Improvement to build documentation

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Kenn Sebesta

Nov 21, 2012, 6:11:17 PM11/21/12

The project seems like exactly what I need, but the build instructions aren't very clear. They assume a high degree of familiarity with certain tools, which might not come to users who simply install osg with a 'brew install open-scene-graph'. Any chance of adding a bit more information to the instructions?

Paul Martz

Nov 21, 2012, 11:04:57 PM11/21/12
Hi -- osgWorks uses CMake for building, is that the tool that you're referring
to? What additional information would you like to see?

I'm not opposed to documenting how to use CMake with osgWorks (and I think the
wiki covers that: but
I am reluctant to redundantly document a project that is fully documented elsewhere.

Please provide more information regarding what you found to be unclear in the
wiki, so that you (or others) can clarify.

On 11/21/2012 4:11 PM, Kenn Sebesta wrote:
> Hi--
> The project seems like exactly what I need, but the build instructions aren't very clear. They assume a high degree of familiarity with certain tools, which might not come to users who simply install osg with a 'brew install open-scene-graph'. Any chance of adding a bit more information to the instructions?
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Kenn Sebesta

Nov 21, 2012, 11:20:58 PM11/21/12
Hi -- osgWorks uses CMake for building, is that the tool that you're referring to? What additional information would you like to see?

Specifically? I'd like to know what exact commands to type in the console in order to make this work. I'm trying to get some software working that was written by someone else, so my actual knowledge of what's going on is limited right now (although I am picking it up as I go along). So it's not that the wiki is unclear, it's that it could go a little more indepth. For instance, "Open the OSGInstallType pulldown menu in the CMake GUI and select Default Installation, Alternate Installation, or Source And Build Tree." is a very clear instruction. But it doesn't give much background, such as what program to use that has the OSGInstallType menu. Since 'brew install open-scene-graph' is the only thing you have to do to get OSG on a Mac, I might have skipped over some important documentation for understanding what's left unsaid in the wiki.

I understand that this might not be something you have time to do, so there's no pressure.

Paul Martz

Nov 22, 2012, 12:09:10 PM11/22/12
With CMake, there is no "exact command" to type. What you do depends entirely on
what type of build system you want to create, where you want to create it, where
your dependencies are installed, and whether you want to use the command line or
GUI version of CMake. The Kitware web page contains full docs.

Thanks for your email, though. I reviewed the wiki information, and updated and
enhanced it. If you are still unclear as to how to build osgWorks, feel free to
ask for help.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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Nov 22, 2012, 3:42:28 PM11/22/12
to osgworks-users
Great, that helped a bunch. I was able to compile it and install.
However, now when I try to use it it segfaults. This is on both OSX
10.6.8 and OSX 10.7.4.

Specifically, I have a simple OSG example that I have been given,
along with the command to compile it. What I ultimately want to
accomplish is to stream the rendered images to an embedded processor
so I can test some image analysis algorithms in hardware in the loop.
Thus, my interest is in ScreenCapture.

If I simply include the library -losgwTools in the g++ command, then
my program segfaults. If I remove the library then the program works
fine (as expected). I tried building screencap.cpp, and was
successful. It worked, but after reading your website I realized it
wasn't finding the cow.osg (because of the problem with osgwwhich on
OSX). So when I put cow.osg in the local directory, screencap.cpp

Any ideas?

P.S. If you'd like, I can start this as a new thread post, instead of
adding it here to the build documentation discussion.

Paul Martz

Nov 23, 2012, 10:05:07 AM11/23/12
What OSX SDK did you build osgWorks for, and what OSX SDK is your prebuilt OSG
for? I'm no OSX expert, but I'm guessing they must match.

(The problem with osgwwhich shouldn't affect finding the cow model. If you have
OSG_FILE_PATH set correctly, screencap will find the cow.)

Perhaps a stack trace for the screencap crash would be informative. Before you
get the stack trace, make sure you build osgWorks with debug symbol information.
To do this, run cmake-gui and set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Debug, generate your
project files, then completely rebuild osgworks. Then get the stack trace from
the crash and post it here.


Nov 24, 2012, 11:00:35 PM11/24/12
to osgworks-users
> What OSX SDK did you build osgWorks for, and what OSX SDK is your prebuilt OSG
> for? I'm no OSX expert, but I'm guessing they must match.

It turns out that by poking around with CMake-gui, I was able to
compile the toolchain with xcode, instead of with make. The results
differ in that now I can run ScreenCapture (although I still cannot
run my existing program, no idea why).

I've been poking around at ScreenCapture, trying to get it to support
UDP streaming in addition to saving to disk. Would this interest you?
If so, how should I get this code back upstream to your project?

Paul Martz

Nov 25, 2012, 9:48:07 AM11/25/12
For any changes to osgWorks, open an issue, attach a patch file, and set the
issue type as Enhancement. When I've committed the change, I'll resolve the
issue. Thanks!
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