fighting paper mills

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Glenn Hampson

Jan 16, 2024, 2:49:06 PMJan 16

From LinkedIn, here’s more interesting info from James Butcher today: And here’s the full text in case you aren’t on LinkedIn:


Scholarly publishers' content will come under increasing scrutiny in 2024.

The open access gold rush is over. There are new sheriffs in town.

Last week's APE meeting demonstrated the power of tools like Signals and Clear-Skies (developed by 
Elliott Lumb and Adam Day) to identify papers that may have research integrity issues.

Crucially, the tools can also be used to assess the trustworthiness of content published at the journal and portfolio level.

A recent preprint by 
Simon Porter and Leslie McIntosh from Digital Science provides another way to identify articles that come from paper mills (see:

As generative AI improves, fake text will become harder to spot. Detecting unusual clusters of authors is likely to be a more viable approach.

For example, a paper that has 5 authors, none of whom has published before, is a red flag. Author networks are harder for paper mills to fabricate than text.

Figure 6 in the preprint shows the proportion of content from 10 leading publishers that have likely been generated by paper mills.

IOP Publishing is the only publisher that is getting better, not worse, at spotting the fakes over time.

Publishers risk reputational damage if they publish fraudulent articles. If submissions fall, so will revenues, especially on open access journals.

Investment in research integrity tools and teams is mission critical.

What other tools should be on publishers' radar? Please leave a comment below.


chart, line chart



Kaveh Bazargan

Jan 16, 2024, 4:42:29 PMJan 16
to Glenn Hampson,
Hi Glenn

Research Integrity is definitely going to be the topic of 2024 in publishing. It's actually more serious than people realise. I am in a small group working on the solution to the problem. Some points:
  • I know both Adam and Elliott well and they are doing good work. Elliott's work, Signals, is the most interesting for me. You can try it yourself by entering a DOI.
  • There is also Guillaume Cabanac's Problematic Paper Screener that finds so-called Tortured Phrases. These are deliberately reworded text to get around plagiarism checkers, leading to ridiculous phrases such as "fluffy rationale" instead of "fuzzy logic"!! If you think it's not a problem look at 970 papers already published with this phrase.
  • Then there is the huge area of figure manipulation. This is where we have been most active, supporting the great sleuths such as Elisabeth Bik. We have produced some 1600 animations in this area. In case you are interested here is a recent presentation from me specifically on image misconduct. (I will also be presenting at the R2R conference in Feb.)
  • Generative AI is going to compound the problem for sure, both in text and in images. Here is an example I gave regarding PhotoShop Generative AI.
  • IOP Publishing have been very good at dealing with the problem, and have even announced they will be donating the original APCs for retracted articles to charity!
Happy to give any more details and thank you for raising the issue here.


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Kaveh Bazargan PhD
Accelerating the Communication of Research

Rob Johnson

Jan 17, 2024, 7:35:03 AMJan 17
to The Open Scholarship Initiative
Thanks for those updates Glenn and Kaveh, I agree 2024 is shaping up to be the year of research integrity. The Chinese have recently stepped up their efforts to address publication misconduct and have issued new guidance on the use of generative AI in research which it's worth being aware of. For more on this see my post on LinkedIn reviewing the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology's new "Guidelines for Responsible Research Conduct":

Best wishes,

Rob Johnson (he/him)

Managing Director



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