafile in the folder of any filename and ignore the rest.

If you have done it correctly you should see a new online map available to osmand. You can select it as your underlay layer.
It may take a while for tiles to load, and you may have to adjust zoom and scroll. You have to have an internet connection.

If no tiles appear, then there is something wrong with the .metafile content, of the TMS map tile server is unavailable.

Tiles in the wrong position indicates that the TMS tile server is not in your typical z,x,y format. Try z,y,x. There are some oddball formats that require a calculation that osmand can't handle. If I recall, Bing is one example.

There are non-TMS tile servers such as WMS that osmand can't handle. Some tile servers take exceptional steps to prevent simple programs from using their tiles by obsficating the simple z,x,y style. They don't want you using their servers.


Poutnik the Wanderer

Oct 21, 2018, 9:49:01 AM10/21/18
to osm...@googlegroups.com
In fact, it is not an OSMand trick, nor even an Android trick.

Android is a high level platform built on the basement of Linux and the
Linux filesystem.

In the Linux(and probably Unix as well) world, a filename starting with the
dot is the standard way to mark a hidden file or a folder.

BTW, Linux do not relies on filename.type Windows approach of
distinguishing files, so ".filename" is still a filename and not a type
without a filename.

Linux usually uses content based file distinguishing.

Dne 21. října 2018 14:19:07 Metaluc <rick...@gmail.com> napsal:


Oct 21, 2018, 11:08:06 AM10/21/18
to Osmand

Agreed. But OsmAnd developers chose to use a hidden file. Is there any reason it needs to be hidden? OBF, GPX and XML files are not hidden.

There used to be a UI that could be used to define a remote TMS server if I remember correctly. I could not find that when I looked recently. So, the only way to enable OsmAnd to access a user defined external TMS server is to manipulate the .metainfo file. And it's quite clumsy, and requires lots of explaination to direct people on how to set it up. Most file browsers cannot rename it without a filename. Most file browsers do not offer the option of listing it or deleting it. Finding one that works is not easy. ES File Explorer is the best I've found, but it would not let me overwrite the old one, and there is no way to delete it without deleting the entire subfolder. That's annoying.

Why not just allow it to have a filename so that all file browsers can manipulate it? That's my point. I doubt many users are doing this, so I understand it's a low priority for change, but this minor change would be an improvement for the few of us that find it to be useful and differentiates OsmAnd from a large pack of less capable, less open apps. 😁

Poutnik the Wanderer

Oct 21, 2018, 11:49:49 AM10/21/18
to osm...@googlegroups.com
Very good is also Android version of Total Commander.
It allows listing hidden files and renaming files to .filename.

I was used to ES FE, but abandoned it as many others,
when it development went on the path I did not like.

Dne 21. října 2018 17:08:11 Metaluc <rick...@gmail.com> napsal:

> ....... Most file browsers cannot rename it without a filename. Most file


Oct 21, 2018, 12:07:01 PM10/21/18
to Osmand

Thanks, I'll give Total Commander a try.

ES File Explorer is loaded with lots of distracting junk and ads. It does support zip which was one of my requirements. But, total commander looks cleaner. File managers that come installed in most phones suck.

Andrew Mycoskie

Oct 21, 2018, 12:43:17 PM10/21/18
to osm...@googlegroups.com
i did the original instructions again,  and followed the .metafile rename procedure.   it disappeared as u said,  but OSM is still not showing the map names in the overlay install list.

On Sun, Oct 21, 2018, 12:07 Metaluc <rick...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks, I'll give Total Commander a try.

 ES File Explorer is loaded with lots of distracting junk and ads. It does support zip which was one of my requirements. But, total commander looks cleaner. File managers that come installed in most phones suck.

Alexandre Schmidt

Oct 21, 2018, 12:53:09 PM10/21/18
to Osmand
I have good news.

