How can I configure the brouter to build a route to this point?

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Максим Казанцев

Jul 19, 2022, 5:28:14 AM7/19/22
to OSM Android bikerouting

I use brouter to build a route for rivers.

There are some points far from the route. And a route cannot be built for them.

For example

url for test

How can I configure the brouter to build a route to my point?

Максим Казанцев

Jul 19, 2022, 5:32:07 AM7/19/22
to OSM Android bikerouting
Or how can I change the route ? Where is river route data imported into Brouter?

Poutnik Fornntp

Jul 19, 2022, 6:24:46 AM7/19/22
to Максим Казанцев, OSM Android bikerouting
Note that Brouter itself ( application, web backend ), can create route only along define OSM line structures.

 If the water body does not have such a line defined, or the desired route or its point do not follow such a line, Brouter cannot create a route.

BRouter clients ( Routing apps, web frontend ) have non-Brouter features to add route point out of such lines. That part is then equivalent to a route formed from freely defined points, independent on the map data.

Dne 19. července 2022 11:28:17 Максим Казанцев <> napsal:

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