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Slovakia - Fix Intersecting Buildings - Refilling

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Salim Baidoun

Oct 31, 2024, 8:46:08 AM10/31/24
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Hello Slovakia OSM community,
I would like to inform you that we have refilled the MapRoulette challenge named [Slovakia - Fix Intersecting Buildings](, we’re focusing on finding and fixing cases where buildings overlap on the same layer. When buildings intersect like this, it can make maps look cluttered and harder to read, which can be confusing. By fixing these overlaps, we’ll help make the map clearer and more accurate.

**How Tasks Were Created**  
We generated these tasks by comparing building shapes in OSM to spot overlaps. While most tasks should highlight true intersections, some may be false positives. If that’s the case, feel free to mark them as "Not an Issue" and move on.

Thank you and have a wonderful day,
Salim, TomTom
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