After taking a deep look at http://vfrmap.com/?type=vfrc&lat=42.5&lon=-120.5&zoom=10, I finally found out how it works. It uses a different tile addressing, so a function had to be developed to convert OSMAnd's XYZ coords to vfrmap.com tile addressing system.

As vfrmap offers 5 different maps (Hybrid VFR, Sectionals, WAC, Low IFR, High IFR), we'll have five different map sources. I attached them all here.

To install them, you'll have to create five foders inside OSMAnd "tiles" directory (on my phone, the path to this directory is /sdcard/Android/data/net.osmand.plus/files/tiles) and put each file in its corresponding directory, but renamed to .metainfo. So you'll have five new directories, each one with a file called .metainfo inside.

That done, you can close OSMAnd app and restart it, then go to Configure map -> Map source... and you should be able to select among the five options.

Alexandre Schmidt

Oct 21, 2018, 12:53:58 PM10/21/18
to Osmand
It's not ".metafile". It is ".metainfo".

Andrew Mycoskie

Oct 21, 2018, 1:06:46 PM10/21/18
to osm...@googlegroups.com
thats what i meant,  ill try the new method.

Alexandre Schmidt

Oct 21, 2018, 1:12:43 PM10/21/18
to Osmand

Tiles in the wrong position indicates that the TMS tile server is not in your typical z,x,y format. Try z,y,x. There are some oddball formats that require a calculation that osmand can't handle. If I recall, Bing is one example.

Considering you may use beanshell, I think this is not a limitation anymore.
There are non-TMS tile servers such as WMS that osmand can't handle. Some tile servers take exceptional steps to prevent simple programs from using their tiles by obsficating the simple z,x,y style. They don't want you using their servers.

It is true that they don't want their servers to be used this way. But, from a programming perspective, it can be done.

Andrew Mycoskie

Oct 21, 2018, 1:18:34 PM10/21/18
to osm...@googlegroups.com
alexander, i tried your method,  no go.  idk why its screwing up. 

Alexandre Schmidt

Oct 21, 2018, 1:35:45 PM10/21/18
to Osmand
Are you sure you create the directories under /sdcard/Android/data/net.osmand.plus/files/tiles? Your path might be different. You can check your directory by going to Settings -> General settings -> Data storage folder. Take note of this folder and make sure you create the files within the tiles subfolder. So that, if your "Data storage folder" is "/some/directory/net.osmand.plus/files", then you have to create the subdirectories inside "tiles", i.e. "/some/directory/net.osmand.plus/files/tiles/<dir1>", "/some/directory/net.osmand.plus/files/tiles/<dir2>", "/some/directory/net.osmand.plus/files/tiles/<dir3>", etc.

For me, "Data storage folder" is "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/net.osmand.plus/files", so my directories and .metainfo files are like this:


Is your file structure like this as well?



Oct 21, 2018, 1:48:34 PM10/21/18
to Osmand

Tried the EHC metafile. Works great! I was not aware of beanshell. Guess I'll have to read up on it. Can it be used in any Java program?

Alexandre Schmidt

Oct 21, 2018, 2:04:37 PM10/21/18
to Osmand
Glad you got it working! :)

OSMAnd seems to use just the beanshell eval() function for now. As far as I read, beanshell is more powerful than this, but it satisfies the current needs, so it's fine... If you want to read more about it, go to http://www.beanshell.org/. They have a comprehensive documentation.

Best wishes!



Oct 21, 2018, 3:07:19 PM10/21/18
to osm...@googlegroups.com
ahhhh,   okay i see what i did

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Alexandre Schmidt <alexandr...@gmail.com>
Date: 10/21/18 13:35 (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Re: OSM and map tiles


Oct 21, 2018, 3:36:15 PM10/21/18
to osm...@googlegroups.com
this is really irritating me,   High VFR works,  low IFR works,  but i cannot get Sectionals to work.

