Version 1.3

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Sep 2, 2014, 9:59:53 PM9/2/14
Hello.  Was wondering when version 1.3 might be available.  Like other users, I'd like to be able to update only a specific region instead of the entire planet.  Updating the entire planet is taking a really long time and so far I've been unable to process a single region (USA west).  I'm able to locate some Garmin img files that have been created, but the installer.bat file is nowhere to be found.  Is it possible to download the installer.bat file, or is it created during processing of a region?  Please let me know.  Would really like to get this program to work.

Frantisek Mantlik

Sep 2, 2014, 10:40:12 PM9/2/14
Dear user, the installer.bat is created as a last step for each region processing. It must be created for the particular region after all other processing steps are finished.

In the near future I am not able to come with a new version. I am too busy to achieve this soon. As a maximum, hopefully I will be able to upgrade used tools to recent versions, but this will not speed up processing or change current functionality significantly.

Of course, you or anybody else can clone the repository and continue development. If significant improvements will be achieved, it will be my great pleasure to include changes (together with author's credentials, of course) into the main development branch.
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