Freemap Slovakia Local Chapter Application

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joost schouppe

Nov 22, 2020, 2:08:57 PM11/22/20
to, OSM Foundation Secretary

Možno si uvedomujete, že spoločnosť požiadala o oficiálnu
miestnu pobočku (local chapter) nadácie OpenStreetMap Foundation. V rámci procesu
podávania žiadosti vás žiadam, slovenskú komunitu, aby ste sa podelili o
akékoľvek otázky, pripomienky alebo obavy, ktoré máte, aby sme ich mohli
vyriešiť. Radi by sme sa od vás dozvedeli, že podporujete túto žiadosť.

Všetky informácie o tejto žiadosti nájdete na webovej stránke OSMF:

Toto kolo diskusie uzavrieme o dva týždne (7 Dec 2020).
Môžete odpovedať tu alebo poslať správu na board (at)
Teším sa na vaše odpovede.


You may be aware that Freemap Slovakia has applied to become an official Local Chapter of the OpenStreetMap Foundation. As part of the application process, we would like to ask you, the local community in Slovakia, how you feel about this. Do you support this application? Do you have any questions, comments or concerns?

You can find all the information about this Local Chapter application on the OSMF website:

We will close this round of discussion two weeks from now (7 Dec 2020).
You can reply here or send a message to board (at)
I am looking forward to hearing your responses.

Thank you to the Freemap Slovakia team for this submission.

Joost Schouppe
OpenStreetMap Foundation

Name & Registered Office:
OpenStreetMap Foundation
St John’s Innovation Centre
Cowley Road
United Kingdom
A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales
Registration No. 05912761

Andrej Shadura

Nov 23, 2020, 8:12:36 AM11/23/20
to, OSM Foundation Secretary, Michal Páleník, joost schouppe

On Sun, 22 Nov 2020, at 20:08, joost schouppe wrote:
You may be aware that Freemap Slovakia has applied to become an official Local Chapter of the OpenStreetMap Foundation. As part of the application process, we would like to ask you, the local community in Slovakia, how you feel about this. Do you support this application? Do you have any questions, comments or concerns?

You can find all the information about this Local Chapter application on the OSMF website:

We will close this round of discussion two weeks from now (7 Dec 2020).
You can reply here or send a message to board (at)
I am looking forward to hearing your responses.

Thank you to the Freemap Slovakia team for this submission.

Yay, I’m glad this is finally happening. I suggested Freemap could become a local chapter back in 2013 and I fully support this.
Which makes me think, I should finally become a member officially.


Martin Ždila

Nov 23, 2020, 9:19:44 AM11/23/20
to osm_sk, OSM Foundation Secretary
Hi Joost,

I certainly welcome this application for the OSM local chapter. Not only because I am one of the initiators ;-)

So far I have no questions.

Best regards

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