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Alexandre Schmidt <alexandr...@gmail.com>
Date: 10/21/18 14:04 (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Re: OSM and map tiles


Alexandre Schmidt

Oct 21, 2018, 3:48:05 PM10/21/18
to Osmand
Sectionals worked here. Please note that it only covers USA and some minor regions to me. See the attached screenshots.

Andrew Mycoskie

Oct 21, 2018, 3:49:38 PM10/21/18
to osm...@googlegroups.com
im aware its only CONUS,  Thats what i want,  but it fails to load for me

Alexandre Schmidt

Oct 21, 2018, 4:11:56 PM10/21/18
to Osmand
That's weird... Specially because the other ones worked. Maybe some typo with dir or file names?

Andrew Mycoskie

Oct 21, 2018, 4:12:58 PM10/21/18
to osm...@googlegroups.com
no,  its the exact structure u quoted. 

On Sun, Oct 21, 2018, 16:12 Alexandre Schmidt <alexandr...@gmail.com> wrote:
That's weird... Specially because the other ones worked. Maybe some typo with dir or file names?


Alexandre Schmidt

Oct 21, 2018, 4:33:17 PM10/21/18
to Osmand
I wish I could help you, but I don't know how. :(

Andrew Mycoskie

Oct 21, 2018, 4:34:33 PM10/21/18
to osm...@googlegroups.com
id have to wait till i got home,  but i have remote capability on my note 9, but,  im in a area with poor internet

On Sun, Oct 21, 2018, 16:33 Alexandre Schmidt <alexandr...@gmail.com> wrote:
I wish I could help you, but I don't know how. :(


Alexandre Schmidt

Oct 21, 2018, 4:39:00 PM10/21/18
to Osmand
You probably tried that, but anyway, did you close OSMAnd (killed the app) and reopened it to try? It has to reload the map sources each time you install a new one and I found it doesn't happen if I just hit Home button and then click the icon to open. I had to kill (really close) the app. Hope that helps.

Andrew Mycoskie

Oct 21, 2018, 4:40:38 PM10/21/18
to osm...@googlegroups.com
yeah,  i dumped the process with task manager 

On Sun, Oct 21, 2018, 16:39 Alexandre Schmidt <alexandr...@gmail.com> wrote:
You probably tried that, but anyway, did you close OSMAnd (killed the app) and reopened it to try? It has to reload the map sources each time you install a new one and I found it doesn't happen if I just hit Home button and then click the icon to open. I had to kill (really close) the app. Hope that helps.



Oct 21, 2018, 5:16:00 PM10/21/18
to Osmand
Alexandre's sectionals worked for me. 😁

Andrew Mycoskie

Oct 21, 2018, 5:16:48 PM10/21/18
to osm...@googlegroups.com
did u leave then as named or had to rename them?

On Sun, Oct 21, 2018, 17:16 Metaluc <rick...@gmail.com> wrote:
Alexandre's sectionals worked for me. 😁


Oct 21, 2018, 5:41:13 PM10/21/18
to Osmand
I renamed them to .metainfo

Alexandre Schmidt

Oct 21, 2018, 5:41:45 PM10/21/18
to Osmand
Great! Maybe Andrew should delete the entire directory for "sectionals" and recreate it, with the .metainfo file.

Andrew Mycoskie

Oct 21, 2018, 5:44:20 PM10/21/18
to osm...@googlegroups.com
uuuugh,  im gonna get a headache



Oct 21, 2018, 6:02:24 PM10/21/18
to osm...@googlegroups.com
i give up,   idk what is wrong,  its upsetting me royally.  

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Alexandre Schmidt <alexandr...@gmail.com>
Date: 10/21/18 17:41 (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Re: OSM and map tiles



Oct 21, 2018, 6:05:07 PM10/21/18
to osm...@googlegroups.com
High and Low work just fine,  but Sectional refuses to acquire the tiles.

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Alexandre Schmidt <alexandr...@gmail.com>
Date: 10/21/18 17:41 (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Re: OSM and map tiles

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